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Player Gargoyle Vendors


Fuzzy Spyder

I see on the south side of luna, there is a house with three gargoyle vendors. I am wondering how they were changed because my vendors only give the option to go from elf to human. (and yes i have the expansion)
Is there a secret I don't know about?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see on the south side of luna, there is a house with three gargoyle vendors. I am wondering how they were changed because my vendors only give the option to go from elf to human. (and yes i have the expansion)
Is there a secret I don't know about?
I think if ur character who placed the vendor is a gargoyle it will come up gargoyle.

Fuzzy Spyder

I tried on my gargoyle, and nothing. =( Even had the house owner redo the vendor for me, thinking it had to be a new one.

Lord Sir Scott

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe you have to buy the deed for the vendor at a NPC in the New lands?
Just a thought...
Let us know if you figure it out...

Fuzzy Spyder

That's so simple, I feel stupid for not thinking about it before hand. (Buying the vendor deed in tur mer.) That worked. Thank you