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[Discussion] FYI Items stolen at rares festival

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Stratics Veteran
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They are corrently being put on a vendor by Tgoru [there is someone gating at luna atl right now] if you want a rune there is one locked down on my steps at my museum on atlantic [manti knows were is it] directly south of trinsic gate big white house.



Lore Keeper
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Interestingly, the owner of the tower that houses the vendors is a member of stratics and posts regularly on this forum.

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic

Markess [CoW]

I own the tower this post is talking about.
I offered Tgoru a vendor contract because he has nice items. I dont know if his items are ones stolen from Rares Fest or not. I do not know him from adom as I met him yesterday at Luna bank when he was showing me rares.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I own the tower this post is talking about.
I offered Tgoru a vendor contract because he has nice items. I dont know if his items are ones stolen from Rares Fest or not. I do not know him from adom as I met him yesterday at Luna bank when he was showing me rares.
Sorry if im the only one to say it BUT THAT IS ABOSULTE BOLLOX. Iv seen you trade on atl with Oblivion "aka Obviouse iv'a loony" and ****"onmy"bim[bum]" aka Shinobi


Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
Well there is not much you can do now about the vendor as the minimum rental is a week at a time. If you did want to do something about all I figured out when I found I had rented to a TRUE scammer was set up my personal vendors all around it stating "Do not Buy Scam in progress" or something to the effect in the vendor and shop name sections.

They usually leave pretty quick after that.

Oh yeah almost forgot. When they do take there stuff and go they usually rename the vendor to something highly derogatory towards you that EA won't do anything about. It's anoying but no one really pays attention to it.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
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Interesting all the way around. Thunderz you may wanna remove the names from your post as to not have it break the rules and be deleted!

Derium of ls

Slightly Crazed
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*EDIT* I guess I can't list names here. long story short, the two people mentioned here ARE the ones who stole the items. and they did transfer to ATL. So make what you want from that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry if im the only one to say it BUT THAT IS ABOSULTE BOLLOX. Iv seen you trade on atl with Oblivion "aka Obviouse iv'a loony" and ****"onmy"bim[bum]" aka Shinobi

Are you intoxicated?


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Speak his name and the devil shall appear.....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
TBH if i wasnt intoxicated i wouldnt of seen the truth.

The who guild was in on this. They stole the items and have fooled the comunity to make them believe it was a robbery and get everyone to fork out and pay for it with "donations" so they can walk away with all the items and sell them here and there. AND everyone is giving gold and items in good cause to this guild to repay those who lost out so they dont have to. WATCH this space all those items will be for sale soon here and from most of the people from this auction.

Tetra was just a skape goat as they knew he was bad they just wanted someone bad to blame it on.


Way to pull it off "respet"

EDIT""" you really think 1 man in a guild could pull this off?


Markess [CoW]

Wow thunderz I am a honest trader, always have been. I have not done anything here. DO NOT FLAME ME AS A SCAMMER AS I HAVE NOT DONE NOTHING.
I just had a guy "Hamburgler" at my tower saying how sorry of a person I am and calling me a scammer because of this post. ALL I DID WAS OFFER SOMEONE A RENTAL AT MY HOUSE/MUSEUM, LOOK IN MY PLACE. DO YOU SEE ANY RARES IN MY HOUSE THAT WERE ON THE STOLEN LIST.

Second off, I have NEVER delt with that guy you mentioned, I have ALWAYS listed him as a scammer, and have absolutely NO respect for him at all.
You need to think about what your doing and gather facts before making assumptions on something you know NOTHING ABOUT.



Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah.... Really sucks for someone to call you a scammer/fencer/duper for unjustified reasons, doesn't it? *thinks back to the day when this happened to me*

At the end of the day, the people you associated with has alot to do with the reputation that you get, so simply pleading "awww shucks, I didn't know who that was!" might just not be enough to convince anyone of innocence in this case....


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow thunderz I am a honest trader, always have been. I have not done anything here. DO NOT FLAME ME AS A SCAMMER AS I HAVE NOT DONE NOTHING.
I just had a guy "Hamburgler" at my tower saying how sorry of a person I am and calling me a scammer because of this post. ALL I DID WAS OFFER SOMEONE A RENTAL AT MY HOUSE/MUSEUM, LOOK IN MY PLACE. DO YOU SEE ANY RARES IN MY HOUSE THAT WERE ON THE STOLEN LIST.

Second off, I have NEVER delt with that guy you mentioned, I have ALWAYS listed him as a scammer, and have absolutely NO respect for him at all.
You need to think about what your doing and gather facts before making assumptions on something you know NOTHING ABOUT.
theres tons of boxes in your house and random rares locked down that could have been stollen, whose to say the rares aren't in the boxes, they aren't difficult to hide, anyway i demand back the following items, im not asking, im telling

50. Gunpowder
51. Voltaically Infused Elixer (blue bottle)
52. I Found The Poseidon's Fury And All I Got Was This Lousy Shirt
53. Goblin Trap (lantern)

how about we get all the rare collectors to bagball all the tiles around the tower so no one can recall in to buy off the vendor

on second thought, if you aren't a scammer Markess, why aren't you banning everyone that comes to your tower so that tgoru can't make any money... you can't access vendors if you're banned


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow thunderz I am a honest trader, always have been. I have not done anything here. DO NOT FLAME ME AS A SCAMMER AS I HAVE NOT DONE NOTHING.
I just had a guy "Hamburgler" at my tower saying how sorry of a person I am and calling me a scammer because of this post. ALL I DID WAS OFFER SOMEONE A RENTAL AT MY HOUSE/MUSEUM, LOOK IN MY PLACE. DO YOU SEE ANY RARES IN MY HOUSE THAT WERE ON THE STOLEN LIST.

