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Sonoma PvP thread, v. 3.07 - ENTER AT OWN RISK

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Were always in Fel, just cause we dont sit at the gate and run in houses doesn't mean we dont PvP.
I have two red chars, but If I'm spawning I would rather use a blue. That still doesn't explain why they quit the war and declined our second war invite.
I'm sure though if you send a war invite to COP we will accept if someone is on to accept it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trinity Said:

LoL.. he didn't even bother to come help bc there was only 3 of you & I dind't ask for any... I mean.. the stealth bola guy Targets bola on me and you and Mandrake rush outta Gate... I run a bit and mount up and low and behold Trinity is the only one on my screen apparently wanting to fight me... so After about a minute or so you changed your mind and the stealther bolas from stealth again and Mandrake rushes on screen and I run some more.... I then proceed to dump Mandrake since he's now the only person around again and finally you guys wise up and when stealth bola shows up again you poison spam my horse while the stealther holy lights it & DRAKE does the FS thing... Anyway... AFTER I died.. I let Eli & WU know there was 3 waka to be killed.. You apparently bailed and Mandrake and the stealther did the house thing though they both managed to die doing it..

Anyway.. that's what I get for not having my cure horse macro set right.. ah well.
Peon is right. He didn't inform us that there people to kill. After he got killed he finally said something (Peon rarely have time to play and he tends to keep the fun to himself) and at the time me and Eli was on so we figured we can have a nice little 3v3... then I logged on and waited for Eli just to find out that Trinity already bailed and the stealther and mandrake proceed to fight us from the house... no he didnt do it you might wanna claim that? Since you said Waka dont house fight before right?? Okay...


...the stealther and mandrake proceed to fight us from the house... no he didnt do it you might wanna claim that? Since you said Waka dont house fight before right?? Okay...
Isn't the corpse of Mandrake outside of the house? Wouldn't that suggest he wasn't house fightin? At least before he got killed?

Also, WU, unless there are other SCAM on don't you park your sorry azz in the house? C'mon...be truthful. You know you can...


Peon is right. He didn't inform us that there people to kill. After he got killed he finally said something (Peon rarely have time to play and he tends to keep the fun to himself) and at the time me and Eli was on so we figured we can have a nice little 3v3... then I logged on and waited for Eli just to find out that Trinity already bailed and the stealther and mandrake proceed to fight us from the house... no he didnt do it you might wanna claim that? Since you said Waka dont house fight before right?? Okay...
yea, i'm not seeing any bodies in the house, so that little story does not hold much water. Seems they died outside the house, but i guess we will just believe whatever you say wu, even though you always say the screenshot tells all. burned yourself on that one didn't ya?


Peon is right. He didn't inform us that there people to kill. After he got killed he finally said something (Peon rarely have time to play and he tends to keep the fun to himself) and at the time me and Eli was on so we figured we can have a nice little 3v3... then I logged on and waited for Eli just to find out that Trinity already bailed and the stealther and mandrake proceed to fight us from the house... no he didnt do it you might wanna claim that? Since you said Waka dont house fight before right?? Okay...
So what I'm curious is there were ONLY 2 Waka right??? Who's that blue haired person dead on the screen??? U said there was u Eli, and Savok right??? I'm guessing Eli is the dead person cause I see Aleas Darkwater running off to the right side in a green robe... So based on the picture 3 SCAM (1 died) 2 Waka (1 died) right???

Sorry if u think I "bailed"... I have work at 8am and quite frankly ur not worthy of keeping me from being well rested and making cash... Sorry bout ur luck... Ur juss not important enough to stay online to fight...

P.S. Just thought I'd throw this out there... 3 SCAM and 2 Dreadmares vs Mandrake (been back only a week) and a thief char. 1 dead SCAM 1 dead Waka... LMAO


yea, i'm not seeing any bodies in the house, so that little story does not hold much water. Seems they died outside the house, but i guess we will just believe whatever you say wu, even though you always say the screenshot tells all. burned yourself on that one didn't ya?
Just out of curiosity.. I have UO Assist and of course I set up my targeting my targeting macros in UO. See the message "last target queued"? Can you do that in UoAssist? If so, how?


