Make me your student. I'll sit at your feet, lol.
I understand the basics: bowl, dirt, pots. Any tips of the trade you can share?
Isn't really much to it. The worst part is having to go through the hassle every so many months of building the regeant vendors up to 999 stock and gathering a whole lot of Nightshade & Garlic and some Ginseng & Mandrake for potions to tend the plants. Otherwise it's just doing the planting, tending, harvesting, and making potions. I've a UOA macro that makes 50 potions a run. The alchemist crafting window will do multiple potions as well with a little more work & hassle.
A resource plant takes 17 days to grow all 8 resources & seeds (most make seeds) it will grow. After that, I just unlock them if grown at the house or set the backpack, if grown on a character, on the floor and after about 3 hours the game janitor makes them go away for you.
My current crop routine are three characters with four packs across the top of their backpack, each containing three rows of 6 cactus with two positioned vertically below each pack. Each pack with the two cactus below it are started a day for 12 days, then I have another 100 at the house in groups of 20 (2 wide by 10 long groups). For the 340 total. As I tend them, spaced out over the day, I put a Greater Poison Keg, and a Greater Cure keg in the middle of a characters backpack and then put in a bag with 15 water pitchers & a dozen Greater Strength and Greater Heal potions for any sick plants. I move the bag of water from plant set to plant set as a marker to which one I'm tending. I do the two singles below a pack then open the pack and do those 18. You have to move the mouse very little doing it this way which is great if your hands are grumpy from artheritis.
The ones at the house require your character to move among them. I position Valana three plants down a row and can do the 10 plants within her reach (two spaces away from her), then move to three from the other end and do that 10. You will want a water trough within sight to refill the water bag.
The only real work to it on a daily basis is having to harvest the 20 plants (160 clicks & 20 clicks to gather seeds to replant with) and then planting 20 replacements after the unlocked empty plants go away.
The backpack plants do a growth check when you log that character in & if its been 23 hours since the last growth, they grow another stage. The ones locked down at a house grow every morning during the maintainence period.
After a growth stage happens, they must be tended!
It sounds like more work than it actually is.