Second off, I have NEVER delt with that guy you mentioned, I have ALWAYS listed him as a scammer, and have absolutely NO respect for him at all.
You need to think about what your doing and gather facts before making assumptions on something you know NOTHING ABOUT.
Im not making assumptions [and its a captial T in my name] But your allowing the person who stole from the rarse festival a "vedor spot" at your house and your happily gatting there gold for it. NO? Correct me if im wrong, your giving the rare festival thefe a vendor spot and gating to it for a fee?? How much is he paying you? Or are you in on it also?


Markess [CoW]

yeah.... Really sucks for someone to call you a scammer/fencer/duper for unjustified reasons, doesn't it? *thinks back to the day when this happened to me*

At the end of the day, the people you associated with has alot to do with the reputation that you get, so simply pleading "awww shucks, I didn't know who that was!" might just not be enough to convince anyone of innocence in this case....

People mass recruit for vendors as in, you put you ICQ# on sign or spam Renting Vendors for my House/Mall, and people respond saying I want a vendor, if there goods are desirable, then you give them a spot. No questions asked. That is what happend in my case, who does background checks for vendor rentals? Who ONLY rents to people they know? Nobody really.

I havent been on stratics alot recently, and I did read the post saying someone stole the items, and I saw the list also.. I did not memorize the items on the list, I saw Tgoru's items, the first thing I noticed is that he had lots of high end items/event items. I did not compair them to the rares fest stolen items, I just did and yes they ARE VERY similar. I have set Renew to NO on his contract.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
theres tons of boxes in your house and random rares locked down that could have been stollen, whose to say the rares aren't in the boxes, they aren't difficult to hide, anyway i demand back the following items, im not asking, im telling

50. Gunpowder
51. Voltaically Infused Elixer (blue bottle)
52. I Found The Poseidon's Fury And All I Got Was This Lousy Shirt
53. Goblin Trap (lantern)

how about we get all the rare collectors to bagball all the tiles around the tower so no one can recall in to buy off the vendor

on second thought, if you aren't a scammer Markess, why aren't you banning everyone that comes to your tower so that tgoru can't make any money... you can't access vendors if you're banned
Yep i got offered thes all these items but them vendor guy. give me a few mins and ill post the screenys as i knew it was the loot from the rares fest


Markess [CoW]

Im not making assumptions [and its a captial T in my name] But your allowing the person who stole from the rarse festival a "vedor spot" at your house and your happily gatting there gold for it. NO? Correct me if im wrong, your giving the rare festival thefe a vendor spot and gating to it for a fee?? How much is he paying you? Or are you in on it also?

Your crossing a really thinnnn line bud.. Read my responces. I didn't know.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Stratics Legend
I just assumed since Markess is such a "legit" rares broker, that since the guy SHOWED him a bunch of the rares that he had, that he would have recognized some or ALL of the items as ones that were stolen from the auction.

Secondly, if these are in fact the items stolen, and 90% of them were EXTREMELY high end items, who the heck wants to put them on a vendor thats not in Luna? Makes it seem even shadier to me...

I'm not assuming that you are in on this Markess, but I also think now that you know who the guy is, you'd tell us all how you doing your ABSOLUTE BEST to not promote the guy and get rid of him ASAP.

Markess [CoW]

theres tons of boxes in your house and random rares locked down that could have been stollen, whose to say the rares aren't in the boxes, they aren't difficult to hide, anyway i demand back the following items, im not asking, im telling

50. Gunpowder
51. Voltaically Infused Elixer (blue bottle)
52. I Found The Poseidon's Fury And All I Got Was This Lousy Shirt
53. Goblin Trap (lantern)

how about we get all the rare collectors to bagball all the tiles around the tower so no one can recall in to buy off the vendor

on second thought, if you aren't a scammer Markess, why aren't you banning everyone that comes to your tower so that tgoru can't make any money... you can't access vendors if you're banned

These items are gone. I learned when I was 3 yrs old that "There is no sence in crying over spilt milk". Get over it. I have been scammed before, we all have. They are all in someones hands now. He will sell them reguardless, I am NOT gonna bann everyone that comes to see my museum, after all what have they done, WHY?? I also have a Vendor here at my house, why stop MY sales from comming?.. It just doesnt make sence to do what you said.
Sorry if I sound like I am in a bad mood but I am, I'm aggrivated.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Too bad you didnt learn how to FREAKING spell when you were 3. Thanks for showing your true colors, that will REALLY help your sales!

