Ok well I got alittle busy in rl today so didnt get much done after this morning, but I did get the design done to a point Im satisfied and got a few plants in front entry. Figured I'd participate in the community here alittle and post a pick. Is there a certain size I should save it in paint, and also for you smarter than me people is there a way to put two screenshots together to give full view of what Ive done? Using paint, thanks again for the help I got today and to whomever takes alittle time to help me out with these darn pics.
Jossie Puddles
Open more than one instance of paint and use the crop tool to grab the selections you want (its the rectangle made of serrations). I usually open three+ instances of the program I'm using, one of them I'll make the background pretty big. This is where I paste stuff. I run to the northwest corner of the outside of the house and take a pic, and paste that into one of the pic editing program windows. Then I crop what I want out of it (usually the whole game window minus the top of the screen down to the top of the house, and I try to avoid getting the text cursor in the pic.) Paste this cropped bit into your paint window with the big background. You can drag the tiny blue dots on the sides or in the bottom right corner to make the window bigger as long as you don't have any outlined selections on the screen.
Now I run into the front of the house in the middle and try to get the bottom part of it. Take pic, paste into second pic editing window, crop, and line up with the first pic. The zoom feature is good for this. If you get de selected and cant move the new pic then hit undo, zoom in, and try again. I usually eyeball the two pictures before I paste them in to see where the overlap should be so it's easier to know where to zoom in.
Now for the last thing, I deselect (just click on any button) and the two pics are as one, I crop the final image cutting out the white bits, then I copy it and paste it into a new paint window so there will be no excess white part. You can also paste this image into the same window and drag it to the top left, deselect, then just drag the blue dot so it crops the pic that way.
Save the pic as whatever (I save on my desktop, easy to find that way), then upload to a hosting site, get URL, and post!