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[Discussion] Back after 9 years--what's rare?


Sho Hashi

I found a couple of things that might be rare on an old account. Are any of these rare and/or valuable?

A [blank] of exceptional quality--clothing and armor that is double exceptional
Mage scroll that just says "Scroll"--various colors
An empty backpack that says it has one item in it
A backpack with 2 ribs in it that says it has 3 items in it
Bronze colored platemail legs that do not say bronze

Sho Hashi

I am guessing from the lack of response that none of these are that rare.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A [blank] of exceptional quality--clothing and armor that is double exceptional

The price depends on shard and the particular item. No, they aren't worthless. They can go from 200k into the millions if it is an item that isn't seen very often. There are several collectors of OEQ items.

Mage scroll that just says "Scroll"--various colors

These are technically rare since they no longer spawn (and haven't in a long time), however the amount of them in existence keeps the price low. I'd estimate about 50k-100k per scroll on average.

Hope that helps ya, Sho.