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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i was waiting to repop the island an got attacked by thsi guy, massive fail. then the guy trys to come over an rezz his first char ultimate fail. i didnt know u could be this awful at pvp in this game.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That was a good story, and you tell it so well!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yah had me on the edge of my seat..

i think everyone should take a page outa stuii's book and post screens of every 1v1 they win


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought that was Teslas M.O, Wait nevermind that was only till we caught on to it being only Vs bigboss NM.


To use Ultimate newbs logic from another post:
the lack of insurance drops
And your following of that logic.

Since you are not providing a screen shot of the insurance drops, you obviously didn't kill anyone and are just standing over a corpse for a photo op.rolleyes:

Plus, in a previous posts you mention something about "real screen shot"... aka showing the whole screen.:thumbup1:

So given this lack of "real screen shot" and lack of insurance drop, the only thing we can actually accept as fact from the given screen is that indeed, you were at Terra Sanct. However, given the nature of your guild, I think we can also accept that you were there to spawn:lol::grouphug:

But, if as you say, you killed him 1v1, then your comment of "i didnt know u could be this awful at pvp" would probably hold true:mf_prop:

Balian of Asgard

i was waiting to repop the island an got attacked by thsi guy, massive fail. then the guy trys to come over an rezz his first char ultimate fail. i didnt know u could be this awful at pvp in this game.
or are you waiting for someone to say, youre just that gud?

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you want to prove to stratics that you are better than swift death I can arrange a duel.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To use Ultimate newbs logic from another post:

And your following of that logic.

Since you are not providing a screen shot of the insurance drops, you obviously didn't kill anyone and are just standing over a corpse for a photo op.rolleyes:

Plus, in a previous posts you mention something about "real screen shot"... aka showing the whole screen.:thumbup1:

So given this lack of "real screen shot" and lack of insurance drop, the only thing we can actually accept as fact from the given screen is that indeed, you were at Terra Sanct. However, given the nature of your guild, I think we can also accept that you were there to spawn:lol::grouphug:

But, if as you say, you killed him 1v1, then your comment of "i didnt know u could be this awful at pvp" would probably hold true:mf_prop:
u have no clue what u are talking about, BLAH BLAH BLAH worse then a woman.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you want to prove to stratics that you are better than swift death I can arrange a duel.
LOL an HEHE that dude is horrible. i could care less who is better then me i asked to duel juvi an then realized, i am not dueling anyone every again. im here to enjoy the game regardless if i suck or not, but i have never seen anyone as awful as swift death that guy should quit uo. or maybe u should take a few hours a week out an help him since u are such the pvper.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
or are you waiting for someone to say, youre just that gud?
wow i thought that was funny i didnt realize u guys are this ignorant. i posted a screen shot of a noob bein stupid an get mad bashed, u guys must really hate me. just shows my level i guess i mean u guys gank me run form me 1v1 an bash me on the forums lmao LMB.:next:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yah had me on the edge of my seat..

i think everyone should take a page outa stuii's book and post screens of every 1v1 they win
u mean to tell me if u killed a faction guy on 2 of his chars on a boat u wouldnt take a screen shot an lagh. all wait u are unable to kill 2 people at the same time never mind my bad.:thumbsup:


u have no clue what u are talking about, BLAH BLAH BLAH worse then a woman.
That screen shot and your previous attempts at logic about other PvP posts with screen shots say otherwise.

As for the woman part, what guild:
  • delayed accepting a war after calling another guild out for not accepting a war?
  • showed up on non warring guild characters to fight the guild they wanted a war on?
  • quit the war just before they were overtaken in kills?
  • claims they aren't a zerg but regularly shows up 2 and 3 to 1 ratio for fights?

I'll give you a hint, you have a 1 in 13 chance of pressing the right key for the guild's abbreviations:thumbsup:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
and actually now looking at the pic..its unholy speed..(if its the same guy playing that acct still) he was playing pre aos and must have just come back.. congrats on pwning him


LOL an HEHE that dude is horrible. i could care less who is better then me i asked to duel juvi an then realized, i am not dueling anyone every again. im here to enjoy the game regardless if i suck or not, but i have never seen anyone as awful as swift death that guy should quit uo. or maybe u should take a few hours a week out an help him since u are such the pvper.
Hey Stu, are you on cable or DSL? I found out today, that Cable is probably screwing you. I can explain that in greater detail if you wish, but its political and really frustrating, and the only way to rectify it is to contact the attourney general about it..

Anyways, as I am, I think you should take a look into DSL. There are a bunch of providers, especially in your area..

Maybe then you might actually stand a chance against the likes of peter north and pink and stuff..


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Stu, are you on cable or DSL? I found out today, that Cable is probably screwing you. I can explain that in greater detail if you wish, but its political and really frustrating, and the only way to rectify it is to contact the attourney general about it..

Anyways, as I am, I think you should take a look into DSL. There are a bunch of providers, especially in your area..

Maybe then you might actually stand a chance against the likes of peter north and pink and stuff..
People all told me I was crazy when I told them to have a friend ping the EA server from a DSL connection.

I had cable, ping sucked. Even on good days it was like 50-60. Bad days it was 150+. I switched to DSL and I ping 30 constantly.

Rand Al

wow i thought that was funny i didnt realize u guys are this ignorant. i posted a screen shot of a noob bein stupid an get mad bashed, u guys must really hate me. just shows my level i guess i mean u guys gank me run form me 1v1 an bash me on the forums lmao LMB.:next:
Maybe Just maybe the hate comes from years of you dying to someone then nerd raging wishing death upon them irl in a fiery plain wreck so you did not face them on the field any more. Just to add to the hate vibe here
And Who ran from you in 1v1? Wargasim you leting stui wtf pwn you

Rand Al

People all told me I was crazy when I told them to have a friend ping the EA server from a DSL connection.