Just out of curiosity.. I have UO Assist and of course I set up my targeting my targeting macros in UO. See the message "last target queued"? Can you do that in UoAssist? If so, how?
yes, you can do it in uoassist. click on the common tab on uoassist, then on the right side you would check Queue self/last target. Then whatever keys you use to target yourself or last target will now use that. Usually mages use this because you can queue your last target so whenever you cast your next spell it will automatically be casted on your last target. In other words, instead of casting a spell with 1 macro, then hitting your last target macro, you can just hit last target first before you cast the spell so it hits that target as soon as it's casted. Some think it is faster then hitting last target key after the spell, thats why it is used. Hope i explained that good enough for ya. I just set my macros for last target in my macro, so i don't even use the queue for spells like i use to, but each mage is different on how they play.


yes, you can do it in uoassist. click on the common tab on uoassist, then on the right side you would check Queue self/last target. Then whatever keys you use to target yourself or last target will now use that. Usually mages use this because you can queue your last target so whenever you cast your next spell it will automatically be casted on your last target. In other words, instead of casting a spell with 1 macro, then hitting your last target macro, you can just hit last target first before you cast the spell so it hits that target as soon as it's casted. Some think it is faster then hitting last target key after the spell, thats why it is used. Hope i explained that good enough for ya. I just set my macros for last target in my macro, so i don't even use the queue for spells like i use to, but each mage is different on how they play.
Ahhh that explains why u keep hitting me with explosions when ur trying to heal me eh??? hahahahaha

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Haha! Prolly why I got hit with one last night. Honestly the better players dont use it. It is usually used by more of your beginners. I found it a pain in the ass when I first started because if you queded your last target you had to clear it out if you needed to switch. Easier now just to scroll the mouse wheel when I drop.


Ahhh that explains why u keep hitting me with explosions when ur trying to heal me eh??? hahahahaha
nah i don't have a attack last macro on that one, so if i hit you with an explosion, then i probably am just trying to get you killed.:hahaha:

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Peon is right. He didn't inform us that there people to kill. After he got killed he finally said something (Peon rarely have time to play and he tends to keep the fun to himself) and at the time me and Eli was on so we figured we can have a nice little 3v3... then I logged on and waited for Eli just to find out that Trinity already bailed and the stealther and mandrake proceed to fight us from the house... no he didnt do it you might wanna claim that? Since you said Waka dont house fight before right?? Okay...
I highly doubt McKnight would fight out of my house. First off it is not designed for it. Second off I will give everyone one warning then they lose access to it. Very few have it anyways. McKnight has it as he restocks alot out of our stash there.

So let this be a public warning for Waka. If I catch you figthing out of my house and you have access I give you one warning and then you get booted. Dont be like COP and SCAM. Go out! Fight and die if need be, but dont stand back acting like COP and SCAM.

Stephanie Sonoma

Only a little action for me tonight, but it was fun none the less. Had to recall out and hide alot from the army of WAKA so no good fights :sad3: But then I got a 1v1 with Mandrake (that he requested) and he had me redlined once, then I started to warm up but still wasn't doing to well .... and then.... the dismounter comes in:

Needless to say I ran around a bit while still trying to fight, but it was useless! They got me off my ethy!

Not sure who called in the dismount, but it was fun anyway! Good fighting Mandrake, until next time! :) Thanks to my faction rune, no one got to kill poor old Stephanie!


Look Ma No Hands.






I didn't discriminate... I killed all guilds equally tonight... I had some of COP dying in their house as well but I forgot to save em before I snapped the next photos... lol

For ur viewing pleasure WU... Mid fight FULLSCREEN... Nothing hiding.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OMG !! Trinity posted Screenies !!! Finally!

See that wasn't so hard was it? Oh & the only reason that WU doesn't ALWAYS post fullscreen shots is that when he does it's too small to see the action bc his comps Res is set so high.. that's why he crops them to game window (photobucket doesn't auto resize them for him then)...or so it was explained when people first started making that comment.


OMG !! Trinity posted Screenies !!! Finally!

See that wasn't so hard was it? Oh & the only reason that WU doesn't ALWAYS post fullscreen shots is that when he does it's too small to see the action bc his comps Res is set so high.. that's why he crops them to game window (photobucket doesn't auto resize them for him then)...or so it was explained when people first started making that comment.
It was never about being "hard" bud... It was about not giving a rats ass about "bragging" bout killing people... I've ALWAYS believed in integrity... If I die I will admit it... If I win a battle I will admit... I don't think u will ever find a post where I flat out lied about something that occurred during that fight...

Again these screenshots were only a sample of what went down tonight...Nowhere near the full story... I went from 17 to 59 killpoints in the span of 3 hours... There's was much more slaughtering that these pics show... I know some other Waka got screenies of the fights tonight... hopefully they post them to shut PooUltima up already...

The bottom line is my screen shows everything... money shot, taskbar without editing or cropping...

As for the resolution being too high??? hmmmmmmm... What's his resolution set at??? I'll set mine at the same and post a fullscreen photo with everything...


OMG !! Trinity posted Screenies !!! Finally!

See that wasn't so hard was it? Oh & the only reason that WU doesn't ALWAYS post fullscreen shots is that when he does it's too small to see the action bc his comps Res is set so high.. that's why he crops them to game window (photobucket doesn't auto resize them for him then)...or so it was explained when people first started making that comment.
Nice screenshots Trin.

Ok, I also use the highest resolution for UO and have never had any problem with posting the pictures here. A while back I gave WU the suggestion to use *********** and he even used it. I wonder why he still uses photobucket when tinypic does a much better job. Especially since he is so insistant other people post full screenshots. If you give a challenge, shouldn't you also live up to it?

Here is the screenshot showing my resolution. I just love how you use the magnifying glass to enlarge the picture, dont you?




Appreciate everyone comin' out to the party at Khaldun last night. Special thanks to Zak for takin numerous dirtnaps! There will be another kegger tonight around the same time.




Appreciate everyone comin' out to the party at Khaldun last night. Special thanks to Zak for takin numerous dirtnaps! There will be another kegger tonight around the same time.

Be sure to let us know when and where and WAKA will be there...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ruffles.... I was referring to the computers resolution NOT UO's resolution..Here's your Fullscreen screeshot..Notice you have only room for 1 paperdool to the right of your UO playwindow.. and Wu's got room for 3-4 ?

Here's War's....

This one above is what photobucket does when he uploads a fullscreen shot at his resolution.... I'm pretty sure it's simply the size of the file etc.. which is why he crops them before uploadin so that you can actually see what's going on in the pic. The REASON he uses photobucket?? Since I'm guessing I'd probably say he's simply got a TON of pictures there so why bother moving? He just crops his screenies to show the action, but can still post full ones if he keeps the originals (I don't know if he does etc)



Ruffles.... I was referring to the computers resolution NOT UO's resolution..Here's your Fullscreen screeshot..Notice you have only room for 1 paperdool to the right of your UO playwindow.. and Wu's got room for 3-4 ?

This one above is what photobucket does when he uploads a fullscreen shot at his resolution.... I'm pretty sure it's simply the size of the file etc.. which is why he crops them before uploadin so that you can actually see what's going on in the pic. The REASON he uses photobucket?? Since I'm guessing I'd probably say he's simply got a TON of pictures there so why bother moving? He just crops his screenies to show the action, but can still post full ones if he keeps the originals (I don't know if he does etc)

ohhh ok gotcha...thanks for the clarification.


well, I am packing my computer tonite and will not be able to PvP for a few days *sobs* have to use the laptop again. Tonite for the most part was fun. I escaped from Scary Dope and MoT. Few times laughing so hard that I thought you guys would get me. Merry chase,boys, merry chase.

Then get killed by someone in scam in DSP. I forget who. NBD. Had to log for awhile to make sure we have last minute stuff. Come back and my guildies are ripping apart TB. Got sigil back to town. Had fun plunking at Farimir and Zak. The got me. Fairmir has class Zak doesn't, ya know Zak you MIGHT be a decent mage but you REALLY lack class, in game of course.

Well, be well all of you and I look forward to your posts.


I made a really dumb mistake last night.

Yes, me.

Went to DSP, using a laptop. I know better but did it anyway. The early afternoon (evening for the west coasties in the states) was fun for us 4 COP as we surprised a blue crew working the spawn. Killed 2 of the 3 a few times. Now I say a few times becaus they kepet coming back. I give them *high fives* for their tenacity. Welcome to PvP, Gargoyles!

