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[Discussion] A spot of clarification

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A few things that have come up recently.

1. Although Tomas is the only mod here, I can (and do) deal with RoC breaches anywhere I find them. I watch the boards through this link: http://vboards.stratics.com/vaispy.php

2. Wootsauce pointed out a breach of our rule concerning alt accounts. Using such to bid up auctions was one of the primary reasons we brought that rule in - if you notice it happening, please use the 'report post' button or even drop me a pm if you prefer. We're not all seeing and all knowing and we really only check for links between usernames if our 'spideysense' tingles.

If you have any other questions I'll do my best to answer them, but remember, we're here to keep the rules of conduct, not police what happens in uo.


That is the coolest link ever! I grow tired of going back and forth to every forum!:thumbup1:


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
*smiles* I use the same tool. It is rather cool.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let me ask you moderators this...

1) what good is a moderator if no one in the end uses the forum?
2) If you are to run this like a business...please explain where theft fits into the equation?
3) using multiple user names to bump your own product? I understand that you SAY doing so is against the rules...but why is no one enforcing those when a matter is turned in?
4) Petra, as an admin...is it not your duty to oversee the moderators? Do you not find it odd that so many people are in disagreement with the current moderation...do you think this has any bearing on the person you currently have in charge?

Now think on these if you would...they are all honest questions...


Let me ask you moderators this...

1) what good is a moderator if no one in the end uses the forum?
2) If you are to run this like a business...please explain where theft fits into the equation?
3) using multiple user names to bump your own product? I understand that you SAY doing so is against the rules...but why is no one enforcing those when a matter is turned in?
4) Petra, as an admin...is it not your duty to oversee the moderators? Do you not find it odd that so many people are in disagreement with the current moderation...do you think this has any bearing on the person you currently have in charge?

Now think on these if you would...they are all honest questions...

Are you sure it's the moderator that most people have an issue with? I think it's maybe more the whole environment/rules that regulate stratics here in this forum.

I can definitely see your side of the issue with the glasses, but in the end I feel Tomas is just carrying out ugly rules.


Old and in the way
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Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Let me ask you moderators this...

1) what good is a moderator if no one in the end uses the forum?
You are here. Many others as well.

2) If you are to run this like a business...please explain where theft fits into the equation?
We generally frown on theft. Unless it is a skill used in game.

3) using multiple user names to bump your own product? I understand that you SAY doing so is against the rules...but why is no one enforcing those when a matter is turned in?
*smiles* again be careful what you ask for.

4) Petra, as an admin...is it not your duty to oversee the moderators? Do you not find it odd that so many people are in disagreement with the current moderation...do you think this has any bearing on the person you currently have in charge?
It is one of her duties... One of many. This is not how we deal with this issue.

Now think on these if you would...they are all honest questions...

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Excuse me? WTF is your answer to #3 supposed to mean? I have never used another account while one is active. (until I get banned or leave...I will continue to post on this one...)

#4...are you petra? (I believe it was Petra directly who asked if we had questions...so she opened this door Kelmo)

Oh and...if things keep up down the current path...I won't be posting here much longer...


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
My answer to three is I do not think you want me as a mod here. Trust me..

4... No. I am not Petra. I am not over stepping my boundries either. Just ask her.

Post as you will. Your choice.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Hmm Tomas Bryce Rares Forum Mod....

Always Spanked me when I was wrong, ( I always knew I was when I did it), Answered all my PM's pretty darn quick, very well versed on what’s in the stickies and teaching me to look there first before I made a stupid post, Sarcasm! I love it!

Seriously folks These people are all VOLUNTEERS who spend their time holding a community accountable to the rules put in place and helping to provide us with a space to come together in fellowship.

I have never really had a problem with Tomas or any of the other Mods for that matter. I seriously appreciate the time Tomas puts into managing one of the most challenging forums on stratics I am sure.

I guess what I am saying if you think you can do a better job step up and apply. After a few years you might earn the privilege to run this forum or one of the other heavily populated ones on stratics.

Imagine what this place would look like without a VOLUNTEER to hold down the fort. No Mods in a Rares forum? Come on community I know I am not the only one who respects the hard work Tomas is doing and frankly all of the Mods across the forums.

