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[Discussion] A couple of suggestions for future rares fest!

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
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First off let me just say I have had a ball so far! For the most part everyone has been kind and courteous. Major kudos to Xuri for doing a bang up job! There are a couple of things that I thought may help for future Rares Festivals. Please do not take this as criticism, as it is meant only in the spirit of improving on an already great system.

1. If items are going to be displayed in a house for people to see, there should be an area that is viewable but not accessible for players. Like in some of the Auction Houses. Apparently not everyone is trustworthy at these festivals.....

2. Maybe require to have a vendor you must have either the vendor name or shop name the name of your character. I have seen a ton of people, including me, who are spamming "Who owns so and so?" I would not think it would have to be the name that you use on your home shard or on stratics, but maybe the name of the character you are using for dealings. People could still be anonymous that way but would make for easier sells and deals.


you would think it would be a logical thing to do, its always been something i tried to enforce in the past, so i can only imagine why people wouldnt have just naturally realized the benefits it offers


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Stratics Legend
alot of the ppl, including myself, simple put a book with our ICQ #, which leaves the shop/vendor name for advertising....but, nevertheless, point is valid.

and I can whole-heartedly agreed with point #1.....*cries*


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And getting kicked out of the house is just...dumb. For this reason, I won't be attending anymore "rares fest".


You mean you would rather vendor browse/look and see a lot of vendors at once more then having to click on over 50 vendors? But clicking is soooo fun!


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Stratics Legend
And getting kicked out of the house is just...dumb. For this reason, I won't be attending anymore "rares fest".
pretty dumb reason to not attend another rares fest

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Stratics Legend
I was really disappointed to see a bunch of items that aren't rares being sold as such or for really insane amounts... tokuno dyed boards, renamed keys, an old necklace from haven... for millions. Currently sick so was only able to swing by the tail end of it, but its really disheartening to see that.

I said this after the last festival and I'll say it again... I really wish the community would come up with an accountability for the festivals. Make it so vendors are only available for those with Stratics accounts with some sort of activity/acctage criteria. Vendors found to be carrying this stuff are asked to remove it by the host... those that don't are blocked with Gozas with a labeled warning to customers and are blacklisted from future rares festivals. I heard several comments about it from folks around Luna and its going to give the whole community a bad reputation if something isn't done. We shouldn't be all about making gold... yes, we're merchants... but we need to have a degree of credibility as well.

*saunters back to bed rest*


Seasoned Veteran
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And getting kicked out of the house is just...dumb. For this reason, I won't be attending anymore "rares fest".
I am sure the reason for that was you might have a person on a swampy sitting on top of 4 vendors for hours or just one person sitting on top of one vendor being afk. That also gets very annoying when you are trying to shop especially when there are several doing it at once.


I am sure the reason for that was you might have a person on a swampy sitting on top of 4 vendors for hours or just one person sitting on top of one vendor being afk. That also gets very annoying when you are trying to shop especially when there are several doing it at once.

I don't even know what vendor I am buying from half the time because I vendor browse.


Rares Fest Host | GL Jan 2010
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Stratics Legend
i keep seeing this acountability for rares fest thing coming up. I recieved Many icq's during the festival. And i used as many resources given to me as a house owner and UO character to try to stop these things. This is going to happen at every rares fest people trying to get one over on someone . the only thing left that could have been done was to goza up the vendor. which stops nothing but making them stand out and every one try to find out whats going on. If you noticed those "fake" items there still there at the end which means as a community we are doing our job at informing each other of possible scams and fakes. Almost every time we have a pub people will use this to thier advantage to take advantage of un knowledgeable players.

As this was a fairly public event i took alot of these "new to rares Players" and taught them about "keys being named" and "barrel Hoops" from haven. as many of these players truley did not know or understand these things. so before you are disgusted by these things being seen ask your self have you taken the time to help these players who are trying to get involved? You cant learn everything over night and its very hard to learn when players get the Pointed finger of doom and the " OMG YOUR A SCAMMER!!!!!!" rather than " hey let me show ya those keys they really arnt rare they are just a technique to keep your keys separate and organized.

im not saying all the players were oblivious but alot of them are.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Stratics Legend
Well.. in this rares fest (my first!) ive learned:

1. not to trust on price checks of the "top rares community leaders" cause they underprice the stuff that they still havent.. and they overprice the stuff they already have. That's sad.. every collector i have on icq know about him, but no one talk nothing about him here... cause he mantains some threads about season rares but well.. ok, im not saying names right? :lol:

2. Harbingers can kill u.. lol, so u need to be afk inside of a house.. and being a stealther helps alot :)

3. People like to talk **** about the only one vendor that has more than 10 rares on stock everytime. Oh well.. do u want a singing ball? u expect to pay mmm 80m on the only one singing ball in the rares fest? damn of course not, its the only one! first one was selled for 100m on the first min on vendor and ive take offers for my 2nd one for +140m. Oh u want a Crude Corroded Manacles? well price on statics rares are for 35m but it was sold for 70. Ceramic mug? sold for 50m. Wig? sold for 79m. Cards facing E/W? sold for 60. Bloody bandage? sold for 55. Special beard dye? sold for 30. Skull with candle? sold for 45. Book? sold for 40. Horse dung? oh i will not do any comment about this one, i just trade it cause i didnt want more gold. But next time, please, instead of talk **** about my vendor just check your own crappy vendor and shut up :)
/end rant

MeneM, of Lake Superior

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there,

as many of you maybe know by now Im in for the smith related rares mostly.
But Im learning more and more about other rares and I was like Assia dissapointed about the "rares".I would say that most of the items was normal high priced items.

But I made some very fantastic super duper mega deals so Im very happy,even if the deals was not from vendors.And I did pick up some items from vendors too.

The Scandinavian


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Stratics Legend
Irux, I went to the rares festival on Atlantic last year and there was WAY more fake rares/scam items there then at this festival. I am sorry to hear that someone's tunic was taken, but overall I think you guys did a great job.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I spent a grand total of 10m in the end on a red scimitar and bright white viking sword for roleplay back on my home shard lol. There just wasn't really alot of rares like i've seen at the last festivals plus everything was very very expensive compared to normal prices of people selling on here and such. Nothing really tickled my fancy and even if it did i wouldn't of brought it cause it probably would of been 2x the normal price. I mean rare collecting is the most expensive thing you can do on this game already, but to then have those prices doubled? How is someone with not that much gold like myself supposed to get into it when its like that, i came to the festival looking for some deals :(. Guess some people are just very greedy.

Ah well was still a good festival and heres to the next one :) :pint:

Monty Hall

Ok first of all I'm new to the Forum...Long time listener, First time caller...HEHE...Human Nature, someone will try to cheat you, someone will try to steal from you, and always in UO some knucklehead will drag SPAWN to where you don't want it....That being said, I bought nothing because I'm broke. But I met a few new people, Hi to Goodman of Stratics, Xuri from GL(thank you for your time and effort, and anyone who helped you in planning and carrying out the event) and Rowan whom I've never talked to even though we both play ATL (the BEST Shard):thumbup1: And I ran into a few friends and an OLD friend. I saw some deals, DAY 1 Reindeer booties 25m, naughty switch 2.5m, Origins bag and contents 4 items total 55m....to name a few. Then not to bag this person, because I have sold items for WAY more then they are worth to someone in the past because I Collect and really didn't want to sell, but they were willing to pay. A bottle of of some type for like 99m, from a recent event. Yeah thats high, but thats MY OPINION, and I dont have the right to force someone else to believe it. Now if I convince the seller why I think its high,and he/she comes down in the price. Thats called HAGGLING!!! IMO one of the best parts of collecting.

Nastia Cross

This was also my first rares fest and I think it was very well done. I did some deals via Stratics (thanks again Goodman) and I bought some things from vendors, some of which were not even at the rares fest house GL just happened to have some really good prices for things I was looking for.

A few things I'd like to mention.

I too was kinda perturbed by the various people standing on top of vendors. In the future, would it be possible to design a house so that vendors are accessible but the floor they are on (i.e. the roof or stairs) is not.

I'm pretty sure that in the past the Festival hasn't always been held in Luna, and that most of us hate Luna but honestly it was the perfect location. The entire shard benefits from the uptick in activity (and spending). What might be nice next time is for those rares collectors/auction houses/vendors not located in Luna to either drop runes or have an area in the Festival house with runes to these locations on display (the teleporter to the MOA auction house was a very nice touch).

And finally, while I enjoyed the activity in the days before the Festival, could we possibly try to constrain everyone to keep to the days advertized?

Thanks again GL looking forward to the next one!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
FYI, I had over 700 price checks during the week of the festival LOL


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Stratics Legend
MAN! I must be moving up in the world! I had 8 price checks compared to the 2 I had at the last festival! WOOT!


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Well.. in this rares fest (my first!) ive learned:

1. not to trust on price checks of the "top rares community leaders" cause they underprice the stuff that they still havent.. and they overprice the stuff they already have. That's sad.. every collector i have on icq know about him, but no one talk nothing about him here... cause he mantains some threads about season rares but well.. ok, im not saying names right? :lol:

This kind of stuff goes on all the time. I will say at the first rares fest and might be an idea for the next, there was a table set up where Trey and DVI both would give price checks that you could use only as a guide but were usually pretty close as both were not serious collectors per say, but would buy and sell their rares. Overall they were usually in range.

