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[Discussion] Tree Oranment Weddingband


Seasoned Veteran
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Can anyone tell me when these were created? Found one during an Idoc on Siege and was curious.

Thank you for your time.....

UO Relic

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Been a few years since we have been able to craft these (at a guess say 2005-2007) Tinkers used to be able to craft these from targetting christmas trees but this is no longer possible

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Been a few years since we have been able to craft these (at a guess say 2005-2007) Tinkers used to be able to craft these from targetting christmas trees but this is no longer possible

To the best of my knowledge, the wedding ring can not be locked directly down, but the other jewelry (necklace, etc) can be. I think it can be locked down in a container as similar to other newbied items.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
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These were crafted when holiday trees very first came out. So, 97 or 98 was when these were made. They have not been able to be made for at least 10 years.


Seasoned Veteran
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Thank you for the fast responces but there seems to be a gap in years it was able to be done.I dont post much here but i respect all the info..


Yep not since at least 2000. You used to be able to pick the gems you wanted to use and it would take the name of what you used. 60,000 diamond bracelet was from a pile of 60k diamonds. If we could still do this, we would have milk/white/plain chocolate weddingbands too :)


Slightly Crazed
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Rowan is correct...it was the first or second Christmas for sure. You could only do it for a few days with a tinker. I recall a friend telling me about it and pulling out my tinker and stockpiling them :)


Seasoned Veteran
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Can anyone put a price tag on this item? Also keep in mind it is on siege:gee:

Tangled Metal

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On Production shards the wedding ring goes for around 3 to 5 mil. The other pieces usually go for 4 to 6 because they can be locked down. You might be able to get a GM lock it down for you but I would not hold my breath. As for what it would be worth on Siege I am not sure because I have not played Siege in many years.

UO Relic

Seasoned Veteran
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Been a few years since we have been able to craft these (at a guess say 2005-2007) Tinkers used to be able to craft these from targetting christmas trees but this is no longer possible
Sorry in my mind I was thinking 95 - 97 but so used to typeing 2k nowadays I just typed that, sorry again for any confusion