So your suggestion is get a blue when the real pvpers who just want to fight all the time are red? Intresting, though I already said that's not a fix.
Also you didn't really rebuttle anything. The big complaint is coming from blues that they can't use banks/cities without getting attacked, when I provided evidence that they still have access to almost 50% of the cities still protected by the guards.
So how exactly is it unfair that FACTION cities only had their guard zones turned off? If you want everyone to be blue in factions then factions at that point should be opened to all facets. I'd be fine with that change if you're going to have fights lopsided for reds. Blues already get access to stuff reds can't, such as virtues and easy training[spell binders, putting pets on each other to train in tram ect].
All bases should be free of guard zones much like SL and Min, moving TB and Mag would be a step in the right direction. Espeically with TB spawning guards inside the castle even though that has been complained about for ages now and still not fixed.
Im what you basically are trying to say reds in factions in fel or gtfo.
Counter the game as it was BEFORE the GZ were TAKEN AWAY and deal with the consequences of being a red. So often people forget that playing a red is supposed to have consequences.
Let me make another counter...bring back true skill loss from playing a perma red and allow reds to be healed in GZ.
I didnt rebut what you had to say? Sorry you think so...seems you just suffer from selective reading to me and care very little about what actually gets said.
Blues have it easier? What does being blue have to do with this? You are on a red and there are consequences to being a murderer. All the devs. did is returned the balance...
Spellbinders? Virtues? LOL...if it is not one thing it is another. Try to add something to the conversation that involves the guardzones...this is not a debate between red and blue...since GZ do not care who flags.
BTW...why is it blues are being singled out by you? Is it not true that if I am on a blue and heal a red I will ALSO get whacked? Seems like equal opportunity whacking to me.