It will be moderated by Lord Hunter, Poo and the Admins may make guest appearances (just in case) - therefore it will not be free for all smacktalk.
Basic rules:
no heavy profanity (if it's in the filter, it's there for a reason, don't bypass it);
no personal stuff (you suck as archer is OK, you suck RL and live in mommy's basement is not);
no porn / racism / RL discrimination;
no exploits/hacks links/how-to's scripting and/or freeshards, this also includes even roughly hinting at any of these things, I mean it dont even hint at these things or find a nice PM from me;
no pictures you would not want your mother to see(Or a GM!!);
no links to objectionable content, especially if not UO-related.
Hunters Rules
Posting pictures over and over of the same thing is annoying don't be that guy, post it once and I pomise you people will see it.
Posting pictures with special modifications. The biggest infraction I can find will be given.
Whining is not welcome, this is a PvP thread not a lets cry and get pity thread. Your all suppose to be murderers for heavens sake. Act like cold blooded killers!
Not accepting a duel from another pvper or guild is highly frowned upon...*Cough*...*Cough* plus it makes you look weak.
Hiding in your house and snapping a picture is not PvP.
Snapping a picture of a person you killed while you are surrounded by your guildmates is not PvP, its a gank. Duh
Oh and Bards Rule all.
Enter at own risk, if you think it may be not for your frail nerves - stop reading now.
Also if you guys can not obey these rules action will be taken agaisnt your account. You will no longer receive warnings.
And most importantly, Have Fun Guys!
Basic rules:
no heavy profanity (if it's in the filter, it's there for a reason, don't bypass it);
no personal stuff (you suck as archer is OK, you suck RL and live in mommy's basement is not);
no porn / racism / RL discrimination;
no exploits/hacks links/how-to's scripting and/or freeshards, this also includes even roughly hinting at any of these things, I mean it dont even hint at these things or find a nice PM from me;
no pictures you would not want your mother to see(Or a GM!!);
no links to objectionable content, especially if not UO-related.
Hunters Rules
Posting pictures over and over of the same thing is annoying don't be that guy, post it once and I pomise you people will see it.
Posting pictures with special modifications. The biggest infraction I can find will be given.
Whining is not welcome, this is a PvP thread not a lets cry and get pity thread. Your all suppose to be murderers for heavens sake. Act like cold blooded killers!
Not accepting a duel from another pvper or guild is highly frowned upon...*Cough*...*Cough* plus it makes you look weak.
Hiding in your house and snapping a picture is not PvP.
Snapping a picture of a person you killed while you are surrounded by your guildmates is not PvP, its a gank. Duh
Oh and Bards Rule all.
Enter at own risk, if you think it may be not for your frail nerves - stop reading now.
Also if you guys can not obey these rules action will be taken agaisnt your account. You will no longer receive warnings.
And most importantly, Have Fun Guys!