Later on in the afternoon, I decided to try my luck again. One WAKA and two of the same gargoyles. Then I pushed my luck. I shot one of them. I couldnt believe how many WAKA were after just little ol' me! They came out of the walls of DSP. After a merry chase, yes they got me. I was trying to smoke bomb, shadowjump, use the trapped box when paraed, and nothing, then all at once spammed the screen with my spells. UGH!

Question for WAKA...going to be expanding soon or just offering your protectionn?

Another question...no one posting on the boards? I hear lotsa crickets.



I made a really dumb mistake last night.

Yes, me.

Went to DSP, using a laptop. I know better but did it anyway. The early afternoon (evening for the west coasties in the states) was fun for us 4 COP as we surprised a blue crew working the spawn. Killed 2 of the 3 a few times. Now I say a few times becaus they kepet coming back. I give them *high fives* for their tenacity. Welcome to PvP, Gargoyles!

Later on in the afternoon, I decided to try my luck again. One WAKA and two of the same gargoyles. Then I pushed my luck. I shot one of them. I couldnt believe how many WAKA were after just little ol' me! They came out of the walls of DSP. After a merry chase, yes they got me. I was trying to smoke bomb, shadowjump, use the trapped box when paraed, and nothing, then all at once spammed the screen with my spells. UGH!

Question for WAKA...going to be expanding soon or just offering your protectionn?

Another question...no one posting on the boards? I hear lotsa crickets.

Well, we had a fight with 86 some D@D and scam, we killed all of them, so we then decided to hit despise, and killed those 4 blues about 6 times. Then we decided to protect them because 86 and cop were killing them also, so we took out 86 and you, and some scam in despise. We protected them just at that one spawn, just so we could kill oranges. It is not a thing we will always do, we were just bored and decided that we may get a fight from it. As for your smokebombs not working when you got para is because i mana vamped you. No mana, no smoke bomb :) Nice that you came down though, hopefully we will see more then just you soon.


Well, we had a fight with 86 some D@D and scam, we killed all of them, so we then decided to hit despise, and killed those 4 blues about 6 times. Then we decided to protect them because 86 and cop were killing them also, so we took out 86 and you, and some scam in despise. We protected them just at that one spawn, just so we could kill oranges. It is not a thing we will always do, we were just bored and decided that we may get a fight from it. As for your smokebombs not working when you got para is because i mana vamped you. No mana, no smoke bomb :) Nice that you came down though, hopefully we will see more then just you soon.
So THAT's what happened!! Danged MV spell!

It was nice of you to protect them. Maybe they will participate in PvP. Soonest I will be on UO is after this weekend. I don't do well flying and playing. But, once the computer is set back up, I will surely be on as I am able. I hope COP comes back and gives ya'll a good taste of humble pie :p


I should have internet back at home soon. The modem fried and had to get a new one... It doesn't look like I missed out on much tho...


I should have internet back at home soon. The modem fried and had to get a new one... It doesn't look like I missed out on much tho...
Oh rat spit....and here I was looking forward to killing ya!!! Hope you are back soon so I can :stretcher:

Stephanie Sonoma

Luckiest kill shot ever:

Plato of Waka is running from Harry Potted, Gernize, and Crazy Legs and Zak with Scary Dope trying to help him. He is redlined and really can't do much since its 3 or 4 all over him (good targeting). I run by all of them without really know whats going on and have an explode up so I just target the first bar I see:

As you can see from the screenshot, there is no one even on my screen and the explode hit him with some pretty crazy timing!

I felt kinda of bad since I prefer to help anyone against Scam :sad3: Still pretty funny though! At least Scam didn't get it! :)

Anyway, had a good time fighting tonight. Good job all!


Oh rat spit....and here I was looking forward to killing ya!!! Hope you are back soon so I can :stretcher:
I'm not certain if ur telling me that ur going to kill me and have me carried out on a stretcher (if so u bumped ur head. lol) or if ur wanting me to be on so u can die and get carried out on a stretcher (makes much more sense. lol)


I'm not certain if ur telling me that ur going to kill me and have me carried out on a stretcher (if so u bumped ur head. lol) or if ur wanting me to be on so u can die and get carried out on a stretcher (makes much more sense. lol)
It's the altitude I tell ya!! That and being confined on an aircraft with nearly a dozen kids!! if I can survive this trip I'll either be insane or very very brave.

