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[Discussion] Next Rares Fest?


Social Distancing Since '97
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I am very interested in hosting the next Rares Fest on Chesapeake...Seeing as the last one just ended and I like to plan things months in advance...I thought it might be a good time to post this.

What is a good date for the next Rares Fest to be held? Is there anyone in line before me to host the next one? Anyone have any ideas or suggestion for the next fest?

Looking for all suggestions!


Slightly Crazed
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Right Before christmas would be fun, or January


When I designed the festival about a year and a half or two years ago it was intended to be run every 4-6 months...


Crazed Zealot
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Yeah we usually have 2-3 a year don't we?

One in mid summer would be good and then another one at end of year near xmas or something.

Monty Hall

DVI I thought it was more then 2-3 years ago, but that might be because of my 3 girls...Your mind has a funny way of keeping time when your out numbered by kids!!!! IMO good UO times are 1) Around XMAS, cuz we are all online do to the cold, for most of us...HIGH popularity time for UO always has been. 2) before summer, like end of May...Lowest popularity time for UO. and maybe 3) a smaller after summer break event, before halloween to wet the whistle for the Xmas one.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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I THOUGHT..... after the last forum poll, it was decided that Pacific would host since it was second in the poll?

Also, the times of the festivals last year were perfect.... May, August, then the one just ended January.... good intervals I believe....

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Yes, I thought Pacific was the next one. I personally wouldn't mind seeing these happen quarterly.

Jan - Winter
April - Spring
July - Summer
October - Fall


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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Next one is Pacific they have had a committee going for awhile now planning it. I believe it will be in the spring. Maybe someone from the committee could give more details


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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I thought it was pacific too.

We can put a vote for the one after that, I know Victoria Secret on LS wanted to get wtih DVI to host one too and now Chesy wants one I think we should vote on it.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Yes, I thought Pacific was the next one. I personally wouldn't mind seeing these happen quarterly.

Jan - Winter
April - Spring
July - Summer
October - Fall
I agree that would be cool, every 3 months :)


Stratics Veteran
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4 times per year? Yikes, thats 160m in transfer tokens. I would think every 6 months would give people time to accumulate some rares and gold. The turn out would probably be better also.


Seasoned Veteran
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4 times per year? Yikes, thats 160m in transfer tokens. I would think every 6 months would give people time to accumulate some rares and gold. The turn out would probably be better also.
I second that one!


The reasoning behind the initial plan to hold the event every 4-6 months was to prevent the decline of quality items being sold at the festival and to ensure that the focus of the event did not stray from its original intent [community development].

In addition, I might also recommend that there be some requirements for hosting the festival. Such as some length of time that one has been a member of the community and perhaps how active they are.

When I first created the festival my intent was to personally host it each time or to do so with a co-host and to rotate amongst the most populated shards. As my interest in UO has come and gone, and come and gone, and come again I would hesitate to recommended myself as a host for the event in the future, but if anyone planning to host the event, or scheduled to host an upcoming one would like any advice, suggestions etc feel free to contact me.

Monty Hall

Hey DVI, since your no longer Host UO rare Festivals. My six year old daughter is having her BDay this week. Mind hosting as a CLOWN!!! MUHAHA. Sorry everyone I couldn't past that up. :mf_prop:


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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If Pacific is still willing to put forward a proper hosting plan, then they should be allowed as they already requested a long time back.


Hey DVI, since your no longer Host UO rare Festivals. My six year old daughter is having her BDay this week. Mind hosting as a CLOWN!!! MUHAHA. Sorry everyone I couldn't past that up. :mf_prop:
HAHA! let me know where and when i can make a special trip down to lil rhodey just for her!


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Four sounds too often, two not often enough.....Three times a year anyone? Every four months???......

Gus of Llanowar

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am very interested in hosting the next Rares Fest on Chesapeake...Seeing as the last one just ended and I like to plan things months in advance...I thought it might be a good time to post this.

What is a good date for the next Rares Fest to be held? Is there anyone in line before me to host the next one? Anyone have any ideas or suggestion for the next fest?

Looking for all suggestions!
Quick reserve the spot after this one. It'll give you your aloted amount of time to plan. Maybe the next event could have vendors that are more likely to part with actual rares and not holiday decorations that can be remade anytime someone begs the EM to make some for them. I mean face it the 10 and 15 mil i saw being charged for some of the Christmas deco was rediculous. Any EM can make them at any time. What if next year they make Christmas ribbons again or naughty switches or holiday spiked punch. all of sudden your rares arnt rare. Every complained about the introduction of the replicas ruining the old rares well the way i see it is everyone is setting thereself up for a fall when the rares are reproduced again. We been getting the same Christmas tree and poinsetta why wouldnt remake that also. You know just a thought to whoevers hosting get a list of what the vendors are intending on bringing and screen applicant vendors.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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If you look at history of EM rewards, they don't generally pass out the same rewards.

The stag items are definitely rares worth investing in for a fair price. In my opinion, some of them were fairly cheap to obtain. Also, not all of them are equally common. Some are down right ultra-rare.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Sooooo, back to the question at hand. Next Festival.
Pacific in April/May?


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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i dunno who gets to decide its on pacific but i would like to vote on it because i would like it on chesapeake, its not fair that some secret committee can just say we've been planning it for a while and its on pacific because we said so, and it definitely shouldn't be on LS cause we had one there in the past

The Scandinavian

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Hi there,

I think i thas been said that whoever make an application to host and is known stratics member can host the festival.
No secret commite involved.

Pacific and then Chessy seems good to me.

The Scandinavian


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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i dunno who gets to decide its on pacific but i would like to vote on it because i would like it on chesapeake, its not fair that some secret committee can just say we've been planning it for a while and its on pacific because we said so, and it definitely shouldn't be on LS cause we had one there in the past
There is no secret committee. It is pretty much first come first serve. Pacific guys already asked for it and were in run for hosting the last one. So, it is only fair they get the shot at next one. If Chessy wants to host it then they should put together a plan and get in the queue for the one after.


Pacific has an active committee planning for the next Rares fest, which is tentatively scheduled for April 2010. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Thanks to Xuri on GL, and Manticore.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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myself and a large group of others are interested in hosting the festival after the Pacific one on Chesapeake, probably late summer or something like that, we're planning which house to use, auction, and a few different events and mini games to do


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Stratics Legend

April on Pacific! Late Summer/Early Fall on Chessy!

I'm excited already!