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[Discussion] A PAH Announcement and Apology!



A Pacific Auction House Announcement and Apology!

Apologies to all, for us taking so long to make any "official" response to the unfortunate event that happened this past Saturday.

Sadly, the Pacific Auction House (PAH) and Whispering Rose Radio (WRR) Staffs are just... well maybe too trusting! And, were in a state of shock!

In the interest of supporting an event that was created and run by dedicated UO players on the Pacific Shard, PAH and WRR, allowed someone to become part of our team. Unfortunately, in the end, it became clear, after the damage was done, that he had no honor or integrity at all!

It is a mistake we made and one that we are determined not to repeat!

The Pacific Rares Festival was one of the most ambitious and complex events put together by actual UO players in recent memory. It took months of planning.

PAH and WRR thank everyone for your support.... which has been overwhelming.

The events that happened and ultimately prevented the rares Auction from occurring were regretable...

But rest assured, PAH and WRR, take full responsiblity and will be contacting those who had losses, and compensating them accordingly.


You should give Lineman an apology as well.

My mistake, I see you did on pacific forum.

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From what I'm reading "between the lines" they have determined who the guilty party is (are) but the name(s) have been removed by the mods.

I hope they have determined whoever it was and find a way to let everyone know, so that the rest of us can refuse any transactions with them.

I for one would just like to say that it was a real shame what happened. This was a very well thought out event and a lot of effort by several people went into making it happen. It's just a real shame that the actions of one or two people put such a pall on the events of the week-end.

I applaud all the hard work, that the event organizers on Pacific went through and want them to know that I and I believe the majority of people appreciate their efforts. I wasn't able to attend very much this week-end due to RL activities (Grand Daughters Soccer Games and Awards Programs being much more important) but the events I attended were well run and I really enjoyed them.


If you want to know who it was just pm/icq/find me in game and ill tell you.


That takes some real class admitting fault like this, and even more so trying to compensate everyone for their losses. Unfortunately, in a game like this, with the anonymity of the internet, the worst in people come out. The fact that this game, after 13 years, still has dirtbags, scumbags, scammers, griefers, low life, scum sucking bottom dwellers, whatever you want to call them who do this type of thing, is quite sad. I can only imagine the quality of human life they exhibit in real life. Their parents must be so proud.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They also forgot to mention this so I will mention it for him. The thief also had a house full of teleporters that the festival team had donated to link up with their houses. Along with that 16 character statues including lost players from the past as a memorial. The thief made off with 8 sets of teleporters and 16 of the statues.


From what I'm reading "between the lines" they have determined who the guilty party is (are) but the name(s) have been removed by the mods.

I hope they have determined whoever it was and find a way to let everyone know, so that the rest of us can refuse any transactions with them.

I for one would just like to say that it was a real shame what happened. This was a very well thought out event and a lot of effort by several people went into making it happen. It's just a real shame that the actions of one or two people put such a pall on the events of the week-end.

I applaud all the hard work, that the event organizers on Pacific went through and want them to know that I and I believe the majority of people appreciate their efforts. I wasn't able to attend very much this week-end due to RL activities (Grand Daughters Soccer Games and Awards Programs being much more important) but the events I attended were well run and I really enjoyed them.
You are absolutely right Ken~! Often times there are things we let slip through the cracks, however, if you pay attention you will soon see the truth.
This addition is a simple list to direct your attention to personal safety and how to avoid being scammed.

The key to truth is in the attention to detail!

Every person should take caution in all transactions.

Take your time in purchases even from vendors.

Reality is you dont have to trade if you are unsure.

Include a friend. Scammers prefer individuals to con.

Caution should be exercised with people of known reps.

You should be cautious in any and all transactions.

Definetly ask someone if you are unsure of anything.

Eventually you will be a hard target and left alone.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They also forgot to mention this so I will mention it for him. The thief also had a house full of teleporters that the festival team had donated to link up with their houses. Along with that 16 character statues including lost players from the past as a memorial. The thief made off with 8 sets of teleporters and 16 of the statues.

And I might add to this that the guilty party now sits at the bank on Pacific wearing the tag "Winner of UO". Priceless!

Cerwin Vega

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Makes me sick the two guys sit around atl bank showing off the stolen items and bragging, well we all just have to sit by and watch.


I talked to the fellow at Luna Bank, and even though I feel he's a scumbag for doing what he did, I don't believe he has any reason to lie about the theft. He stole enough where he doesn't need to fib and make it out to be bigger than it really was. Therefore, I'm curious why it was never mentioned that over 200mill was skimmed off the raffle or lottery (Whatever it was, I forgot what he called it but i think he said he worked at a casino during the fest) I'm just curious, I know the items stolen equal up to much more than this, but 200mill seems worth mentioning.


They also forgot to mention this so I will mention it for him. The thief also had a house full of teleporters that the festival team had donated to link up with their houses. Along with that 16 character statues including lost players from the past as a memorial. The thief made off with 8 sets of teleporters and 16 of the statues.
Oh wow, that's very low. Wasn't one of those memorials for a fellow who just recently passed on? That's like spitting on a grave. what a *******.

(Like I said, a lot hasn't been mentioned about what was stolen)


No offense intended by this, but you're just out of the loop.