If You have not heard it lately…… THANK YOU for all your hard work!!!! I appreciate you providing me a place to further enjoy a game I love to no end.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually Kelmo...I don't have an issue with your moderation. At least you take the time to look at things fairly. Perhaps incidents like the one that occurred on Pacific could be avoided IF things were looked at with a fresh perspective. As I have stated for some time and others as well, things are out of hand and in need of one.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Send your concerns to the admins. I am not one... I am just a brute. I am comfortable with that. *flexes*

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Nabin, all it takes is one incident to change a persons mind.
and that is the Sad state of affairs.

Don't you think that a fair and honest approach as in looking at the whole instead of just one incident would be the right approach? Heck you just thanked Kelmo for being Fair. I am sure he would admit to screwing something up every once in awhile.

Like I said. I can not imagine the effort it takes to mod this forum and how well versed you have to be in the community, the items, the rules and the given drama.

I have never had an issue with you my friend, I just ask that you provide some grace here.

I could never fill the shoes of Tomas here and I do not feel 99% of us who use the forum could either.

This has got to take a lot of work and we really need to thank them for that and respect the effort. :thumbup1:

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you forget that Tomas both makes and enforces those rules?
Tomas does not make the rules. In fact, I think the same rules have existed with the exclusion of selling for RL $ since before Tomas was a moderator. If you don't like the rules, work through the proper channels and try to get them changed. The moderators only enforce the rules from the channels higher up, they do not create them.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Im on cowbys side here as my previous post entailed.

Things need to change with the current rate off afaires.

If i didnt have half a brain id be leaning towards why said MOD allows some items to pass under his nose but not otheres and how much of a bribe it took to make him close his eyes for a day......


Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tomas does not make the rules. In fact, I think the same rules have existed with the exclusion of selling for RL $ since before Tomas was a moderator. If you don't like the rules, work through the proper channels and try to get them changed. The moderators only enforce the rules from the channels higher up, they do not create them.
I am done discussing this publicly, much of why I feel the way I do I cannot express in open channel.

Which reminds me...it is ok for someone to brag about scamming someone in another Stratics UO forum, but here if we mention what was said there we face penalty and the posts end up removed. What does that mean? Stratics knowingly and willingly has no issue with harboring scammers and thieves in the name of community. (example: The whole pacific incident)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am done discussing this publicly, much of why I feel the way I do I cannot express in open channel.

Which reminds me...it is ok for someone to brag about scamming someone in another Stratics UO forum, but here if we mention what was said there we face penalty and the posts end up removed. What does that mean? Stratics knowingly and willingly has no issue with harboring scammers and thieves in the name of community. (example: The whole pacific incident)
Just give up mate, there is another forum thats starting to grow and prosper out of this one. I cant say what forum and i cant say why as pretty much any opinion you have here will get you flammed.



Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Good. I will hold you to that.
Np, I will sit down and order another drink. *BARTENDER!*
Let's meet up at the pub and I will buy the drinks. I have time for at least 10 or 12 and a bag of gold that would cover 50 or so.... Enough for a long conversation and some good fellowship.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am done discussing this publicly, much of why I feel the way I do I cannot express in open channel.

Which reminds me...it is ok for someone to brag about scamming someone in another Stratics UO forum, but here if we mention what was said there we face penalty and the posts end up removed. What does that mean? Stratics knowingly and willingly has no issue with harboring scammers and thieves in the name of community.

I don't like the anti-scammer rule as much as you do. However, to come down on Tomas for a rule he didn't create isn't the answer or the solution. Not posting scammer, hacker, cheaters names has been a long standing rule of this website. It just hit close to home for us and the pain is still raw, but this rule has been around a long time. You're shooting the delivery boy here.

RC, I agree it sucks if someone has admitted to cheating, hacking, scamming etc on these forums that we can't remind folks of what they did. Instead of letting this pain tear us apart as a community, we need to band together. The ones involved are probably laughing themselves silly at all of us at each others throats. We are allowing them to cause more damage to our community by splitting us apart.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm with you RC. I'm done posting here, I'm done selling here... I absolutely know that some will say, "don't let the door hit you on the way out".... but I've done my best to be honest and fair in my dealings, everyone makes mistakes, like Nabin has stated...but this forum has become something it should not be.

