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Language switch classic client under Win 7




I have installed UO SA classic under Windows 7 (german OS).

UO detects OS language, hence running in German now.

Usually I would be able to switch back to English by putting the line "UserLanguageCodeString=ENU" into uo.cfg

However, that doesn't do the trick this time? Anyone else had that problem? Something to do with Windows 7?

Any help would be appreciated. I cannot play with this half-German version...




Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend

I have installed UO SA classic under Windows 7 (german OS).

UO detects OS language, hence running in German now.

Usually I would be able to switch back to English by putting the line "UserLanguageCodeString=ENU" into uo.cfg

However, that doesn't do the trick this time? Anyone else had that problem? Something to do with Windows 7?

Any help would be appreciated. I cannot play with this half-German version...


It's an ugly hack, but you can go into your CC folder, rename all the *.deu files to *.deu.old, and rename all your *.enu files to *.deu... otherwise, I'm not sure why UO won't change localization.


It's an ugly hack, but you can go into your CC folder, rename all the *.deu files to *.deu.old, and rename all your *.enu files to *.deu... otherwise, I'm not sure why UO won't change localization.
yeah, guess I will have to do it the hard way.

Thanx for the advice!!!