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I'm Back!!! (and better than ever)



Decided I'd give this thing a try again, it's been years. There probably won't be a single one of you that knows who I am because I was never a very active forum member and played back when Catskills actually had a decent sized population. Where is everyone? :(

Anyways, a few people I would like to get back in contact with in the off chance they play this still or at least glance at the forums from time to time:
Nevyn and his wife, and Wonderbrick. If anyone knows the whereabouts of these individuals please report to your nearest town sheriff for a reward... or just send me a PM.

Glad to be back everyone, I'm sure I'll be seeing some of you around towns or dungeons since the shard seems a bit scarce nowadays.


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Social Media Liaison
Campaign Supporter
Welcome back. I think the activity here always dies a bit due to spring/summer fever. Then it picks back up towards the fall/winter. In the mean time we seem to do well amusing ourselves here on the forums. Between pvp drama and RP drama the wonders never cease :lol: . Good to see another old player returning.


Welcome back. I think the activity here always die a bit due to spring/summer fever. Then it picks back up towards the fall/winter. In the mean time we seem to do well amusing ourselves here on the forums. Between pvp drama and RP drama the wonders never cease :lol: . Good to see another old player returning.
That would be nice... though I think the shard and game has also just lost a large amount of people over the last few years.. :)

Still lots of fun to be had though, and new friends to be made I hope. Thanks.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO as a whole have lost a lot of people a while back. But lately it seems I hear a fair amount of old players are returning. Even with UO's current population Catskills is still pretty healthy population-wise. Although, right now (as Giggles said) we tend to see a bit of a dip as people are out enjoying the nice weather.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back!

Although, right now (as Giggles said) we tend to see a bit of a dip as people are out enjoying the nice weather.
Speak for yourselves :) I bought a bike a month ago and I would say we've had maybe 5 days of sunny weather here in KC since. I'll be glad when the monsoon season is over here so I can get in some highway time.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Speak for yourselves :) I bought a bike a month ago and I would say we've had maybe 5 days of sunny weather here in KC since. I'll be glad when the monsoon season is over here so I can get in some highway time.
It never fails. Its like that damn bird that craps on your car right as you're pulling out of the car wash.


Black Sun, I recognize your name from years ago, I don't think we ever talked though so you probably don't remember me. But it's good to see familiar names still around.

By the way (to everyone) I was thinking of making a separate thread for this, but thought that might annoy people. I am looking to join a non-rp small guild (like less than 10 people). Please contact me here or in pm if your small guild is recruiting. Thanks everyone!

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been kicking around here for a few years now. Started playing back in 2000 with a little break there someplace in the middle. I came here after the official UO board closed.

What are you looking for in a guild exactly besides non RP? PvP, PvM, PvE, Spawning, Raiding?


I've been kicking around here for a few years now. Started playing back in 2000 with a little break there someplace in the middle. I came here after the official UO board closed.

What are you looking for in a guild exactly besides non RP? PvP, PvM, PvE, Spawning, Raiding?
Just looking for a group that can help me get back into the swing of things. I love champ spawns and doom gauntlet, and PvM in general. I also enjoy PvP but don't want a guild where PvP is ALL they do. I like small guilds because I hate dealing with large guild politics and having to attend big formal guild meetings every week. However, if there are any large informal kind of guilds around I may be interested in that as well.


I'm on ur board, necroing ur threads.

Vlaude, you played a little bit with Black Sun awhile ago. Towards the end of when you played, I think. I recall him a bit when he started, anyway.

My ICQ is still 25030144, although I don't really play anymore. Maybe sometime in the future, who knows. I find it funny that they finally did the Naval "expansion" everyone was bugging them about since well before AoS.