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[Discussion] Who's from ATL???


Monty Hall

Just trying to get to know more of the collectors on ATL. I'm WoodWitch on Atlantic, in case anyone doesn't know...And my cross shard traders name is Monty Hall. I also own the HavenGuardVendors on Atlantic. I'd like to give a shout out to the DevTeam/GMs/EMs involved with ATL and to Shinobi ATL's Master thief!!! I'm a merchant and I just payed off the Police and the ATL Mafia with that Shout out!! HAHA.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Assia Penryn - I own "Dragonstorm Marketplace" off the east Umbra bridge. My house "Dragonstorm Manor" which is next door will be open as soon as I finish it.


Seasoned Veteran
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I dual shard between Napa and Atlantic. While I spend most of my time playing on Atlantic, my museum (in progress) is Napa-specific and located on Napa.

Oh and I'll second the shout out to Shinobi, my ex-husband in game, whose divorce settlement of "A Fragment of The Eye of the Oracle" brought in 75 million at the festival.

Monty Hall

Greetings to both Assia and Kimberely, a pleasure to meet you both. I hope to continue our new dialog for years to come. So that would make you the Ex of the King of Thieves....Did he steal your heart too? J/K you don't have to answer that.

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
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Yeah, that was me who supported you with 75 mil for the smallest pixel crack in the game! It was the second most expensive thing I bought at Rares Fest '10. Funny that I had to leave Atl just to buy event items from ATL!

My Museum should be open by the weekend. I'll be dropping runes all over when it is done.


I am certainly not a hard-core rares follower, but after 12+ years in game, I have quite a bit tucked away. I do occasionally buy and sell - though I tend to lurk more in the background. I have the Falling Waters Fortress off the west shore of the Malas Lake.


If you are a rare collector you should play on ATL. Otherwise you just end up burning x-fer tokens to buy things. The smart dealers wise up and just move here.


Crazed Zealot
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Yeah its all well and good saying that, but to leave the shard you've played for years? To leave all your friends there? Your guild there if you have one? Leave all that history behind? Even if your in a different country and lag to hell on Atlantic?

I'd rather stay on Europa, its the best shard because i play on it :mf_prop:

Monty Hall

Only problem with ATL is that it has always been more of a PRIVATE Collections Shard. We all a bunch of GREEDY DRAGONS, sitting upon our personal Hordes of BOOTIE!!! We need to change that mentality.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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My collection has been on public display for quite some years.

Monty Hall

Yeah, Thomas your correct. But I spoke too Wynn today, and he is coming back...So you'll have to give him back his collection... J/K :lol: You are among the few of us Atantians that has shown off their collections....Even if the house has been stuck in a time warp and hasn't changed in a million years.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Items change all the time, but I am too lazy to customize.

Monty Hall

I'd like to say, nice to meet you all....Chaosy, Bobthecat, Tazar....And Oblivion...Nice Dagger!!!!:gee:

Gus of Llanowar

Stratics Veteran
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I dont reside on Atlantic but you may see me running around with my alias Gus of Napa. Kimberly......when you coming home and you should know to be letting me get first dibs on anything your selling hun.