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[Discussion] 2010 Chesapeake Rares/Events Festival July 16, 17, 18


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Chesapeake shard is holding its first Rares and Events Festival beginning on Friday the 16th of July.

The events part of the festival is still in development and we are deciding what type of events will take place. They will all be doable by characters that have no skill and can't recall so that everyone will have an equal shot at winning.

I have attended every rares fest that has taken place in the past and from what i have seen, one vendor mall is not enough for renting out vendors. There are always people left out begging for vendors that end up spamming all day trying to sell their items. We have decided to use THREE vendor malls all next to one another just a few tiles away from the Homare-Jima Tokuno Moongate.

I think this setup will make people happy and it should allow everyone to get a vendor. We will also be having Raffle vendors as was the case in the first rares festival on Atlantic a few years ago. By raffle vendors, i mean i will be placing books on a vendor for a certain price and at the end of the festival, i will call out the winning number, each vendor will have a rare item that you can win and the vendor will be named what the rare item is. We will also have a 50/50 raffle vendor where you buy books for a set price and the at the end of the festival, a winning number is called and the winners gets half of the money that the vendor has accumulated.

We will also have lotto drawings where we give out books, you put your name in it, hand it back and after a little while we call out the winning books which will probably 5 or so winners for each drawing.

We will not be having a traditional auction either, instead we will have 2 houses set up in a secluded location and will have house teleporters set up to go there. The owner of an item they want auctioned will submit it to me, I will lock it down for display in one of these houses. People may bid on these items via in game or icq to the owner of the item. When the owner sees fit, he may decide to sell it. When he does this, books will be placed on a vendor at the house next door for the buyer to purchase that equals the amount that the seller agreed upon. Once the books are purchased, the house with the rare items in it will be set to private so that no one can come in and steal anything, the item will be released and then handed to the buyer. The seller will then collect the gold from me by either me handing it to them or having them put books on a vendor for me to buy that equals the agreed upon amount. I think people will feel more trusty with this method rather than having a regular auction

Many more details to come on events, people involved in the festival and their icqs, and much more ! icq me @ 102388892 for any questions

[EDIT] DVI has arranged for transfers from the rares hubs on Atlantic and Pacific to chesapeake for a low cost, if you have up to 150 items that you would like transferred to chesapeake from atlantic or pacific, it will only cost you 5 mil to do so ! this will take place as it gets closer to the time of the festival

We have gotten UORedneck to sponsor the events that take place, events are not set in stone yet so when they are, they will be posted
This is just a brief description on what all will take place so people know when it is going to be happening and what to expect

Tribute House

Sounds well thought out and sensible, count me in for a vendor! :)


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like the location (because it is not in or anywhere near Luna).


[EDIT] DVI has arranged for transfers from the rares hubs on Atlantic and Pacific to chesapeake for a low cost, if you have up to 150 items that you would like transferred to chesapeake from atlantic or pacific, it will only cost you 5 mil to do so ! this will take place as it gets closer to the time of the festival
You can transfer any number of items as long as it does not exceed 150 total. Also, depending on the status of the Great Lakes & Europa Hub we will be able to offer transfers from those shards to Chesapeake as well.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It sounds great. Are you accepting vendor reservations now or will that come later?

NorCal Uo Dealer

Count me in also.. i would like a vendor spot or 2.. thank you


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Because Luna was designed by a 4 year old drawing a square on a piece of paper. Its so ugly and so unoriginal :D
I hate Luna personally.
pretty good description of luna :p we're having the fest in tokuno because its just more convenient for us because we have 3 houses side by side to use for vendors and its very easy for anyone to get here right from the moongate


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tokuno is a lovely place, much prettier and not as bright as luna :) It sounds good Demon :) I wish Zento was the central trade city instead of Luna, its a great city.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Because Luna was designed by a 4 year old drawing a square on a piece of paper.
Well they did want to make it easy for everyone to be able to use it. lol