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[News] EM Lillimu's Farewell

  • Thread starter Eyes of Origin
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Eyes of Origin

Lillimu's Farewell

Unfortunately I have some disheartening news. I will no longer be your EM.

However, as such, the email notification system that I established will also no longer be around. So this is the last update! Furthermore, entire site maintenance of pacific.uoem.net has been transferred over to EM Cyno Razik. So he'll be responsible for updating you on the website, now.

I have had a simply marvelous time with you all here on Pacific. If I could, I would stay longer and spend even more time with you! But unfortunately, that's just not in the cards. I have made some wonderful memories on Pacific with all of you, and it's been a blast. My favorite memories include the Punkin King in Felucca... the death of Casca, the Platinum vs Crimson war, and who could forget that Sphinx with his tricky riddles! I remember the weddings, the stories... and of course, the wedgies!

But my time here has come to an end, and I must say adieu. You're all a wonderful group of people, and it's been a pleasure to know you. I'm sure that Mesanna, Cyno and your future EM will continue to treat you with entertaining events. So treat them well, too!

Amelia the Fortuneteller is residing in Moonglow, north of the Lycaeum with her neighbours. Feel free to give her a visit, though she won't be as talkative as she usually is. The daemon invasions have mysteriously stopped, and Lady Mimeux hasn't been seen since the weekend. There are two baby ziguarts in the Ilshenar zoo who are looking for their mother, but I fear their time at the zoo will be spent in solitude for now. So please, drop them some nice treats once in a while and give them a few words of comfort! Unfortunately this also means I won't be able to host another PvP tournament, but don't forget I've put the names of all the 'winners' from last time on the third floor of the PvP Hall! All other awards are either on display at the Counselor's Hall, or the Award Hall in Malas.

You were truly a great shard... and I should know! I've been around. This time, I'm leaving about the same time that I came in, January 2009 to January 2010. It's been a wonderful year! Thanks again for the memories. May the virtues guide you!

*peace sign to the masses*

- Lillimu, aka Amelia Varaeli'n the Fortune Teller

PS: Don't forget, help improve events by giving event feedback (both positive and negative) at the following link: http://www.uoherald.com/feedback/index.php


I already emailed her, but just thought I'd say I'm sorry to see her go, she made the events very special....

Why is it the people who care the most about this game have to leave?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree Hulkamaniac. I must say, both Lillimu and Cyno have been excellent in engaging the participants of their events, thereby preventing much of the griefing that had gone on in other events.

I for one am heavy hearted to see her go.

Lillimu, if you should create Pacific player characters, do let us know because I'm sure many of us would love to continue interacting with you.

Eyes of Origin

Good, the EM's suck... One down, one to go... Off to ya.
Troll... jeez Tesla, do you ever have one good thing to say? Whats the old saying? If you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all?
I think this would be the perfect time to not say anything at all.


Good, the EM's suck... One down, one to go... Off to ya.
Jeez. The way you say it you'd think it was because of you she left. But glad you don't represent the whole of Pac.

IMO, Lillimu's events kind of reminded me of the old seers. She was also the only EM that I ever saw do events in/visit Fel.

Gonna be missed. GL to you Lillimu... thx for all your effort.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree Hulkamaniac. I must say, both Lillimu and Cyno have been excellent in engaging the participants of their events, thereby preventing much of the griefing that had gone on in other events.

I for one am heavy hearted to see her go.

Lillimu, if you should create Pacific player characters, do let us know because I'm sure many of us would love to continue interacting with you.

I agree, great memories with Lillimu and Cyno. :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good, the EM's suck... One down, one to go... Off to ya.
I always took it as a compliment when an idiot said something negative about me. It's sort of like, "If you have nice things to say about me, then I must be doing something wrong." It pretty much sums up how I feel about Tesla's post.