I'm going for brave...

Yep, gonna kill ya, and all your WAKA too!!! *GRINS*


Luckiest kill shot ever:

I felt kinda of bad since I prefer to help anyone against Scam :sad3: Still pretty funny though! At least Scam didn't get it! :)

Anyway, had a good time fighting tonight. Good job all!
I feel the same way as you do about helping scam...kinda like being forced to eat liver. *GAGS*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I heard last night the officially biggest Sonoma pvp guild got rolled hard, again... while outnumbering scam... again...... hmm is that true? I had to work last night, busy week, sorry.

Trinity, monster (click and follow "CnF" archer), scary dope(CnF Archer), snake(CnF Stealth Archer), jimmy crack corn (CnF Stealth Archer)... are the names I heard that was involved. Sure a lot of typical waka chars.

Just trying to find out how it went.

Mr Helmet

Luckiest kill shot ever:

Plato of Waka is running from Harry Potted, Gernize, and Crazy Legs and Zak with Scary Dope trying to help him. He is redlined and really can't do much since its 3 or 4 all over him (good targeting). I run by all of them without really know whats going on and have an explode up so I just target the first bar I see:

As you can see from the screenshot, there is no one even on my screen and the explode hit him with some pretty crazy timing!

I felt kinda of bad since I prefer to help anyone against Scam :sad3: Still pretty funny though! At least Scam didn't get it! :)

Anyway, had a good time fighting tonight. Good job all!

Dam you Stephanie i was wondering who got that kill shot. Good fights though last night. Curious what kinda things Trinity is going to make up


OMG... I'm curious as to when I was at this fight??? I logged in for a brief second and the fight was long over by that time...

Please someone tell me when I was at this fight cause I barely got my internet up and had to take care of other things... Like my fantasy basketball team... If there was any fighting and I was involved in it I would like to know about this...


I heard last night the officially biggest Sonoma pvp guild got rolled hard, again... while outnumbering scam... again...... hmm is that true? I had to work last night, busy week, sorry.

Trinity, monster (click and follow "CnF" archer), scary dope(CnF Archer), snake(CnF Stealth Archer), jimmy crack corn (CnF Stealth Archer)... are the names I heard that was involved. Sure a lot of typical waka chars.

Just trying to find out how it went.
Awwwwwww, PooUltima finally has something to say??? A week of his silence after posting screenshots he finally speaks out... Ur basing this off of "hearing" what went down??? Ur going down this road after beating a dead horse over people needing screenshots to prove what actually happened??? Well guess what... LAST NIGHT DIDN'T HAPPEN CAUSE U HAVE NO PROOFS... LMAO



I heard last night the officially biggest Sonoma pvp guild got rolled hard, again... while outnumbering scam... again...... hmm is that true? I had to work last night, busy week, sorry.

Trinity, monster (click and follow "CnF" archer), scary dope(CnF Archer), snake(CnF Stealth Archer), jimmy crack corn (CnF Stealth Archer)... are the names I heard that was involved. Sure a lot of typical waka chars.

Just trying to find out how it went.
Ok, so you had towork last night. BUT, what about the rest of the week? I've noticed that you havent spoken up much since Trin posted his screenshots. Could it be that now you are afraid to come come out and PVP? There just might be evidence that you and scam just aren't all that good.


I heard last night the officially biggest Sonoma pvp guild got rolled hard, again... while outnumbering scam... again...... hmm is that true? I had to work last night, busy week, sorry.

Trinity, monster (click and follow "CnF" archer), scary dope(CnF Archer), snake(CnF Stealth Archer), jimmy crack corn (CnF Stealth Archer)... are the names I heard that was involved. Sure a lot of typical waka chars.

Just trying to find out how it went.
well, for one, jimmy and snake are same guy. Also there were 2 scam on, 3 D@D and 5 waka. Scam ran and hid in sl base, so a few waka attacked D@D, then scam came running out so a few of us attacked them. In all, 4 of the 5 waka died because of trying to fight the 2 guilds at once and getting split up. I think Zak was the only D@D that died, not sure if either of the other 2 did. And scam survived by staying inside the base. Pretty bad on the side of waka, but i guess it happens. We had a great week of rolling scam, 86, and a few D@D and cop that were on, so i guess we can accept one bad fight. In all, it was good play by all, just didn't turn out in our favor.

Until the next battle:popcorn:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Laugh...and the world laughs with you. Laugh hysterically, for no apparent reason, and they'll leave you alone.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, so you had towork last night. BUT, what about the rest of the week? I've noticed that you havent spoken up much since Trin posted his screenshots. Could it be that now you are afraid to come come out and PVP? There just might be evidence that you and scam just aren't all that good.
I did mention I had a "busy week" right? Is your English reading comprehension finally dropped to a point that you read/talk/type and quite possibly think and lie like Snake?

Haha, I dont understand why you are talking. None of trinity's screenshot is 1v1. They are all ganking shots, screenshots like those I have a lot (you dont want me to post them again and that was about 1/3 of what I have). If Hunter doesnt mind I can relink them again straight out of my photo bucket.

I still have yet to see a real killshot on my pvp char. I find it funny, why do I have to say something about a few gank shots (and even further none of them is me and none of them even had my name on screen...) when I have more 1v1 shots than some ganking shots?

Look at the gernize shot... how many people can you fit in that tunnel? :lol: And you post some ultra zerg dismount shot... well that sure is something you can celebrate for, you played your cards right, dismount and zerg it never fight scam 1v1 to avoid actual 1v1 killshot to end up on stractics again is the last waka memo that got handed out I heard. Tough PvPers :thumbup1:

Gernize is one of a few that will actually fight against all odds (like 2 v 9 or something like that). It will be miracle to find a waka that even tries to 1v1 or fight outnumbered big time (and no, 3v2 after one of you got dropped isnt outnumbered). (Of course the ones that did attempt to 1v1 me... scroll to the last page and see their faces in dirt, Trinity included).

Ruffles what size of monitor you are using, your resolution is HORRIBLE that's unbearable for me. Try something bigger you will like it (I have HDMI monitor that runs 1680x1080). And I have about 500-ish screenshots on my photobucket thru out the years before trinity learned how to PvP(he usually just sits in house and rezzes his friends that I killed, PkP noobs and Flood ect).

Photobucket works very well and do not delete my pictures/account if you dont log on for a extended period of time. Besides it has much much better interface then Tinypics. I actually used tinypic once when I killed that ex-Waka dude while under attack by 5 other wakas, SOLO. Because EC resolution is too high even if its cropped. I will consider it. I got screenshots on assing up most big mouth wakas 1v1 anyways and some multiple times. I dont have anything to prove, its already proven, you guys on the other hand has a lot of catch up. I also have a lot of photos in there that's about gaming rigs I setup over the years.

If you want to impress(or shut me up) me with screenshots then you gotta do something better than dismount archers gank shots (which apperently is all waka is about).

Wow nice to know Snake has even more stealthers running identical templates. :lol:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh yea and COP is dead.
It's funny that NoMercy is their battle leader now (or so I heard) :lol:

Say hi to the quitter nooblets KMS/TMI/Pain and hope them for the best in Darkfall. I realize they play UO from time to time just to give out free points tho. GG COPlets. :thumbup1:

At least the the trammie department of COP is still pretty active right?

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are not identical at all. But then I am not going to let you in on the secrets that have you terrified to play on the shard without enough meat shields to cover your running away to hide azz.. :stretcher:

Have a nice day and eat lots of carrots. You will grow up to be a big boy some day. :grouphug:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are not identical at all. But then I am not going to let you in on the secrets that have you terrified to play on the shard without enough meat shields to cover your running away to hide azz.. :stretcher:

Have a nice day and eat lots of carrots. You will grow up to be a big boy some day. :grouphug:
Didnt you die on solid snake then cycled to jimmy and then died again? Dont you have a blue char as your back up char when all of your faction is stated? Oh I am so terrified. Suger PvPs better than you.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Naa..not quite. Keep trying tho, we love seeing you give it the old perpetual high school try tho..

