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UO memories



Just a few moments in UO history that I thought I'd reminisce on some past times of good ol Sonoma...

How many people still play ever traveled to DOM island to fight all the people in that guild DOM??? They had their own island compound... all running with full plate armor, and heavy xbows of vanquishing, and the capability of chugging pots at the same time...

or being able to recall into Papua to raid the Minax base before it became ruins...

Order/Chaos days with 40-60 people fighting one another in Vesper, Britain, Trinsic, Minoc...

Or even the anti pk/pk battles in Wrong or Covetous where the battle lines were drawn by fire fields and kamikaze's would run forth shooting ebolts and fireballs...

Balinor of Pk?

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Or recalling to bank grey and when someone attacked you, you stole their reagents so they couldn't cast on you then proceeded to beat them down in front of everyone...? :)

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
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Haha, all good times.

I always enjoyed nuking people with a purple pot train.

The good old bone wall and when people use to play together.

My favorite was probably right when Tram came out and you could still loot people in tram of their belongings.

And definetly I miss Chaos/Order, I remember when Cice of B^G had me make a B^G affiliateorder guild and at that time COP was the only other chaos guild. It was me vs them and all I had at that time to survive was my log cabin outside of moonglow.

Good times indeed.


Lore Keeper
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The 1999 Xmas Holocaust.

Back then we just had the U.S. shards, Each town had its own crowded population.

With the assistance of my guildmates (D&F) I created over around 200 GM made exploding trap boxes. After making them we stored them in our bank boxes till xmas morning.

We started of course at Brit west bank and started the slaughter. Acting like we were cleaning out our bank boxes we set the boxes down and patiently waited on the patch of green grass when the carnage started.

It was a chain reaction of mayhem that day. Curious people would try to open the boxes and blew up. In come the looter and thieves taking the items off the corpses and go gray. We would hit our guards macro, guards flashed to the seen, kill the thieves and looters and we would loot them.
We made a big haul in loot that day hitting every town and my little old mule Tim the Toolman was responsible for all those deaths and ended up in the top 5 on the bounty board. There was never that much carnage on sonoma. Body's stacked on body's plus the addition of carving up the corpses for a gruesome display.

Order/Chaos days with 40-60 people fighting one another in Vesper, Britain, Trinsic, Minoc...

Or even the anti pk/pk battles in Wrong or Covetous where the battle lines were drawn by fire fields and kamikaze's would run forth shooting ebolts and fireballs...
Good old days. From my second day of UO I have lived near Wrong at the clearing. My house is located on the exact spot of my first guild which I was a member. Sas, 409, The silver dragoon knights,C*D,HK, so many guilds to list were daily visitors to the neighborhood. I made some good money there as well selling potions, recall scrolls, marked runes (no runebooks at that time) resurrection scrolls, bandages etc.
Wrong dungeon at the time hosted ogre lords which was a good gold source and attracted all sorts of players.


I really enjoyed playing in a chaos guild I wish I could remember the name of the guild or some of the members. My other favorite thing was the server war every morning during the time between when the server saved and actually went down. It was so much carnage at the Brit cemetery.

I loved going to the bone wall for training, and it never failed someone would show up using a silver weapon. It was also fun asking mages for a gate to get around and never knowing for sure where you might end up lol.


How many people still play ever traveled to DOM island to fight all the people in that guild DOM???
ha, I remember all that jazz... I can say that one day in 1998 as me and a rag tag group of Zogs were sailing around the islands looking for =G= to kill, stumbled upon DOM Isle and engaged in brutal combat with those people.. its too bad OSI had other dreams for that guild..but I suppose its all DOM's fault.. On the plus side I owned a DOM location (the swamp castle) for a short time after it was the gods decided "FOR SOME REASON" to get rid of it.. ^_^.

War and glory of the past on this game was always epic.. why we all look to the past for good memories is beyond me when we could have it now days..but that is all your call..ya dig?

I miss the players of those time and the game mechanics.. makes me feel old when I think about it but most of my guildmates were older than me back then...why they choose to follow somebody as young as me...boggles the mind!..or maybe I was just the Alexander the great of UO.


ha, I remember all that jazz... I can say that one day in 1998 as me and a rag tag group of Zogs were sailing around the islands looking for =G= to kill, stumbled upon DOM Isle and engaged in brutal combat with those people.. its too bad OSI had other dreams for that guild..but I suppose its all DOM's fault.. On the plus side I owned a DOM location (the swamp castle) for a short time after it was the gods decided "FOR SOME REASON" to get rid of it.. ^_^.