2. Harbingers can kill u.. lol, so u need to be afk inside of a house.. and being a stealther helps alot :)

After being off game for a year, I come back and attend the rares fest. I didn't even know harbringers existed as they were born while I was away and didn't think anything could kill you in Luna unless you were on Siege and I logged out at that house many times during the fest until I heard about the poor guy that had lost his 175m helm to one.

3. People like to talk **** about the only one vendor that has more than 10 rares on stock everytime. Oh well.. do u want a singing ball? u expect to pay mmm 80m on the only one singing ball in the rares fest? damn of course not, its the only one! first one was selled for 100m on the first min on vendor and ive take offers for my 2nd one for +140m. Oh u want a Crude Corroded Manacles? well price on statics rares are for 35m but it was sold for 70. Ceramic mug? sold for 50m. Wig? sold for 79m. Cards facing E/W? sold for 60. Bloody bandage? sold for 55. Special beard dye? sold for 30. Skull with candle? sold for 45. Book? sold for 40. Horse dung? oh i will not do any comment about this one, i just trade it cause i didnt want more gold. But next time, please, instead of talk **** about my vendor just check your own crappy vendor and shut up :)
/end rant

One last thing I have learned is some people are always going to talk #### regardless of whatever you do. Price your stuff on your vendors, if they don't like it or think it is too high, they can click to the next one. You brought some good stuff and true rares to your vendor and there was certainly enough gold on that shard to buy those kind of things, so my hat's off to you for bringing what you did. As far as people sitting on top of vendors afk for hours, I do not blame Irux a bit for kicking them out of the way, it was pretty annoying after a while.

Btw, thanks for a great time and a great festival. I thought you guys did great. It is a great undertaking to put something on like that. :thumbup1::thumbup1:


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was annoyed at the amount of items that just were not rare and how the majority of all the items were overpriced holiday items from this christmas. It was like I was browsing the same vendors over & over and seeing the same reindeer shoes that are "one of the last on the shard" for 35mil+ everytime I went.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Y'all brought too much damned solstice stag stuff, and expected WAY too much for it. And who the heck was the one that submitted a set of 50k diamond jewelry to that last auction (especially at the price that was being asked.. amazed anyone bid)? Was supposed to be a rares fest, not a rip people off as much as you can fest. Never trust a bunch of collectors to know the true value of an item.

Also, if you follow the idea of the first post and add a sectioned-off area, please remember to be sure there are no accessible areas either above or below it.


Y'all brought too much damned solstice stag stuff, and expected WAY too much for it. And who the heck was the one that submitted a set of 50k diamond jewelry to that last auction (especially at the price that was being asked.. amazed anyone bid)? Was supposed to be a rares fest, not a rip people off as much as you can fest. Never trust a bunch of collectors to know the true value of an item.
Make sure you give out your icq so people can double check with you what to sell, and how much to sell for.

And just so you know..........Value = Whatever someone will pay for an item not whatever Crysta thinks it's worth ;)


Y'all brought too much damned solstice stag stuff, and expected WAY too much for it. And who the heck was the one that submitted a set of 50k diamond jewelry to that last auction (especially at the price that was being asked.. amazed anyone bid)? Was supposed to be a rares fest, not a rip people off as much as you can fest. Never trust a bunch of collectors to know the true value of an item.

Also, if you follow the idea of the first post and add a sectioned-off area, please remember to be sure there are no accessible areas either above or below it.
I was the one that submitted the 50k diamond jewelry. When I submitted it I told them to start it at 0 so people could bid on it and possibly get a deal. What was the start price of the set? I'm curious because i was unable to attend a lot of the fest due to network issues.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Make sure you give out your icq so people can double check with you what to sell, and how much to sell for.

And just so you know..........Value = Whatever someone will pay for an item not whatever Crysta thinks it's worth ;)
Shall we make a new pair of boots? Sorry just a little inside joke and I couldn't help it! :mf_prop::mf_prop:


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Stratics Legend
Accountability is a very important factor that is often missing at Rare Festivals. However, it requires a lot of damn work.

I tried the "only existing members of Stratics get a vendor" approach during the last festival. It worked quite okay but still one or two were able to get through the filtering process because I did not have the time to pay close attention. Not to mention some of the people who should know better throwing a tantrum about not being allowed to sell some of the items. At some point, you just don't have time to deal with it and you nod your head. But still it works much better than nothing and buyer has to be responsible as well to some extent.

However, if all festivals followed a common registration process with accountability in mind, it would work better.