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Fresh Returnee question.



I just recently returned to the game and have a question that I cannot seem to find an answer to anywhere.

Do I have to have the Stygian Abyss expansion in order to use the Imbuing Skill?

In other words, can I roll a human and take up the Imbuing skill and not have the X-pac?


I just recently returned to the game and have a question that I cannot seem to find an answer to anywhere.

Do I have to have the Stygian Abyss expansion in order to use the Imbuing Skill?

In other words, can I roll a human and take up the Imbuing skill and not have the X-pac?
I believe you need the expansion.

Also, use a gargoyle, you get a bonus if you're a gargoyle, I believe....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back! Yeah, you need the expansion but there's quite a bit of content that goes with it besides just imbuing. Of course if you're not interested in all that, you can just find a friend with an imbuer to satisfy all your enchanting needs. :)


I feel like they've made it easy enough to make a 120 imbue'er that people really should just bite the bullet and build one themselves... Half the reason I never had time to play anymore was people that were always wanting imbuing..
Some nights, there was literally a LINE waiting for my attention. .


And you still never got to my stuff Gemma:danceb: Just kidding.:thumbsup:
Theres two kinds of people, reeb. The ones that push and shove and scream and pancake, and the ones that don't. . . You are the latter to an extreme. :thumbsup:.


Theres two kinds of people, reeb. The ones that push and shove and scream and pancake, and the ones that don't. . . You are the latter to an extreme. :thumbsup:.
And here I thought I was one step above a corpse...sort of Night of the Living Dead thing "Brains Brains":p

And to the OP, you don't HAVE to be gargoyle... but my understanding is you get a bonus for being one while imbuing.


Reeb don't worry. I will build one soon and then we are all good. Trouble is that by saying "soon" I really mean sometime in the next 6 months... or longer...

On a side note the tips that Evan gave me before leaving will help us miles once we start.

Oh and Evan don't judge but I didn't last long not playing. Needed an escape from reality again.


i have one made, but i have not used the skill to make anything other than 1 kryss yet. i can help some at nights. :)


Before I quit, I played that imbuier more than all my mains combined.. Most useful template in the game:
120 smith, 120 tailor, gm tinker, gm lore, gm carpentry, 120 imbuing,