War and glory of the past on this game was always epic.. why we all look to the past for good memories is beyond me when we could have it now days..but that is all your call..ya dig?

I miss the players of those time and the game mechanics.. makes me feel old when I think about it but most of my guildmates were older than me back then...why they choose to follow somebody as young as me...boggles the mind!..or maybe I was just the Alexander the great of UO.
Honestly, and this is not and should not be the start of a flame war... It's a simple fact bout the status of pvp these days... It has nothing to do with enhancements at all... It's the simple fact that back then people looked for fights, they didn't run, they engaged... It's rare to find those qualities in pvp anymore... factions meant something back then... the right to own towns and reap the benefits of the faction vendors... Now days the ONLY reason to be in factions is for enhanced items... Lame-o... Back then there was some house hiding but nowhere near the extent now... It was just flat out reckless abandon... Balls to the walls fighting... No running to fight another day... Everyone went out in flames... that is why all GREAT memories r pre AOS and why all the great players abandoned UO... There was an actual community back then too... towns and the wilderness were abundant with travelers and weary souls...

On a side note, if yall haven't watched Avatar in IMAX 3D, it's a MUST SEE... Just got done watchin it with my nephews... Absolutely great movie...


I don't think any thing beats your first couple years of UO.

I've had fun a lot of fun with Lefty, he got me addicted to this game as a teenager. Hes a sick puppy.

I miss the O/C battles. I miss merchants being more valuable than they are today.
Server wars are great memories, busting out your best weapons when you knew server was going to revert atleast an hour back.

I miss alot more of players than I do memories.

Damien (Aka Angel) Lefty and I knew this man for years, I hope hes doing alright. He helped us out a lot when we needed it.

Selk Painbringer - Talked alot of crap, but over all Ken was a great guy. I loved dueling with him, and PKing with him.

Locke Ebonysoul - Great guy, friend, and over all one of the best guild mates I had the honor of having on my side.

Im not going to keep going the list is insane. I think its the people that help make the memories that we struggle to hold on to. I wish a lot of people would come back.

Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
The biggest change to the game I don't like is insurance.... It has made merchants next to useless... and it had made PvP pointless... Back in the day if you die in battle it would take at elast 3-5 mins to go back and re equip before you could go back and be any help and by that time the fight could be over. Now with insurance all you have to do is rez and you are back in the fight it is pathetic.


The biggest change to the game I don't like is insurance.... It has made merchants next to useless... and it had made PvP pointless... Back in the day if you die in battle it would take at elast 3-5 mins to go back and re equip before you could go back and be any help and by that time the fight could be over. Now with insurance all you have to do is rez and you are back in the fight it is pathetic.
Nothing like the chaos/order fights when everyone was using the war hammers and bashing each others armor and shields when Magery was rendered useless in towns except for healing... macers would wreak havoc on people's armor...

As for the insurance comment... Yes indeed... it is why most ppl quit playing altogether... However mages were the dominant template back then and all we wore were noob clothes so we were always back up in the fight... Even in stat we were fielding/healing to help the guild survive... different scenario now days... different breed of pvpers...

Orgional Farimir

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The biggest change to the game I don't like is insurance.... It has made merchants next to useless... and it had made PvP pointless... Back in the day if you die in battle it would take at elast 3-5 mins to go back and re equip before you could go back and be any help and by that time the fight could be over. Now with insurance all you have to do is rez and you are back in the fight it is pathetic.
Nothing like the chaos/order fights when everyone was using the war hammers and bashing each others armor and shields when Magery was rendered useless in towns except for healing... macers would wreak havoc on people's armor...

As for the insurance comment... Yes indeed... it is why most ppl quit playing altogether... However mages were the dominant template back then and all we wore were noob clothes so we were always back up in the fight... Even in stat we were fielding/healing to help the guild survive... different scenario now days... different breed of pvpers...
yes completly different breed of PvPers. I remember when I started it I was a macer mage template and that tore people up... It really helped on fencers because it took down their dex. Then before I left I changed his template to a healer mage which was really nice for base defence because I could rez with aids and heal with magery.

Now that I came back I am a necro mage, but I still have to learn how to PvP with him:)


The truly scary mages were the ones that ran around wearing nothing. lol They were like crazy men running wild.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Man..so many memories...I dont got screen shots from back in the day but I think got some older ones Ill post at end of post...

Umm...Back in the day...going to Shame to make a quick 60-70k to go buy some armor and a few weps and then going and just bashing it out wherever...fel yew was a favorite of mine and of the guild my RL uncle, Malice of UGK, was in. Small tower right behind the empath abbey. Man good times there. Multiple times seeing UGK back behind the abbey just out there wrecking folks.

