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[Discussion] Anyone have info on these items?



hello there i am working on my museum and i have books by all my items ( at least im working on getting books with all) describing history,number of drops,shard ect of that item. i have a few items that i dont have any info on. i have searched for them on the stratics search with no luck so i wont over welm you with the list i need ill just add to the list as i get info on the items. Also is there another place on the web that i can search for info on items?
here are some items i need help with these items are not for sale:
Human blood
member of the royal britanninan navy
Ice Shard-looks like a glaicial bannana
The Royal Coat of Arms emblazend on a shield-dull gold colord heater sheild
Crude Orcish Axe-burnt brown colord axe

Thank You everyone for your info!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The human blood was from halloween on baja 2006. Naked run through shame with lots of crazy monsters. That event had a bunch of nice items.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hello there i am working on my museum and i have books by all my items ( at least im working on getting books with all) describing history,number of drops,shard ect of that item. i have a few items that i dont have any info on. i have searched for them on the stratics search with no luck so i wont over welm you with the list i need ill just add to the list as i get info on the items. Also is there another place on the web that i can search for info on items?
here are some items i need help with these items are not for sale:
Human blood
member of the royal britanninan navy
Ice Shard-looks like a glaicial bannana
The Royal Coat of Arms emblazend on a shield-dull gold colord heater sheild
Crude Orcish Axe-burnt brown colord axe

Thank You everyone for your info!

I guess thats the problem when someone such as me who attends every event and have a good memory of everything. The Royal Coat of Arms Emblazed on a shield - Dull Gold Colored Heater Shield was supposedly be 1 shied wielded by the EM when he had the Royal Guard Training event. All the participants were given a red round shield instead and the EM supposedly locked the gold one in his Award house. I just checked and its still there. So the fact that you have one in you possession makes me think the EM made another one and gave it to a friend which is a big no no. So you wanna tell us how you end up with this shiled?


i bought this shield from someone on my shard a couple months ago i had no idea that there was anything wrong with it. is it illegal to have?? im very worried now. i will lock it away until i know if its safe to have


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its not illegal. I just find it odd. It was suppose to be unique and locked down by the EM at his house and still there. But theres two. Just saying...


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That shield is not unique, was looted from the monsters in that event.

I only know of 3 in existence.