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Classic UO font...

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Thanks to last patch, we've been able to put in our own fonts into our custom EC UIs. Well some people may remember that as part of the "great loss" of UO assets, one of the things lost was the original fonts for UO.

Right now, there's a (very amateur) version around online called OltimaUnline, however that one is very low resolution and distorted.

So our own poster and modder Zym Dragon has been busy and has recreated the font from scratch and the outcome is MUCH smoother and faithful to the original... and this is the "rough" version.

So for those who have been waiting to see the return of the original UO font, Zym has done it and we've incorporated it into our UI mods for the EC.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now if only we could get shaded fonts back...

Is there any way to make a generic vector image of the fonts that can be overlayed over text in action? Does that even make any sense? I mean.. like.. a vector image that acts as a new semitransparent layer (the letters in the image seperated and displayed like how a game rom would access sprite data for letters) over whatever text that's displayed that contains the necessary gradient shading to replicate the fonts?

And where can we get the font?

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

What exactly do you mean by shaded? Are you talking about the really old version that would be lighter up top and darker towards the bottom?

And you can get the font itself here.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's exactly what I meant. "Shaded Fonts" was the name for it that was used in the config file. I'm just trying to think of a creative way to get around the limitations of truetype fonts to do it.

Felonious Monk

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dermott. Thank you! I gotta say I was so bummed when this EC client was revealed.
I am so thrilled that you and a few others Have improved the EC client by Mods beyond what mythic was willing to do for all their reasoning.
I see you have the newest copper enhanced showing imbuing weights now.
Copper Looks great!
Thank you!

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

The EC has been a weird ride (KR as well for that matter), but the last patchset (counting the main patch and the 2 mini-patches) has done well by the EC.

Glad you're enjoying Copper Enhanced. I've added in the Classic font to it in the Fonts section in User Settings. I've added it more to the actual UI elements in Stone Enhanced.

Now we just have to come up with the next batch of little additions we can add in :)

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Has anyone asked the devs if they have the old fonts? They might be willing to post them here, or on uo.com.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Yes, back during KR we asked why they weren't in KR, Jeremy being the Community Coordinator at the time informed us in effect that they were among the resources lost (along with original art assets/pipeline).

I know when Zym gets them smoothed out, he's planning on providing his work to the devs (assuming they are open to recieving it).

Morgana LeFay (PoV)


Yes, back during KR we asked why they weren't in KR, Jeremy being the Community Coordinator at the time informed us in effect that they were among the resources lost (along with original art assets/pipeline).
Something doubtful about that.

Were these server-side, or client-side? If they were client-side, you should be able to pluck them off of an old CD.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

You can see them with Inside UO, however, the fonts (like the default fonts in the EC) are all internally compiled, so there isn't a nice handy folder with UO1.fnt or UO3.ttf like there is for the music in the 2d client.

As for extracting them from there, I don't have that knowledge so couldn't really tell you of the feasibility of that, so I'm not going to even guess. All I can do is go on the information we were provided at the time.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)


You can see them with Inside UO, however, the fonts (like the default fonts in the EC) are all internally compiled, so there isn't a nice handy folder with UO1.fnt or UO3.ttf like there is for the music in the 2d client.

As for extracting them from there, I don't have that knowledge so couldn't really tell you of the feasibility of that, so I'm not going to even guess. All I can do is go on the information we were provided at the time.

I can't say I have ever looked into it...but I will. If I can't extract them...I know someone who can.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Any chance anyone has a download for a classic UO font? Yes, It's been a few years. :)

Halister Marner

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Any chance anyone has a download for a classic UO font? Yes, It's been a few years. :)
Zym has unfortunately passed away, so the font he made would be very difficult to find unless someone has it saved. I tried the Internet Archive and it didn't crawl that page sadly.