Speaking to Logrus in IRC:
<Kiminality> Can we has throwing for hoomies? :<
<Logrus_Mythic> of course, you just need to use this special token thingy to make your human look gargoyle ish
* Kiminality sniffs
<Logrus_Mythic> and then your human has throwing
<+Kiminality> But no archery :<
<Logrus_Mythic> good trade!
<Kiminality> I actually forgot my question about throwing for the HoC
<Kiminality> There's all this talk about fixing up mysticism, which I always figured was alright even with needing myst/eval/imbung... What about throwing, where if you're perfect, it's about as good as archery
<Logrus_Mythic> oh sorry
<Logrus_Mythic> completely missed that the question was done
<Kiminality> (it was more a general observation - Throwing makes me a sad panda)
<Kiminality> Oh?
<Logrus_Mythic> well if you figure that throwing is about on par with archery
<Kiminality> Throwing's only really on par with archery if you get the right range
<Logrus_Mythic> the ranges are just about the same at good levels
<Logrus_Mythic> but if you cap out strength throwing has a slightly larger range
<Kiminality> Really? I don't recall reading that
<Faerunner> Interesting
<Kiminality> Anyway, I have a +3 throwing SoT, which no one's buying :<
<Logrus_Mythic> give it to me
<Faerunner> I forget; are archery/throwing attack speeds governed by dex like fencing/macing/swords?
<Logrus_Mythic> stamina
<Logrus_Mythic> i believe
<Kiminality> It's on Europa :<
<Logrus_Mythic> i'd have to check the math
<Faerunner> Stamina is dex, so yes.
<Logrus_Mythic> but from play (not code) i believe its stamina not dex
<Logrus_Mythic> you can get dex up to 150
<Joy> I haven't experimented with throwing yet...I'm just now getting to imbuing
<Kiminality> I think it is
<Logrus_Mythic> but stamina you can get up to 200 or so
<Logrus_Mythic> and stamina level directly affects swing speed
<Logrus_Mythic> as you'll notice when you get hit you start to swing slower
<Kiminality> -0.25 for every 30
<Faerunner> So if you max out your stamina you can get faster hits, but if you max out str you get longer range.
<Logrus_Mythic> yep
<Faerunner> Logrus: That's something I hadn't noticed but now that i know I will look for it on my dexxer
<Faerunner> The game math is something I rarely pay attention to, since I don't pvp or do champs.
<Logrus_Mythic> if you look at the weapon ranges (I think its posted on stratics )
<Faerunner> I've seen the ranges on my gargoyle's weapons
<Kiminality> I shall have a peek
<Logrus_Mythic> the range for the glaive is like 4-10
<Logrus_Mythic> or soemthing like that
<Logrus_Mythic> or range 10
<Logrus_Mythic> but the range is dependent on the char using it
<Logrus_Mythic> if you equip it on somone with less strength it'll show you taht characters range
It segued into swing speed, but there's not an overwhelming sense among the dev team that throwing needs love.
(I also edited out some of the general chatter, but nothing to change the context or meaning of what was said)