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how do i find a legal free win 7 emulator



bean looking for one for some time now thx for any tips

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Any solution I can give you requires you have a copy of windows 7 already. If you do, the VMware workstation client or Microsoft Virtual PC will allow you to run windows 7 in a virtual instance inside another operating system.


darn as i down loaded the game again from the net tryed to get a coppy from my friend but i am in thailand and its pritty hard to get coppys here as fare as i know of any tips?


oki i tryed your solution and still cant log in getting the same list of problems


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there a reason why you specifically need windows 7, or are you just looking to upgrade your operating system and run windows software?

I'm just thinking that if you just want to run Windows software inside a modern operating system, the obvious free option is Linux. It's a change from Windows, but it is free and a lot of Windows software runs on Linux emulators like Wine. You can run Linux from a CD to see what it's like before you install it, and it can be installed onto a separate hard disk partition so you can boot either windows or linux. So that would be my suggestion.

If you need Windows 7 specifically, I guess the only option is to import a copy. But that's not going to be free. Unless you have a friend with a spare copy the only free ways to get Windows tend to be dodgy illegal ones :(



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there a reason why you specifically need windows 7, or are you just looking to upgrade your operating system and run windows software?

I'm just thinking that if you just want to run Windows software inside a modern operating system, the obvious free option is Linux. It's a change from Windows, but it is free and a lot of Windows software runs on Linux emulators like Wine. You can run Linux from a CD to see what it's like before you install it, and it can be installed onto a separate hard disk partition so you can boot either windows or linux. So that would be my suggestion.

If you need Windows 7 specifically, I guess the only option is to import a copy. But that's not going to be free. Unless you have a friend with a spare copy the only free ways to get Windows tend to be dodgy illegal ones :(

The 180 day trial of 7 is not available for download from Microsoft anymore from what I understand.


thx i already have bean helpt in a other post so can lock this one now