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[Discussion] Overpriced vendors/help for us newbies



just wanted to pipe in on this. someone was saying that some items where being sold for way to much and that some items not rares ect. i am new to this rares collecting and have much to learn. i dont know the value of things and i have deff been guilty of paying to much for an item cut i thought it was a rare item or thought it was priced fair. i have also sold items that where worth more then what i sold them for cus i didnt know the true value (bloody aid i sold for 15m) i know i should have done research first before buying,selling but sometiems i see a item and i just buy before thinking. what im saying is maybe someone should post when they see items that are not up to par for rares fest and state what the true value is or maybe have a thread for this type of thing. maybe a new thread Titled: Rares For DUMIMMIES 101 or somthing. you guys all are talking about bringing the rares community together then how about doing something for us newbies to the rares community? that dont know any better.maybe start a mentoring program or somthing lol. all im saying is us newbies need help cus we are the ones that are buying the items for outragouse prices and placing items on our vendors that we might think are rare but are not. if someone see's somthing on my vendor that is over priced for what it is i would like someone to let me know:thumbup1: thanks

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ICQ me, I can get you in contact with a couple realy good rares traders that can price check for you and give you pointers. :)

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its really hard as a new player. I'd love to see a better support system for new collectors and also to protect the general public as well. I saw literally items that are still spawning that normally sell for literally less than 5k being sold for millions... harvest wine/cider 2009, inscribed bracelets of binding, renamed keys, peppercorn fishsteaks etc.

Thank you Fraggle for coming forth and at least opening the door for others who might be intimidated by admitting they want help. While I am unsure as to pricing on many items as per the community standard, I can tell you often times tell you when its an item that is 'not rare' being passed off as one.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Alot of players both old and new post questions about rares/and perhaps not so rare items for help. I know when its the heat of the moment at the rares fest its hard to wait for an answer here but it might save you alot of gold. Also some of the well known rares collectors are at these events, get to know who they are and maybe private message them in the game for advice.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you take down that bleached (or whatever process it is that turns the red into white) daemon bone armor off your vendor or did it actually pass as "old white daemon bone"?

By the time I saw you later on they were gone already.
Hi I did have a couple pieces, I thought I had them from a long time ago. But its possible that I bought them from a vendor on Europa, I really don't remember for sure. Umm I was unaware they were bleached or that you could even bleach them tbh. I wish you had seen me and warned me in the game, the one thing that I treasure more then my rares is my reputation and my friends in the game! Oh not to nit pick but err its Riply not Ripley rolleyes:

Derium of ls

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All of us need to come together and work on a frequently updated rares priceguide. Even all of us who are collectors still ICQ each other all the time price checking things before we make a buy!

Plus we should also gather info on the most recent common items passed off as rares.

I've said this a few times lately, but the stupid open books, bloody aids, skull candles and more at the rares fest being tagged as "SERVER BIRTH!!!!" on the vendors made me want to puke.Yes those are rare items, and most people heard about them, but trying to pass them off as something they are not... =/