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Some things never change



So i randomly login... after getting a little bit of the itch. As a walk from my house to the gate the first thing someone says to me is that "I suck and should quit UO" ... Itch gone.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So i randomly login... after getting a little bit of the itch. As a walk from my house to the gate the first thing someone says to me is that "I suck and should quit UO" ... Itch gone.
Wow, that's lame. I logged on for the first time in about 3 months... Walked to Yew... Second out the gate, Dismounted and a SUPER Dragon on me... They work their macro's SO FAST. My interest was gone, I struggle to log on at least once a week now, just cause I think the new chat thing is kinda cool. Can find anyone in game...

I was JUST starting to catch up with the "UO times" but in 3 months a LOT changed... I am WAY far behind now... the only way I will probably ever get back into uo is if Stuii gets these other GM's to either dominate another shard, or do some sort of an event.... But even then the ****ty EM's will stick their nose in it and make it suck.

Sorry that happened dude.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So i randomly login... after getting a little bit of the itch. As a walk from my house to the gate the first thing someone says to me is that "I suck and should quit UO" ... Itch gone.
Does smack talk from 12 year olds really affect you that much bro?


Does smack talk from 12 year olds really affect you that much bro?
hito, the point is that the majority of what's left in uo is nothing but 12 year olds. I enjoyed the game more when there were a greater diversity, and quality, of players (not necessarily skill wise). I was basically trying to say... I have better things todo with my time, then entertain pre-teens. (edit) and pixel cocky burnouts...


Aries nails it with the impression of what PvP has become. Few quality adult acting players and more pre-teen acting ones:bored:

I always laugh when I get killed 4 v 1 by tamer gimplets or alchemy gimplets then told I suck... wait, I play a pure mage, get ganked, and I suck?:danceb:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hito, the point is that the majority of what's left in uo is nothing but 12 year olds.
That is why items like this exist!

The 12 year olds go away, new ones come back just need to brush it off or take a break the itch will come back. UO is like a pool in South Park, as soon as the kindergarten kids jump in everything gets a yellow haze. Perhaps that should be their nickname.. instead of calling folk Trammies, we can call them "Yellow Haze". Kinda cool sounding they might like it.


Conversations like this one always make me laugh a little..
Frankly, I think if you are able to compete in any way at all and stay alive on a mage, you're pretty good. This is, after all, the hardest game I've ever played. Playing a mage as well as chad, kyrite, orion, pink, is about like riding a unicycle on top of a basketball. . . Its not even really fair to say that these kinds of players are 'good'. Lets face it, these guys are f-ing INCREDIBLE.

The curve runs downward from there to gimp-lets and archers that obscure their characters into something that can compete with these colossal players.. From there, it goes down to 'good' players.. This is why its always annoying to be ****-talked by an archer, or some gimp-tamer. . .

The only people worthy of any kind of ****-talk are the INCREDIBLES, and frankly, you never really hear it. . Chad and his 'steve suckzou' comments are about as bad as it gets from these guys, and frankly, I've always just thought it was funny to hear him squirt some 'suck' into almost any name .

The rest of the ****-talk you hear can generally be disregarded as a form of phallic-envy, from the gimp-lets and archers that WISH they as good as the 'good' mages, envious as they are to the fist-full of GREAT mages that they will NEVER be able to beat, on ANY template.. When you look at it that way, its pretty hard to blame them.. You gotta feel some degree of sympathy..

*note: If you were wondering where the curve goes after 'good', it goes to trammel...

Rand Al

Conversations like this one always make me laugh a little..
Frankly, I think if you are able to compete in any way at all and stay alive on a mage, you're pretty good. This is, after all, the hardest game I've ever played. Playing a mage as well as chad, kyrite, orion, pink, is about like riding a unicycle on top of a basketball. . . Its not even really fair to say that these kinds of players are 'good'. Lets face it, these guys are f-ing INCREDIBLE.

The curve runs downward from there to gimp-lets and archers that obscure their characters into something that can compete with these colossal players.. From there, it goes down to 'good' players.. This is why its always annoying to be ****-talked by an archer, or some gimp-tamer. . .

The only people worthy of any kind of ****-talk are the INCREDIBLES, and frankly, you never really hear it. . Chad and his 'steve suckzou' comments are about as bad as it gets from these guys, and frankly, I've always just thought it was funny to hear him squirt some 'suck' into almost any name .

The rest of the ****-talk you hear can generally be disregarded as a form of phallic-envy, from the gimp-lets and archers that WISH they as good as the 'good' mages, envious as they are to the fist-full of GREAT mages that they will NEVER be able to beat, on ANY template.. When you look at it that way, its pretty hard to blame them.. You gotta feel some degree of sympathy..

*note: If you were wondering where the curve goes after 'good', it goes to trammel...
Talking about joe boxer ehh!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is why items like this exist!

The 12 year olds go away, new ones come back just need to brush it off or take a break the itch will come back. UO is like a pool in South Park, as soon as the kindergarten kids jump in everything gets a yellow haze. Perhaps that should be their nickname.. instead of calling folk Trammies, we can call them "Yellow Haze". Kinda cool sounding they might like it.
Hahahahhahahah Yellow Haze

Balka, we all love you.. you *******! :wall:


the new guild that spawned from [T] is my bet on who this was. gives me a little chuckle that people act like that and then complain that the game is dead and there is nobody to fight... :wall: