third... Lykor... Strap a polar bear under your butt and a mage weapon in your hand and you instantly become a catskills pvp knowitall.. really?? you sir have put your 2 cents in in EVERY pvp post out there thus far.. and its proved to be nothing more than just that... 2 cents...
you still have BOAT LOADS to learn about pvp ins and outs...
now go ahead and try to houdini my post into something its not...
a chum
Well, first off, I've played in Factions as my archer for quite some time. I only began playing a mage (parry, no mage wep) two months ago. NO WHERE in any of my posts do I claim to be an expert. In fact, this is the second time I've defended myself in that I am new to it (mage pvp) and had some difficulties. Now, the fact that I respond to posts on this forum, ANY OF THEM, is my right as a member of stratics. I've seen things I disagreed with in posts but certainly haven't chimed in everytime like you claim.
As far as "houdini"-ing your post, I won't ever do that. You speak for yourself. That's your version, and your thoughts. Not mine.
I've apologized for the errors I made in typing and fully agreed to learn the screenshot utility and post them per Lox's requests. I've had some disagreements with some members here, but nothing so far that I've taken offense to and certainly haven't said anything to personally attack anyone. If I say something critical of someone, IT ISN'T PERSONAL. It is about your little pixel UO player.....not you. Not your RL. Not your kids, whatever. I am merely making my views public AS ARE YOU.
Now stop taking everything personally, and lets move on. Every single person here has sat in a house in yew with OJs outside. EVERY single person here has died to their enemies (me more than others, a humble pvper HARK!), no one is an expert. Some are merely better than others right now, but I'm one that is trying to learn and grow in this part of the game.
I've done my best to show leadership and good qualities whereever I've been in game and out of game. I was honored when so many of my fellow members followed me when I left D|R.... none of which I recruited. Every one left on their own accord.
So, this will be my last post in the new "Catskills PVP Smack Talk Thread". I'm moving on to hopefully new topics and new smack talk in whatever new thread comes along. I'm just tired of the subject I reckon.....