so at 120 parry i get a parry chance of 35%
is this calculated along with my weapon block chance or is it calculated afterwards?
like say something with 120 weapon attacks me when i have 120 weapon skill with 45 % dci and i have a 35 % chance to be hit
if the first calculation goes against me and the monster is supposed to hit
is that when the parry chance kicks in
as in i get a 2nd number roll of 35% to see if i get hit or not if i fail my weapon skill check?
is this calculated along with my weapon block chance or is it calculated afterwards?
like say something with 120 weapon attacks me when i have 120 weapon skill with 45 % dci and i have a 35 % chance to be hit
if the first calculation goes against me and the monster is supposed to hit
is that when the parry chance kicks in
as in i get a 2nd number roll of 35% to see if i get hit or not if i fail my weapon skill check?