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[Discussion] Do we need a new MOD for this forum?

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As title, do we need a new MOD for this forum as the well respected person who has been in place for many years has become judgemental and predigest towards people and issues we dont all agree with but as they are the MOD we have no choice and have to do what they say?

Said person also has complication with many people on this forum currently and it has become an issue for alot of people as said person judges alot of people on there own views and issues, but as a person of power they MUST NOT be judgmental but judgeless to respect the comunities wishes.

If im wrong just say as im asking for a comunity view.


If there is an issue with a moderator, contact the admins. Posts like this one are not constructive. This is a private forum, so the decision is not a "comunity" one.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Thunderz... This is not a democracy. You can not vote mods in and out. Yes, at times we may seem judgemental, it is our job. Openly questioning a mod is not the way to go. Read through the Faq.

If you have issues with any mod including myself the means to address this are there in the FAQ. *tips hat*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thunderz... This is not a democracy. You can not vote mods in and out. Yes, at times we may seem judgemental, it is our job. Openly questioning a mod is not the way to go. Read through the Faq.

If you have issues with any mod including myself the means to address this are there in the FAQ. *tips hat*
I disagree as we are a COMUNITY and if 51% of us are unhappy with our MOD then we have the right to say so. If we do not have the right to decide we are unhappy with our MOD then we should all be banned and we will move to another site if that is what you request?

Please lay the rules down to us. Sorry im the person to speak up but if WE as a comunity cant voice our oppinoins and concerns then this is comunism not democrace and i guess all of us will leave if thats what your request?



No we don't. Feel free to leave.

Edit: If mods could be voted out.. We'd either have none, or at the bare minimum Petra and Magdelene would be gone.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WOW and i thought stratics wanted to grow and embrace games with a new MD and all right now, not die like the USSR did under Russias comunism

If that is the MODS views thats fine ill conform but you know im gona try my luck jumping that berlin wall to get to the west and not spend a life of slaver in the east. Even if i might get shot [most of you might be to young to remember the berlin wall]



Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Petra, Mags and all of the other admins checked off on me for just this reason. They trust my judgment (yes, judgment, we do that) in situations like this.

I am not an Admin. I am just their "night watch man" or meat shield as the case may be.

I have advised you on the proper way to address this. We are done here.

Again... Apologies to Tomas. I do not make a habit of this sort of thing. I do not do it lightly.
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