Hey All,
I have read the stickies but can't seem to find a solid answer to my inquiry so any help from the resident pros would be great.
First of all I am hoping to make some sort of Tamer Archer Char with the folloing template as far as I know:
Animal Lore
Other than the above can you suggest any other skills that might be beneficial to raise? (Thinking I might need a little focus for mana regen etc)
Also is Peacemaking a must have for all tamer templates? If so I suppose I would have to drop archery and Tactics to make room for Peace and Music. As I want my tamer to be my archer char i don't really want to do this.
Any light you can shed on either subject would be much appreciated.
PS: Stat suggestions? I would assume High dex for archery and enough mana for gate casting or an occasional summon/MB
Thanks in advance,
I have read the stickies but can't seem to find a solid answer to my inquiry so any help from the resident pros would be great.
First of all I am hoping to make some sort of Tamer Archer Char with the folloing template as far as I know:
Animal Lore
Other than the above can you suggest any other skills that might be beneficial to raise? (Thinking I might need a little focus for mana regen etc)
Also is Peacemaking a must have for all tamer templates? If so I suppose I would have to drop archery and Tactics to make room for Peace and Music. As I want my tamer to be my archer char i don't really want to do this.
Any light you can shed on either subject would be much appreciated.
PS: Stat suggestions? I would assume High dex for archery and enough mana for gate casting or an occasional summon/MB
Thanks in advance,