Lord Gareth
UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I was wondering if it is okay to take the Mesanna Assasins tool to Chesapeake for a little bit to use in some RP storylines. It has been a dagger I have always wanted since I first saw Mesanna in game. I don't want to argue the (You obtained it vs. Shard history) discussion, I just want to make sure it is okay to do and I wont upset the Baja shard by doing this.
Once I am done with it I will bring it back to Baja and my really good friend Wildstar said she would put it on display for shard history. And I think most of you know Wildstar she wont go and sell it even if the offer is (300,000,000) gold on it. I am a firm believer that such objects that play a role in a shards history should remain on the shard.
To make a long story short on how I obtained it. I recovered the Dagger off of her body when it went grey. I knew the dagger would most likely be over looked, since it was so small and the armor pieces had timers on it. And someone forgot to loot it and I was lucky enough to nab it.
I must say that I do love Baja because it has such a diverse culture and great history to it. It is like a second home to me.
Once I am done with it I will bring it back to Baja and my really good friend Wildstar said she would put it on display for shard history. And I think most of you know Wildstar she wont go and sell it even if the offer is (300,000,000) gold on it. I am a firm believer that such objects that play a role in a shards history should remain on the shard.
To make a long story short on how I obtained it. I recovered the Dagger off of her body when it went grey. I knew the dagger would most likely be over looked, since it was so small and the armor pieces had timers on it. And someone forgot to loot it and I was lucky enough to nab it.
I must say that I do love Baja because it has such a diverse culture and great history to it. It is like a second home to me.