Markess [CoW]

I just assumed since Markess is such a "legit" rares broker, that since the guy SHOWED him a bunch of the rares that he had, that he would have recognized some or ALL of the items as ones that were stolen from the auction.

Secondly, if these are in fact the items stolen, and 90% of them were EXTREMELY high end items, who the heck wants to put them on a vendor thats not in Luna? Makes it seem even shadier to me...

I'm not assuming that you are in on this Markess, but I also think now that you know who the guy is, you'd tell us all how you doing your ABSOLUTE BEST to not promote the guy and get rid of him ASAP.
My life doesnt Revolve arround knowing every item in A Rares Fest Auction in UO.
The only items I really cared about were my 3 items I was going to submit, and the gold they yield.. Hey just to show how much It really mattered to me, I didnt even hand them my items for the auction, nor did I attend it.



I don't know you or anything about you other than what I've read on the boards here (most of which has been negative), but I'm not going to make assumptions or judgements about you. I would recommended in this situation though that b/c it will be viewed as guilty by association that you act firmly and quickly to distance yourself from the individuals who placed the vendor (s) and make it clear in no uncertain terms that you are working to have said vendor (s) removed from your home and prevent the sale of any items they contain.

To everyone in general,

Sadly for those individuals involved in the scam they've made their decisions and will be black listed from many organizations and events in the future, and that may very well be true for anyone else viewed to be their friends, associates, or supporters. While I'm sure that the majority of UO may not be aware of the situation it's important that those of us in this community ensure that this type of incident not occur again and that as many other players as we can reach be educated about what happened to prevent future occurences.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your crossing a really thinnnn line bud.. Read my responces. I didn't know.
Really give me till tomorrow and ill post All the screen shots i took [think its 5 or 6] even if your bragging about the "Quality of the vendors" The only way you dont know what your letting people sell at your 2 vendor spot tower [that you strated yesteday] would be if you hadend played in the last 6 months, but your very active. NO? Thats why im comfortable your gating to your "2 vendors at your tower" selling the items that were stolen from the fest as your getting a pretty penny aswell.

At the end of the day be all and end all, if you have half a brain you know who to trust or not,

I can elaberate on this if people want as iv been approched by people looking for rares and sold them only to see them duped [by to many collectors here], in 8 years of playing i know who to trust and who to avoid.


Markess [CoW]

Now to show my TRUE COLORS..

I am honestly and truely very dissapointed that this has happened to the rares community, and it was VERY unexpected.
What COMES arround GOES arround.
The honest people who have lost there items, something good will happen to in the future.
I wish whoever that lost items in this ordeal the best of luck bouncing back from there loss. I think whoever did it is TOTAL SCUM.
I pray that these people who keep posting here trying to shoot ME down will stop, because I do not deserve it. The person who does deserve it is the person who stole this stuff.
Everything I have earned in UO is Legit, I dont DUPE, SCAM, STEAL.
One of the things I hate most IRL OR in UO is a Thief, Scammer.

I am not going to go any further in this topic on this subject.

Markess [CoW]


I don't know you or anything about you other than what I've read on the boards here (most of which has been negative), but I'm not going to make assumptions or judgements about you. I would recommended in this situation though that b/c it will be viewed as guilty by association that you act firmly and quickly to distance yourself from the individuals who placed the vendor (s) and make it clear in no uncertain terms that you are working to have said vendor (s) removed from your home and prevent the sale of any items they contain.

To everyone in general,

Sadly for those individuals involved in the scam they've made their decisions and will be black listed from many organizations and events in the future, and that may very well be true for anyone else viewed to be their friends, associates, or supporters. While I'm sure that the majority of UO may not be aware of the situation it's important that those of us in this community ensure that this type of incident not occur again and that as many other players as we can reach be educated about what happened to prevent future occurences.
Thanks DVI. Great advice and I appreciate it.
I will no longer place down runes to my house, nor gate to it untill his contract is done, and his vendor is gone from my house.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now to show my TRUE COLORS..

I am honestly and truely very dissapointed that this has happened to the rares community, and it was VERY unexpected.
What COMES arround GOES arround.
The honest people who have lost there items, something good will happen to in the future.
I wish whoever that lost items in this ordeal the best of luck bouncing back from there loss. I think whoever did it is TOTAL SCUM.
I pray that these people who keep posting here trying to shoot ME down will stop, because I do not deserve it. The person who does deserve it is the person who stole this stuff.
Everything I have earned in UO is Legit, I dont DUPE, SCAM, STEAL.
One of the things I hate most IRL OR in UO is a Thief, Scammer.

I am not going to go any further in this topic on this subject.
Can i just say..,. Why are they letting this person sell these items at you "2 Vendor" keep and if it is your house also why are YOU also selling these items?

Dont get me wrong as i asked who the second vendor [have screen shots of the whole knight and who said what and whos seeling what so its not hard ill post picks tommorow when i get home] was and Tugou said it was yours [the house owners]. That vendor is also selling the stolen rares. SO did you buy the rares of someone to sell them on? Its the only way i can see you being "inocent". If you did who from?

Although iv already made my mind up.

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