Going to any bank and seeing atleast 2-3 people at it...that was on Sonoma.

Originally playing a character on my dads account..working up a 7x GM dexer on pac then getting my own account and starting on Sonoma and having to do it all again...

My brother, Capt Nemo of ZOG, giving away house after house...I think he gave away more of my stuff that I have ever given out..LOL...Now I remember why he was always broke...

Getting back into PvP post AoS. Joined up with E^E as a total noob with the AoS crap. Wearing the bunny ears and ember legs. Hooman, Saphire, Jagerstadt, Endrik, Elmwrad (Woowoo) and so many more. Good times there. Win or lose (alot of time lost) we still had fun no matter what.

Joining up with my boys in Waka....most have since left that I originally played with..some are in SCAM..some play Pac primarily...some just dont play anymore. Man good time...I remember Kal talking so much **** to me in vent for wearing pendant of the Magi, after ML came out, in my dexers suit. Remember a day when myself and Monster got on Darkstone and Plato. Went to Oaks where I think COP and PAS were doing an Oaks. Man was too much fun...we had prolly 10-15 peeps after us...main tactic....I run up, disarm, hit with a bleed, and then monster would AI, AI, and AI...man..we prolly dropped 20+ people in a 30 min period...haha...We got chased all ovef t2a..I think they finally got me in the end.

Man..I could go on forever..so many good memories...honestly though..its not a certain time period that just rings above all others..its honestly the people I have played with over the years. Some still play, some have long since quit. The memories of the good times and the new ones being made.




I'm a returning player after a 10 year hiatus, so some of my memories may predate puberty on a few of you.. LOL :p

Making a mage just after release only to find out mage shops were bugged and
reagents only spawned at server up. All my guildies logged in mule toons and
handed over the 100 gold and 10 reagents to me. By the end of a few weeks I
could cast Gate and could port their miners around.

The days when dozens and dozens of people would be at the banks everywhere in trinsic, britain, etc...

Running into the pk Hobbes who was the first to ever get Ebolt on pacific. One day I became strong enough to cast Magic Reflect. He ended up running off nearly dead after trying to ebolt me.

Taming 3+ dragons and running into a friend, who was a red and didn't recognize me just run off the opposite direction.. lol

The days when Magic Reflect would get you guardkilled.

The days when Harm or Magic Arrow could actually kill you due to a bug.

The days when the idea of 'mage armor' which was cloth or leather first came
out. There were no properties on the armor... you just had an AF (armor factor).

Being part of oldschool COP, hangin with the original guildmaster, ReGuLaToR...

Fight Nights on sonoma. Friday, when Lord Jonas would host PVP nights in special rings GM's constructed for the player city of Oasis.

Being part of the Oasis Guard. Oasis had a public castle which had lockdowns of
furnitures and other things prior to them being available to the general public.

Having my castle on Sonoma mysteriously vanish and no GM would assist me...

The days of the archer thief who would steal from you and try to provoke you into fighting them.

Hangin with oldschool PK guilds on Sonoma... FOH, SAS, etc...

-Formerly Judge Dredd, oasis guard, oldschool cop, now D@D




JD, was that last picture of the people in RED am FOA Zog Cabalist army?

or BLD with Grunk the half orc? Those were some fun times. I had characters in ZOG, HRE, and BLD..etc at the time, we prob fought each other or with one another at the time.


no, i started a trend a long time ago of "Server Down Wars"

The idea was because the morning server backup ran and would restore you to prior state, there was a message or time safety limit when you knew you were saved.

and then NOTHING you did for the next 30 minutes before the server went down mattered... it would all be erased >:D You could do the most diabolical things and it wouldn't matter...

It started with just a couple of us. We'd dye our clothes red and head to Deceit and start pking the living snot out of it. I went from Glorious Lord to Dread Lord in minutes..

Eventually everyone got into it and we roamed around with a big party of people all in red.

And then other people in deceit picked up on it, I believe there were always opposing blue and pink teams.

One team chose red to try to mess us up.

We expanded to britain graveyard too.

If you remember Lord Jonas of Oasis, thats him going red in one of my pictures. Him and his chrome dome helmet and red sash.

Fun times


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Britain Graveyard server down crew were noobs. The Trinsic Gate server down crew was the best.


