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[Discussion] Clarification on the old Clean up Britannia system



- Were the statuettes that you could choose random, or selectable?
- Did they change to become "1st year veteran reward" later on?
- Is the liche statuette "lich" or "liche"?

- The "Facial Hair Growth and Sculpturing Cream" deed that is listed on the holiday guide - is this a bottle or a deed (as it says)?

- The phoenix armour - nose or norse :)

Also interested in how the system "was" - any screenshot would help also.. what did you hand things into, what items were taken, what "points" were given for what etc.

Thanks for any info in advance!

Beleth of Atlantic

- Were the statuettes that you could choose random, or selectable?
- Did they change to become "1st year veteran reward" later on?
- Is the liche statuette "lich" or "liche"?

- The "Facial Hair Growth and Sculpturing Cream" deed that is listed on the holiday guide - is this a bottle or a deed (as it says)?

- The phoenix armour - nose or norse :)

Also interested in how the system "was" - any screenshot would help also.. what did you hand things into, what items were taken, what "points" were given for what etc.

Thanks for any info in advance!
The statues were random and all became 1st year veteran reward. The liche statue was a typo on lich corpses back in the day and was used on the original statues I believe. They no longer have a chance to come as "liche".

The Facial Hair Growth and Sculpting Cream was a bottle like the old hair dye bottles and was grey I believe.

Phoenix armor came with "norse" helm at the time because the nose helms were all mislabled like that. The ones from the Asian servers were "nose" I believe.


You handed items into your trashcan. lol just dumped stuff in there by the boatload. Don't know how many points per item all i remember is my ID wands got 1 point per charge. :D Got enough points for my Nifty Neon Blue hair and Beard dye.


"The Facial Hair Growth and Sculpting Cream was a bottle like the old hair dye bottles and was grey I believe."

Ah ha, bottle and NOT deed! Thanks!

Beleth of Atlantic

Oops I think your right, sorry brainfart there.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
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I remember the statues as being rewards for house placement when Trammel went live. Of course that was ages ago, but I do not recall the statues being part of the Cleanup.


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