The casino may not have been posted about but it's certainly not a secret and many players who attended the festival are aware of it. More importantly they may chose not to post that which does not effect non festival staff.


No offense intended by this, but you're just out of the loop.

The casino may not have been posted about but it's certainly not a secret and many players who attended the festival are aware of it. More importantly they may chose not to post that which does not effect non festival staff.
I didn't mean it as a conspiracy theory. I was at the festival though, and I went to a number of the events and I would have been interested in knowing. Maybe some people knew about it, but a good majority of us didn't. Maybe it's something that everyone really doesn't need to know about, but it is nice knowing.


If you want an update on "missing" information - you might find what you are looking for on the pacific forum.

Just so everyone knows, the casino owner that got ripped off would give you the shirt off his back.
As would all of the others that were manipulated.
Im sure its been talked about how easy it was.
It is most certain it's not because anyone was a genius but rather jerks taking advantage of nice people.

Be sure to ask your soldier about his "Core Values."
Thats right people -the thief is in the Army!
Thats the kind of person you have fighting for your right to free speech.
[Medical Profile]
"It's hard to walk 2 miles in 36 minutes.."
Way to PWN that PT test guy!!!
Fighting may be an overstatement ROFL!

Im a Veteran of the 101st Airborne Division.
Have served several successful tours in the U.S. and in other countries around the world.
I highly reccomended that you exercise your right to free speech and make sure this POS knows what you think.

Hey guy - when you loot something using an actual in-game skill let me know mk?
Until then its nothing more than a sub-par player with a little more time invested than a kid stealing bubble gum from a candy store.
Way to go, hold your head high, you should be so proud!

Welcome Home Trooper!!:lol:
Fantastic doctoring of that signature man.


I didn't mean it as a conspiracy theory. I was at the festival though, and I went to a number of the events and I would have been interested in knowing. Maybe some people knew about it, but a good majority of us didn't. Maybe it's something that everyone really doesn't need to know about, but it is nice knowing.
Indeed Matti -

We did our best to put out as much information as possible as quickly as we could.

It became clear early on that the important focus was to address questions of the PAH Customers.
In addition, many of us still continued to keep the festival events rolling and on schedule.

Just know that there was an EXTREME shortage of time and just not enough people to accomplish everything that needed to be done.

The team is still working very hard to keep communication rolling and reimburse all of those customers that were put into loss.

Consider that we are still witness to UO History....
Some say this is the biggest theft.....w/e.

I prefer to focus on the now and see that this is the
LARGEST FULL RECOVERY from a theft in UO History!

If you have any questions please send a pm and ill do my best to get back to all of you!

Thank You for patronizing the 2010 Pacific Rares Festival!


Oh wow, that's very low. Wasn't one of those memorials for a fellow who just recently passed on? That's like spitting on a grave. what a *******.

(Like I said, a lot hasn't been mentioned about what was stolen)

Lord Moby Grape's Statue.
He recently passed on IRL.
(The day before the festival opened)

No further comment necessary

R.I.P. Moby


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Feel fortunate that you have a sense of propriety and a pinch of honor. Pity the fools that lack this.

Pixels, gold, dollars, fame, and titles can be stripped away from a man, but not his honor. That can only be lost.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Feel fortunate that you have a sense of propriety and a pinch of honor. Pity the fools that lack this.

Pixels, gold, dollars, fame, and titles can be stripped away from a man, but not his honor. That can only be lost.
*Nods his head, and further contemplates the virtue of Honor.*

after a few moments

*wanders to the bookshelves and pulls out a dusty old Tome. Returns to the fire and settles in for a nice read and review of the other virtures as well*


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They also forgot to mention this so I will mention it for him. The thief also had a house full of teleporters that the festival team had donated to link up with their houses. Along with that 16 character statues including lost players from the past as a memorial. The thief made off with 8 sets of teleporters and 16 of the statues.
Some of us were lucky to get ours back Mant. If you were lucky enough to pop in on him at hub before his admittance. When I received mine back he also gave me Mobys statue to give to Krystal. Not sure if he had a teleporter or not but he did not give it to me.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Feel fortunate that you have a sense of propriety and a pinch of honor. Pity the fools that lack this.

Pixels, gold, dollars, fame, and titles can be stripped away from a man, but not his honor. That can only be lost.
Sums it up Tomas, well said.


A Pacific Auction House Announcement and Apology!

Apologies to all, for us taking so long to make any "official" response to the unfortunate event that happened this past Saturday.

Sadly, the Pacific Auction House (PAH) and Whispering Rose Radio (WRR) Staffs are just... well maybe too trusting! And, were in a state of shock!

In the interest of supporting an event that was created and run by dedicated UO players on the Pacific Shard, PAH and WRR, allowed someone to become part of our team. Unfortunately, in the end, it became clear, after the damage was done, that he had no honor or integrity at all!

It is a mistake we made and one that we are determined not to repeat!

The Pacific Rares Festival was one of the most ambitious and complex events put together by actual UO players in recent memory. It took months of planning.

PAH and WRR thank everyone for your support.... which has been overwhelming.

The events that happened and ultimately prevented the rares Auction from occurring were regretable...

But rest assured, PAH and WRR, take full responsiblity and will be contacting those who had losses, and compensating them accordingly.
*Steers Thread back on topic*