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Any updates on Pub 53


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Any news/info on when we'll have pub 53 on TC1 or what will be in it????


I'm curious about this too. Didn't Jeremy post that this publish might be on test this week?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
It feels like we were getting a lot more developer communications when the Stratics forums were down. Now that they are back up it has just been a Five on Friday and thats it.


Does anyone feel like this has been one of the poorests executed events ever? Or is it just me?
I really feel they r going to continue on in this fashion.


It'll be early next week, unfortunately - sorry, folks. We tried to get it out this week but had several things come up at once.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are probably moving the team to Iowa or something.

If you compare this event to the candle of love one it sure comes up short. Wilki.......

still waiting on the epic part of this event.


Jeremy, could you or someone on the team please give us a sample list of what will be added to the turn-in list with publish 53? That would allay a lot of the frustration many folks seem to be feeling, AND give everyone something to talk (read: argue) about until the publish goes live... ;) ;)


UO Producer | Dark OverLady
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are probably moving the team to Iowa or something.

If you compare this event to the candle of love one it sure comes up short. Wilki.......

still waiting on the epic part of this event.
LOL no we are not moving ! *stomps foot* Be patient I don't think you will be sorry regarding the event.



At least they coming to our call... I give them that.

It seems to me they need to hire someone a bit more creative to put the real "Ultima" feel to these event.
To me it seems, must be developer type ppl who are fabricating the storyline, and they don't quite seem to have what it takes to make this a interesting fantasy event.
Either that or they r being super rushed and undermanned by thier managment and forced to put out a inferior product. (which is probably the case).
I remember the EM events being better than this one.

What about all the clues the generals and such in glow were giving us and finding the lost ppl. I really hope they haven't forgotten about that, however it has lost alot of momentum spacing it out like this.

I don't know...this event is frusterating..I expected more from an "epic arc type event". Especially on that is this long in the making.


It'll be early next week, unfortunately - sorry, folks. We tried to get it out this week but had several things come up at once.
I feel this way sometimes at work.
Try to get one thing done, and many things come up. Before you know it. The 1st item has fallen off the radar.
But you folks are doing an awesome job.. Keep it up..


They know were addicts to this game.

They know we will accept an inferior product.

They know we will wait and wait and pay and pay.

Like any addict you have to quit or keep on paying for the consquences.


UO Lake Superior News Reporter
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Iowa! Yippeee!!! Airmid, Ironhorse, and I will be on their doorstep! lol

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
To be fair, Jeremy, you did say there could be problems in your five on Friday.

Next week (barring the usual miniature disasters - we're dealing with some hardware issues at the moment, so this is more subject to change than usual)
Seems some people are forgetting that.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jeremy, could you or someone on the team please give us a sample list of what will be added to the turn-in list with publish 53? That would allay a lot of the frustration many folks seem to be feeling, AND give everyone something to talk (read: argue) about until the publish goes live... ;) ;)
If I remember right they told us what the turn ins would be and what we could get before it went on test last time so I wish they would this time too. It would at least give us something to drool over until the publish is ready. :drool:


Always Present
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If I remember right they told us what the turn ins would be and what we could get before it went on test last time so I wish they would this time too. It would at least give us something to drool over until the publish is ready. :drool:

I totally agree...Jeremy tell us!! tell us!! yah yah tell us!! its like waiting for xmas as a kid!! come on santa Jeremy what we getting!!!

At least give us a snippet whats gonna be trade-in items...


Why is it that we have to sit and wonder and finally someone post reguarding and someone decides to say something, how long does it take to post and let people know not to expect anything... ?? Figure if you don't say anything we won't notice? Me thinks not :)


Personally I could careless... only thing these items {rewards} are worth is selling. I've made over 50m so im content with that! I just see alot of people complaining and figured id stick up for em a bit since in all reality it isn't fair but w/e :)


*dreams of new plant seeds and a day when chefs can stop taking anti-depressants*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow an actual official response.

Hey Jeremy can we get a premade official response to the gold farmers who are bleeding this game dry?


