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UOAssist Problems



Greetings, I am having trouble running UOAssist, resulting in error messages. Example: Data stream has changed and UO MAY not function correctly. An update or UOAssist DLL may be needed for UOAssist to load correctly. If I do get it to work, it is only for aprroximately 3-4 minutes. If I log-on and after I get a crash error message, it will not load at all for the following 6-7 hours. This problems occurs right after I put in my password. I have tried doing the updates, I uninstalled UOAssist completely and re-installed it and nothing has helped. I have emailed tugsoft repeatedly with no response, in the last week! I have a Windows 7 OS on my laptop and it is the one giving me trouble. My desktop is running smooth with, no problems loading UOAssist. Does anyone have any ideas on what I need to do? I can not evcen load UO by itself, without UOAssist! Could this be a bug affecting only the Windows 7 OS or a combination of Windows 7 and SA?
Help!!!! :rant2:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings, I am having trouble running UOAssist, resulting in error messages. Example: Data stream has changed and UO MAY not function correctly. An update or UOAssist DLL may be needed for UOAssist to load correctly. If I do get it to work, it is only for aprroximately 3-4 minutes. If I log-on and after I get a crash error message, it will not load at all for the following 6-7 hours. This problems occurs right after I put in my password. I have tried doing the updates, I uninstalled UOAssist completely and re-installed it and nothing has helped. I have emailed tugsoft repeatedly with no response, in the last week! I have a Windows 7 OS on my laptop and it is the one giving me trouble. My desktop is running smooth with, no problems loading UOAssist. Does anyone have any ideas on what I need to do? I can not evcen load UO by itself, without UOAssist! Could this be a bug affecting only the Windows 7 OS or a combination of Windows 7 and SA?
Help!!!! :rant2:
I have had no problems resembling yours and use Win7 as well. I do have questions as to proper install of UOAssist (thats in another thread I created here) but the prob you are having... nothing like that on my end. Win7 actually runs UO smoother than I have seen in years. I'm thinking its UOAssist related somehow. Would be interested in hearing how you fix this (if you fix it) and wish you the best of luck.


RIGHT click on UOAssist installer when you go to install, and select from the menu, RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.

Once UOAssist is installed, right click on the ICON for it, and select properties, then on the Compatibility TAB select Run as Administrator then apply.

WIN 7 has different security model than UO or UOAssist is designed for. These programs are trying to make calls to DLL's on your computer and unless you give it the ACCESS to do so by running as administrator, they will fail.


:thumbup: Thanks, for your reply. I did select to run UOAssist as Administrator, but it still didn't work. I am going to un-install UOAssist and re-install it again and follow your instructions. I will let you know if it worked. Thanks so much for your help. :thumbup:

Calla Lily

I can't get into UO either using UOA and am getting the same message as the OP. When I try to run it as administrator, it asks for a password. What password?

Why is this happening, and is it going to be fixed?

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't get into UO either using UOA and am getting the same message as the OP. When I try to run it as administrator, it asks for a password. What password?

Why is this happening, and is it going to be fixed?
The Password is your windows password and since it is asking it means your account is most likely not set as an admin on for the PC you are using. Perhaps someone else setup your PC and they are the admin? If so you need their password.

It is not something that needs "fixed" it is a Win 7 thing that you need to work with.

I have been using UOA, the classic client and the enhanced client all with Win 7 pro and they all run just fine. Of course I am full admin for my PC so that may be the difference.

Good luck.