How about being 2x gm and still being able to pvp w/ a power broadsword and a set of Heavy Archer
or being a thief
looting people
Order/Chaos and noone could hide in tram
etc etc



Well taking credit for starting the brit graveyard has been said by sooo many people..I think its funny how when the server line wars ended it evolved into the moongate wars lol..and that evolved into a brit gate/server line war (without the restart)..that evolved into the garbage pvp we now enjoy on our server. So if you are taking credit for ruining uo...go ahead lol.

Back then it was all new and fun...AND you truly had freedom to do whatever you wanted unlike today were you have to complete 50 quests to get a shiny bag of something or other...was you could just pick up any ole weapon you found on the ground and build an empire with it!


what about back when you could go on EBay and people would be selling castles or accounts for 1500 dollars. and you could go to earth elementals or elder gazers and actually make money


Best things were when pvp did not depend on armor and weps, but depended on pure skill.

Server wars

Being able to disarm/steal weps out of peoples hands.

The great list of a certain red to kill and bring back their heads for rewards.


being able to go tame 20 dragons for gate fights

faction made axes that could 1 hit kill you with lj


lol... I remember when PkP started dying off Exodus, myself, and Sophia/PilaR formed a 3 man guild... made weps for our chars with a gold runic hammer... we wrecked people... I ran with a gold long spear, PilaR ran with a gold Hally, and Exodus with a gold double axe... para blow, followed by concussion blows=insta death... all 3 of us dexxers had mage and med too so we rarely died

Lord Drakelord

The biggest change to the game I don't like is insurance.... It has made merchants next to useless... and it had made PvP pointless... Back in the day if you die in battle it would take at elast 3-5 mins to go back and re equip before you could go back and be any help and by that time the fight could be over. Now with insurance all you have to do is rez and you are back in the fight it is pathetic.
I'm a big fan of insurance, and bless items, Thing I hate the most was stats lost when in faction, that was not fun. One thing they had, I did like, was the dungeons, if you dyed, you got booted to a city and could not return for 15-20 minutes, it was great, if you killed that person in the dungeon he was not coming back on that character for a good 15-20 minutes. However most hated this as they could not loot the body, owner being booted to a city.


I am just curious how a PAS anti Zog Bias person became a UO mod on the stratics forms?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- Killing mongbats in Haven

- First horse

- First house

- First house on Ice Isle, moved there just for Stones

- First pk

- the DoH and Sotheby's auctions

- Joining EFL

- Forming up E^E with Morph and Sapph

- Oasis Fight Nights

- First Sigil cap

- Plenty of epic champ spawn fights

- EFL vs COP/MOO/TiC vs KQ vs P vs 3F/Waka

- 8x8ing allllll nighttttt longggggg

- Finding Morph on his boat in Tram via UOAM, PKing him, and looting his boat key so he can't get the boat to land to rez (all the while cracking up in TS).

- Late night convos with Mairin/Liadan

- Philos being Philos

- all the crazy sh*t talking


you left out...POWER HOUR!!! I made so many throw away characters...course this was the time of Perma red and stat loss for reds.


Skill training in Brit Graveyard

Remembering who the real blacksmiths (and trustworthy ones were) to repair armour.

Fighting over control of elemental spawn in shame

Having a small tower was a feat

That naked pvper that would run around with only blessed sandals and a kryss of vanquishing killing people in the Brit graveyard.

Death runes/moongates

Poisonous food dropping (My crafter was red.. *halo*)

Sneaking into the star room before it was fitted with a moongate.

Killing town guards!

I will try to think of more later.


I knew a blacksmith/tailor or 2 that repaired armor at Brit and returned everything to the rightful owner

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- Killing mongbats in Haven

- First horse

- First house

- First house on Ice Isle, moved there just for Stones

- First pk

- the DoH and Sotheby's auctions

- Joining EFL

- Forming up E^E with Morph and Sapph

- Oasis Fight Nights

- First Sigil cap

- Plenty of epic champ spawn fights

- EFL vs COP/MOO/TiC vs KQ vs P vs 3F/Waka

- 8x8ing allllll nighttttt longggggg

- Finding Morph on his boat in Tram via UOAM, PKing him, and looting his boat key so he can't get the boat to land to rez (all the while cracking up in TS).

- Late night convos with Mairin/Liadan

- Philos being Philos

- all the crazy sh*t talking
Man..and we were so close back in the day Sean...I didnt even make the list...LOL...I rememebr logging into vent one day as you all were sailing to Morph to come kill him. He didnt remember he was in map and you all sailed right to him! LMAO!!!!


While I never did any of those things, I think you will all remember me. I was the guy in an orc helm at the bank yelling "I just got PK'd and I lost all my stuff, can I have some free stuff?"