I'd settle for a "we're aware of the situation and it is being looked into, for privacy reasons we cannot let you know the end result of our findings"

Oh wait that's what I get when I page on them, if I don't get stuck at number 6 in the queue

Adam Randall

I think they departed the pub to enable jeremy to post a real FoF - not a ToF as last week.
Now she can post 3 silly things (nobody really interested in) and additionally the new turn in Items and points these Items turn in for...


Lord Kynd

It'll be early next week, unfortunately - sorry, folks. We tried to get it out this week but had several things come up at once.

at least you are around, are your boss's not letting you post much on these boards now or something ?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think they departed the pub to enable jeremy to post a real FoF - not a ToF as last week.
Now she can post 3 silly things (nobody really interested in) and additionally the new turn in Items and points these Items turn in for...


I hope your right and it is part of the fof. :thumbup1:

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:shots:ya know, there doing what they can with the event, im sure there taking there time for a reason... bashing them and insulting what they are doing will accomplish nothing..hell, if i were jeremy or draconi..i would say listen..from now on were not posting or mentioning anything here anymore about the event..you can check daily to see whats going on on the uo herald..if you miss anything..sucks to be you, we wont be reading and responding to the negative trashing of what were trying to do! so either pay n play or go away and thats that....but thats just me..sure its unfair..but im sure there working hard on this and doing as much as they can, and if i were in there shoes reading * some of these posts*...i would seriously wanna reach out and touch someone...lol some people need a smack LOL.....ok srry....havin a grumpy day!, but seriously..give em a break, they know things need to get going, and people being rude and negative about things really isnt helping much :shots:


I pretty much agree with you on everything you said, but it must be noted that most peoples frustrations stem from the fact that after 10+ years, no-one has learnt anything from the mistakes of the past. And by no-one I mean the Devs, new or old. That sounds harsh, but its how it is.

Theres UO history in AND out of the game, on the screen and behind the scenes. Any Dev worth his/her salt would surely do a metric buttload of research into not only how the game runs but more specifically how things HAVENT run over the last 10 years.

And then work to remedy those problems.

Melina Havelock

*dreams of new plant seeds and a day when chefs can stop taking anti-depressants*
Pretty much given up on that. Haven't logged in for a week and not missing the game at all. Today I'm going to log in and throw a bunch of stuff on some vendors to get back to one active account. If the cocoa trees aren't in pub 53 I really don't care if I keep any accounts open. Over FIVE years since the last generation of plants, finally told the trees are coming, and still nothing. :wall:


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hehe why are you all impatient? i think the devs are now working again good on the game, ok iam a little bit angry about KR i waited now 4 months or so for a really good bug fixing whopper patch and this for a new client and youre crying about event turn ins. In the last month we get one server publish after another i hope this will be over soon and the client side will also be considered, for example in 2d the long year buggy party bars or not updating healthbars also crash problems.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hehe why are you all impatient? i think the devs are now working again good on the game, ok iam a little bit angry about KR i waited now 4 months or so for a really good bug fixing whopper patch and this for a new client and youre crying about event turn ins. In the last month we get one server publish after another i hope this will be over soon and the client side will also be considered, for example in 2d the long year buggy party bars or not updating healthbars also crash problems.
Ultima Online: Mondain's Legacy. ESRB Rating: T. Genre MMORPG; Release Date 08/30/2005

That is why I'm impatient. I don't know about the rest of the puckers going around but I'm sick and tired of waiting for more than 2 hours of worthwhile content to be added to the game every month and a half.

Lord Kynd

Wow an actual official response.

Hey Jeremy can we get a premade official response to the gold farmers who are bleeding this game dry?


I'd settle for a "we're aware of the situation and it is being looked into, for privacy reasons we cannot let you know the end result of our findings"

Oh wait that's what I get when I page on them, if I don't get stuck at number 6 in the queue
i've experianced this also
and cancled the request
still a GM came and i even recieved email.
go figure
oh this all happened about a hour after i ended the help request.