I want to be in an environment with some accountability. A few weeks ago, I was accused of being a "duper/scammer" just because I had a thread stating that I was moving a collection of rubble from Catskills to Atlantic to sale.... wtf?

So many people here are just too quick to call someone out for wrong-doing with absolutely NO proof, yet when people OPENLY post about scamming others, they are harbored by an "out of whack" ROC....

It's just idiotic.

IF, and I'm not egotistical enough to believe it will happen, anyone wants to find me, I'll be on uoforums.com where there is an eBay style rating system for traders, they still allow account sales, and if you choose, you may accept cash if a buyer chooses to buy that way....

I've started a user group there, "Rare Collectors United" that already has members that posts here regularly (or used to post here regularly) and there is also a Rares Discussion Board and a Rares PC/Trade forum....

Oh, no advertising = hardly any lag.... just saying


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Then I will fade away. I am not your mod. The most treasured rare I have is a trammel moon stone. It means a lot to me.

Just know Mod bashing does not fly. Take it to the admins if you really have issues.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't like the anti-scammer rule as much as you do. However, to come down on Tomas for a rule he didn't create isn't the answer or the solution. Not posting scammer, hacker, cheaters names has been a long standing rule of this website. It just hit close to home for us and the pain is still raw, but this rule has been around a long time. You're shooting the delivery boy here.

RC, I agree it sucks if someone has admitted to cheating, hacking, scamming etc on these forums that we can't remind folks of what they did. Instead of letting this pain tear us apart as a community, we need to band together. The ones involved are probably laughing themselves silly at all of us at each others throats. We are allowing them to cause more damage to our community by splitting us apart.
Well, my intent is not to tear things apart...never has been. However when I am seen as the bad guy for expressing concern...it bothers me. Guess that is what makes me human...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A few things that have come up recently.

1. Although Tomas is the only mod here, I can (and do) deal with RoC breaches anywhere I find them. I watch the boards through this link: http://vboards.stratics.com/vaispy.php

2. Wootsauce pointed out a breach of our rule concerning alt accounts. Using such to bid up auctions was one of the primary reasons we brought that rule in - if you notice it happening, please use the 'report post' button or even drop me a pm if you prefer. We're not all seeing and all knowing and we really only check for links between usernames if our 'spideysense' tingles.

If you have any other questions I'll do my best to answer them, but remember, we're here to keep the rules of conduct, not police what happens in uo.
That is an AWSOME link I love your petra :D




Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Send your concerns to the admins. I am not one... I am just a brute. I am comfortable with that. *flexes*

LOL Kelmo you are just a class act! I truly do not know anyone on the stratics boards that put up with as much BS as you do and you always take it so well. I really don't know how you handle what you do with all the smiles :) Maybe as they say, the older you get the more you can tolerate. Anyway my hat goes off to you for doing such an awesome job, keep up the good work. :shots:


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As a moderator, I have to be neutral. Half the times I give infractions to a group of people for breaking the rules of conduct, I get accused by everyone involved of favoring the other. There are many times when I am forced to act against someone even though I might agree with what they are saying.

Regardless of that, I know that I can come off as a ******* more often than I would like. If I have offended you, then I would humbly apologize. I have never held any intention but to help others, especially the layman collector. I have received a tremendous amount of heat in the past for efforts such as dupe list. But, I have always believed in providing equal access to information to everyone. I also know that the best intentions alone cannot guarantee a positive outcome.

Stratics rules will not allow a poll asking you if you want me to continue as a moderator. However, if you want to air your opinion, you are always welcome to PM me. I have no interest in continuing being a moderator, if people do not wish it.


Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As a moderator, I have to be neutral. Half the times I give infractions to a group of people for breaking the rules of conduct, I get accused by everyone involved of favoring the other. There are many times when I am forced to act against someone even though I might agree with what they are saying.
You have the ability to use discretion, I don't think it is unreasonable for us to ask you to use it more often. Nuff said.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am willing to accept applications from people willing to help moderate this board. Two moderators on a board is always preferable to one person trying to shoulder the full responsibility.