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[Discussion] Rares Fest Transfer Thread


Rares Fest Host | GL Jan 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone Attending Rares fest and has room to carry stuff for others, or if you are searching for someone to carry stuff from another shard post here.

Location: Great Lakes
Dates: Jan 8, 9 , and 10


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll need a ride from the following to GL:

Napa Valley

Beethoven the bard

i need 2 items from Atl to Gl if anyone has room. :thumbup1:


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I can bring stuff from Europa, Chesapeake, and Origin to Great Lakes.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can bring stuff from Europa, Chesapeake, and Origin to Great Lakes.

I'd like someone to bring a few items for me from Pacific, Napa Valley, Sonoma, and Catskills.
I would like to get a ride from Europa to GL. I have 1 item currently. Please icq me to arrange for the pick up at 123172317. Thanks,


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll need a ride from the following to GL:

Napa Valley
Hello Manticore

Just wondering what you have on Oceania - I am always looking for nice items, particularly deco stuff.

Could save you the effort of moving :thumbup:
Thanks Mezz

I'm well aware that everything is a far cry from alright

I'm well aware that all of us can at times be too uptight
And possibly the remedy is a dose of apathy
You point your finger at you, I'll point mine right back at me

Beethoven the bard

Hey, Xfering from Atl To GL tonight! (Dec 15th), prob about an hour from now. i have about 4 packy's worth of room. ICQ me if you want to xfer something over. Also, i have about 2k lockdowns at my castle if someone needs storage til rares fest.

ICQ - 475860652


Rares Fest Host | GL Jan 2010
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I am in need of 2 items from Chessy to GL


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I am in need of 2 items from Chessy to GL
I can bring them for you if you want, although at this time I don't plan to transfer until early January. But still before the festival.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All, if you are able to carry items for others, please post here at least 12 hours in advance so we can get in touch with you. I know for me I'll be checking this thread lots!!!


I can help carry items over to Great Lakes from Drachenfels and Lake Superior (maybe another shard later). Wont be transferring for a week or two though : )



I have a few items on Drachenfals and LS i would like moved to GL. Ill be coming from Atlantic.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll be attending the rares festival and can help transfer items from Legends to Great Lakes. We probably won't be transferring until a few days before the festival begins. I could use some helping moving a few items from:
Origin - done
Catskills - still need a ride

Last call for Legends. We're leaving Legends on Wednesday 1/6/10 so send a pm if you need a ride.

Keyser Soze

Anyone X-Sharding from Sonoma yet? I have 1 item I'd like to transfer.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looking for a ride from Lake Austin to Baja and Pacific to Baja.
Only a few items on each transfer


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can bring stuff from Europa, Chesapeake, and Origin to Great Lakes.

I'd like someone to bring a few items for me from Pacific, Napa Valley, Sonoma, and Catskills.
hi, i have a few items i need brought from origin to gl, my icq is 102388892, thanks


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can help carry items over to Great Lakes from Drachenfels and Lake Superior (maybe another shard later). Wont be transferring for a week or two though : )


i have some items on drachenfels that i need brought to great lakes please, thanks


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll be going from Legends to GL and have room to carry. I need a ride from Atlantic to GL if anyone has some space


An update:

I am currently xferring items from Drachenfels to Great Lakes for:

I am xferring items from Lake Superior to Great Lakes for:

There are also a few others whom I am assisting, though because they did not post here I won't list their names.

I've also come to realize that I will be making a quick xfer from Legends to Lake Superior before I make the final transfer back to Great Lakes.

So now I am also able to move some items to GL from Legends, but you need to contact me asap, because I plan on leaving legends by Saturday evening. Thanks!!!


I have xferred away from Legends, so I am no longer available to transfer items from there. But I will be available for the next day, possibly two, for transferring items from Chesapeake to Great Lakes


If anyone needs to transfer items from Napa to Atlantic, let me know. Transferring tonight.

icq 446-932-136


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I will be transferring from the following shards to Great Lakes on the evenings (Eastern time) of the specified dates. If you would like me to bring something to Great Lakes for you from these shards, please send me a Stratics PM. We can use ICQ after that to set up our in-game meetings if you prefer.

- Chesapeake--Tuesday, January 5 (TRANSFERRED! All 3 delivered)
- Europa--Tuesday, January 5 (TRANSFERRED! All 6 delivered)
- Origin--Wednesday, January 6 (TRANSFERRED! All 4 delivered)


I also have items that I'd like people to carry for me to Great Lakes. Many of them are merely possibly-rare 2008 Ice Blue, Ice Green, or Blaze gift boxes, since I'm having a hard time identifying which ones are truly the rare colors, even from the online snapshots. (My eyes aren't very good.) If you don't want me to clutter up your transfer with my maybe-rare boxes, please tell me and I won't burden you with those, just the items I can definitely identify.