You are so awesome WU..I just don't know how we all didn't see that before...

*exits stage left laughing his ass off...* :lol:


Great fights for once against scam, they had no chance to house hide this time. The fight started at tb base where 1 waka died and 2 scam died, the chase went up near despise where a few waka died. Both sides then regrouped and we told scam we would be in despise waiting on them. And noone will believe what happened. THEY ACTUALLY CAME!!!! We had a decent fielding at the beginning of the fight, but then a few scam tried to start fielding island off ON FIRST LEVEL!! So we figured since thats how they want to play, we took island and kept it the entire fight which lasted a good hour. Several deaths on both sides while on island. But once the baracoon dropped, so did scam. So in the end, i would say the night belonged to waka, but good try scum errrr scam.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh yea and COP is dead.
It's funny that NoMercy is their battle leader now (or so I heard) :lol:

Say hi to the quitter nooblets KMS/TMI/Pain and hope them for the best in Darkfall. I realize they play UO from time to time just to give out free points tho. GG COPlets. :thumbup1:

At least the the trammie department of COP is still pretty active right?
Now take it easy on NoMercy I raised him and other trammies from hatchlings.

I am real sorry that my bast@rd children are causing everyone problems.


I did mention I had a "busy week" right? Is your English reading comprehension finally dropped to a point that you read/talk/type and quite possibly think and lie like Snake?
1. Busy is a subjective word.
2. Busy is often a word used as an excuse.

Why is it that everytime someone asks a question you don't like you accuse them of lying? Please point out where I am lying.

Thank you for the inadvertant compliment comparing my posts with Widow Maker...he is good isn't he?

Haha, I dont understand why you are talking. None of trinity's screenshot is 1v1. They are all ganking shots, screenshots like those I have a lot (you dont want me to post them again and that was about 1/3 of what I have). If Hunter doesnt mind I can relink them again straight out of my photo bucket.
Why is it you keep changing the qualifies as to what is a good screenshot?

Ruffles what size of monitor you are using, your resolution is HORRIBLE that's unbearable for me. Try something bigger you will like it (I have HDMI monitor that runs 1680x1080). And I have about 500-ish screenshots on my photobucket thru out the years before trinity learned how to PvP(he usually just sits in house and rezzes his friends that I killed, PkP noobs and Flood ect).
My desktop monitor is 65 cm. resolution is 1280 x 800. I can go higher but having a tiny UO window and lotsa black space for the game just doesn't make sense to me. Also, playing games isn't the only use for that computer. Now this laptop computer screen is 43 cm.

Quite franky I have seen much more of WAKA, including Trinity, out and about in the pvp arena than I have scam. Also, those scam I usually do see are not you. What are your characters names? I could be mistaken.

Photobucket works very well and do not delete my pictures/account if you dont log on for a extended period of time.
I don't need trophies.

If you want to impress(or shut me up) me with screenshots then you gotta do something better than dismount archers gank shots (which apperently is all waka is about).
I don't need to impress you.


1. Busy is a subjective word.
2. Busy is often a word used as an excuse.

Why is it that everytime someone asks a question you don't like you accuse them of lying? Please point out where I am lying.

Thank you for the inadvertant compliment comparing my posts with Widow Maker...he is good isn't he?

Why is it you keep changing the qualifies as to what is a good screenshot?

My desktop monitor is 65 cm. resolution is 1280 x 800. I can go higher but having a tiny UO window and lotsa black space for the game just doesn't make sense to me. Also, playing games isn't the only use for that computer. Now this laptop computer screen is 43 cm.

Quite franky I have seen much more of WAKA, including Trinity, out and about in the pvp arena than I have scam. Also, those scam I usually do see are not you. What are your characters names? I could be mistaken.

I don't need trophies.

I don't need to impress you.
WU is never out unless they have more numbers then anyone else. He is always busy on the days where it's equal numbers. But on the days scam has more players, then he is out saying how good they are. Once we kill scam, he logs and never returns because he can't handle getting killed. We fight all guilds, but scam seems to help 86 alot, and i have even seen them team up with D@D also. Waka on the other hand, kills everyone equally. WU, you best stay "busy" for a while, since scam has been getting pwned most of this last week.
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