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[Discussion] Should changeling duped items be allowed on rare forums?


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, we had decided that changeling duped items should not be considered rare and be allowed on this forum.

I have been following that consensus ever since and moving threads related to such items to other forums. However, it can be quite a bit of work and I also catch grief for it from people who consider it as a rare.

I would like to see what is the current feeling in the community regarding this matter and change the rules if need be.

Rare Collector

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I think they should be allowed. They can't be made anymore and there are a limited amount of them around which fits the guidelines of what a rare is according to the rules of the forum.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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As much as I don't like the idea of them being rares from a 'bug/exploit'... the fact is as long as they can no longer be made, they are by our rules 'rares'. The problem is if we disallow those items than we hit a gray area with items like 'green' items, sigil, boxed/breakable items etc. While those items were not as damaging as the changeling exploit, they still were made through unintended use of game mechanics... not to mention when the global dupe occurred... we have a lot of items that were duped and there is no way for us to tell what is a dupe and what is an original item anymore. As long as there is no way to duplicate it, allow it... however, I think we should have them listed in some manner so folks do know the origin of them and can make choices based on that, just like the list of suspected duped items.


Crazed Zealot
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I think they should be allowed, it just makes alot of work for you otherwise Thomas. Like others said they cannot be made and there is a limited number of them out there.

I just think if they are allowed then we should still try our upmost to educate others in the community of their origin and rarity so that people don't get scammed.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, we had decided that changeling duped items should not be considered rare and be allowed on this forum.

I have been following that consensus ever since and moving threads related to such items to other forums. However, it can be quite a bit of work and I also catch grief for it from people who consider it as a rare.

I would like to see what is the current feeling in the community regarding this matter and change the rules if need be.
So...I nearly get the boot from these boards for discussing exceptional items made with exploited cloth less than a month ago and now you wish to change the rules regarding exploited dupes? :thumbup1:


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Rares means "history" or just "gold value" ?

If history, then duped and/or changeling duped items should not be allowed.

Gus of Llanowar

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Id say yes. Even with the changeling dupes some of these items are still limited to a certain amount. and are still desired. Rare specifically is defined as hard to find, of low numbers, uncommon or scarce. Take for example Servant of Tal Keesh robes were duped and their may be 200 to 300 out there but how often do you see them for sale. I saw three this weekend including the one i bought. Most times these items are stored in someones house from a long long time ago and they may not even play. Not to mention the amounts of these items that fell in houses that peple didnt get to IDOC. Lets not forget all the houses that burned a couple years ago because dupers were running the houses. I feel alot of the dupes were destroyed in this process as well not just the heartwood kits and things like this. Point is when Im looking for rare items i come here. If you take away these items which some people dont realize how many items this affects this forum will become alot more quiet. No more selling Lt sashes, glacial spellbooks, etheral clothing, any of the old robes (ari, emb cloak, royal guard invest cloaks, etc.) alot of our history has been duped in some sort of fashion. That is why replicas were made to make the dupes not so much more of a desirable commodity but some people still prefer the originals. Thisis the same kind of subject that they are having in sports wondering if stats should be pulled out of baseball because of steroids. fact is its to late. its a part of history and u cant just ignore it. they are still rare and I say yes allow them

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well Gus, if you feel these are OK to allow...then what of exceptional clothing crafted by...in normally unobtainable colors?


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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I think allowing this, will open the door to any exploited item ingame because once the exploit ends/its fixed, those items are not obtainable anymore and become rares.


Lore Keeper
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The items in question were created with an exploit. By allowing them to be bought and sold on this forum we're not only saying that that is ok we are also supporting it. I vote no.

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic

Gus of Llanowar

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well Gus, if you feel these are OK to allow...then what of exceptional clothing crafted by...in normally unobtainable colors?
Im trying really hard to focus on your question but my ADHD keeps drawing my attention to your hair. hmmmm so im going to try to answer. Items like those i have no interest in so i would be biased in that opinion. But to maybe delve into my explanation a little more with other factial information i would state as this. In real life we have museums. One of these in Washington DC has a copy of the Declaration of Indepence which is often swaped out with a facsimilie (dupe) of the actual item.they sell sale way cheaper copies in the gift shop. My point is I have a display of items in my sort of museum on Napa. 98% of whats on display is original i take pride in having the originals and would pay the differance to have it. But some items that who knows if the original even exist anymore i would grit my teeth and maybe accept a dupe of that item becuse in the end this isnt for me to buy and resell at higher prices later its to display a piece of UO history whether its a facsimilie or real. Of the items in my house currently their are only two to three items that i would say are dupes but who knows maybe they arnt. But it would be a shame to say I cant display a still rare item because its not the original nor is it ok to say i have to go to a regular trade forum to request something off the wall that may cost 100 mil and hope someone that is discussing bulk regeants may have one. they people that may have what im looking for is going to be in this forum. I dont surk every UO forum on stratics because my real life limits me to PC time period. Right now im at work suppose to be working so dont get smart and ask why im here. But back to the original question i vaguely fine double blessed clothing interesting nor do i find a fancy in rubble collecting or most server births like a chessboard. so i cant really give you an honest opinion on your outfits Mr. Restroom Cowboy with the freaky hair :mf_prop:


Babbling Loonie
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You guys decided way back to keep them off the forum. Have the balls to see it through.