I'm looking for people to carry items for me from the following shards to Great Lakes:

- Baja--3 definite items, 1 possibly rare box
- Catskills--1 possibly rare box
- Hokuto--1 possibly rare box
- Izumo--1 definite item, 1 possibly rare box
- Lake Austin--2 possibly rare boxes
- Sonoma--1 definite item, 1 possibly rare box
- Atlantic--2 possibly rare boxes (DONE!)
- Drachenfels--1 definite item (DONE!)
- Lake Superior--About 10 definite items (DONE!)
- Legends--3 definite items, 2 possibly rare boxes (DONE!)
- Napa Valley--2 definite items, 3 possibly rare boxes (DONE!)
- Pacific--3 definite items, 2 possibly rare boxes (DONE!)

Please send me a PM if you're willing to carry any of these items for me. We can use ICQ later to set up the in-game meetings if you prefer. Thanks!


Transfering from Drachenfels with some stuff to Great Lakes if anyone are interested


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Napa to GL transfer

List-************** - Status-

Aibal *************Transfered
Dragon Mist*********Delivered


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
anyone xferring from atl to gl? i have 10 15 items id like to xfer thanks icq me 44480663


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I need a ride for a few items from these shards if anyone is going. I will be leaving town tomorrow on Friday and will be back home on Monday night. I will be online off and on today and back on Monday. These are the shards I could use help with:

Lake Superior---Done thx
Sonoma--------Done thx

and i know these are wishful :)


Please send me a pm if u are traveling from these to Great Lakes.

Thanks, Shal


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i will have some extra room on chesapeake if anyone needs anything brought from chessy to great lakes, icq me at 102388892 or pm me


Okay all, within the next 48 hours or so I will be transferring my characters from Drachenfels and Lake Superior back to Great Lakes.

Once the xfer has gone through I will ICQ or PM those of you whom I am
carrying items for.

If there are any last minute people please try and contact me by about 6pm eastern tomorrow night.

Thanks guys!!!



Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ill be leaving from Pac and Baja on Tuesday to GL. Pm me if ya need some stuff moved.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm still looking for someone to transfer stuff for me from:

- Atlantic--2 possibly rare boxes (DONE!)
- Baja--3 definite items, 1 possibly rare box
- Catskills--1 possibly rare box
- Hokuto--1 possibly rare box
- Izumo--1 definite item, 1 possibly rare box
- Lake Austin--2 possibly rare boxes
- Sonoma--1 definite item, 1 possibly rare box

I can carry stuff for other people from Origin and Cheseapeake if I get the items no later than Monday night, and from Europa if I get the items no later than Tuesday night.

Please send me a PM here on Stratics if you're interested in carrying stuff for me or having me carry stuff for you. Thanks!


Hey all, just wanted to post that I have officially left Drach. I will be contacting those whose items I xferred later today.

I will be leaving Lake Superior by tomorrow : )


The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

need a ride from Lake Austin.

I will leave from Europa in a few days.
Send me a mess if you need a ride.

The Scandinavian

Tribute House

I'm still looking for someone to transfer stuff for me from:

- Atlantic--2 possibly rare boxes

I will be xfering over on Monday (tomorrow) from Atl to GL and i have about 2 packys worth of space left if anyone has items that need to hitch a ride. icq is 299140975 or pm me.

Thanks :)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Transferring from Legends tomorrow evening if anyone else needs items moved over to GL - still have space left :)

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll be xferring from Napa to Atlantic this evening - I'm shooting for 7pm EST. And then from Atlantic to GL soon thereafter (hopefully by 9pm EST).
Please let me know who needs a ride from Napa to GL (via Atlantic) and/or Atl to GL. Thanks!
My Q is 215-364-344.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll be xferring from Napa to Atlantic this evening - I'm shooting for 7pm EST. And then from Atlantic to GL soon thereafter (hopefully by 9pm EST).
Please let me know who needs a ride from Napa to GL (via Atlantic) and/or Atl to GL. Thanks!
My Q is 215-364-344.

I'm sending you an ICQ Nine...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone going to Great Lakes from Lake Austin, if so I am in need of a ride. I have about 30 items if anyone has some room to help me out


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i will be xfering from Baja if i can ever get a hold of Irux at his house to get a vendor lol