I had cable, ping sucked. Even on good days it was like 50-60. Bad days it was 150+. I switched to DSL and I ping 30 constantly.
I do well enough with my ****ty ping to all shards pac being my lowest ping at a good empty night its at 100 or so but has been as good as 85 and as bad as well crashing whatever it needs to be for that with a packet loss of 17% which is not quite 1 for the 4 ping you need to be at 25% for that

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm serious. Speed and Swift are RL friends of mine I will arrange a duel with either if you want to show Stratics how leet you are.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Stu, are you on cable or DSL? I found out today, that Cable is probably screwing you. I can explain that in greater detail if you wish, but its political and really frustrating, and the only way to rectify it is to contact the attourney general about it..

Anyways, as I am, I think you should take a look into DSL. There are a bunch of providers, especially in your area..

Maybe then you might actually stand a chance against the likes of peter north and pink and stuff..
im on cable i get pings of 160 to 90 at the best. its so frustrating knowing i am as good or better then alot of these people but the speed is pwnage period. look at all htis hate gemma these people are whacked wargasm thinks we try to get people banned an we hack accs, but truth be told the GMS broke our alliance between faction an non faction but yet FLS is still in effect.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That screen shot and your previous attempts at logic about other PvP posts with screen shots say otherwise.

As for the woman part, what guild:
  • delayed accepting a war after calling another guild out for not accepting a war?
  • showed up on non warring guild characters to fight the guild they wanted a war on?
  • quit the war just before they were overtaken in kills?
  • claims they aren't a zerg but regularly shows up 2 and 3 to 1 ratio for fights?

I'll give you a hint, you have a 1 in 13 chance of pressing the right key for the guild's abbreviations:thumbsup:
your opion doesnt even count u are far most the worst pvper on pacific so plz show me up in the field not on stratics ty.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do well enough with my ****ty ping to all shards pac being my lowest ping at a good empty night its at 100 or so but has been as good as 85 and as bad as well crashing whatever it needs to be for that with a packet loss of 17% which is not quite 1 for the 4 ping you need to be at 25% for that
rand i was like that like what 2 plus years ago people change dont matter to me if u see or it not i know im a better person. see people say things when they have a addiction that they would never say sober.


I have to laugh at you guys for trying to pound your chest and "I'm better than you" or "you just suck" but yet 90% of the PvP'rs I have seen from FL, SUPR are running with the dismount/ tamer or a dreadmare so really how much skill does it take toy dismount and say all kill?? Dam you guys really are good, keep up the good work


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm serious. Speed and Swift are RL friends of mine I will arrange a duel with either if you want to show Stratics how leet you are.
were did u get me killing them both one on a boat one off a boat. that i was asking to duel real life friends then teach em how to play, instead of logging on there acc an doin for them floyd seriously if u wouldnt talk to me or post anything afetr i do i wont be hurt. i have no respect for u at all, i can see right through u like others have that delt with u in a guild. u dont care about anyone but u, thats a fact look how mnay people that were in supr went to fl cause u bailed on em. plz just leave me alone i have nothing more:thumbsup: to say to u or towards whatever your remark is aobut this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
im on cable i get pings of 160 to 90 at the best. its so frustrating knowing i am as good or better then alot of these people but the speed is pwnage period. look at all htis hate gemma these people are whacked wargasm thinks we try to get people banned an we hack accs, but truth be told the GMS broke our alliance between faction an non faction but yet FLS is still in effect.

we actually moved all to one stone.. (and the gms didnt make us)

i cant count the times ive seen kitty prowling on marble paging on people..3 seperate times i had a gm come to see if i was afk but i was there to respond to him

and that wasnt you guys who looted steels castle either right? i bet you claim that someone just unlocked everything and gave it to you?

why dont you move out of your moms house? the wifi must be having issues getting to the basement..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
we actually moved all to one stone.. (and the gms didnt make us)

i cant count the times ive seen kitty prowling on marble paging on people..3 seperate times i had a gm come to see if i was afk but i was there to respond to him

and that wasnt you guys who looted steels castle either right? i bet you claim that someone just unlocked everything and gave it to you?

why dont you move out of your moms house? the wifi must be having issues getting to the basement..
wtf pwnd in uo so u try to bring irl stuff up aobut me. lmfao u have no clue what u are talking about if i didi live with my mom an i was married what would that have to do with uo. your pathetic attempt to down grade is a total fail fact is u cant do it in game so u pull stuff out your azz. an steels castle not one person form m was involved that was all asha, but it is obvious u feel differant. u seem very frustrated in this comment count to ten backwards an breath an if u want some pvp lessons there free also.:next:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
we actually moved all to one stone.. (and the gms didnt make us)

i cant count the times ive seen kitty prowling on marble paging on people..3 seperate times i had a gm come to see if i was afk but i was there to respond to him

and that wasnt you guys who looted steels castle either right? i bet you claim that someone just unlocked everything and gave it to you?

why dont you move out of your moms house? the wifi must be having issues getting to the basement..
well war since u think u know about my personal life here is a taste of how the stugotzz lives. with no parents living with me, nor do i live with them but they can move in anytime they would want i have enough room.




yeah, hahah.

Also, i like: "STU's HOT CAR LOT" out in front of the house.. I do hope you hid those away...

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry you're butthurt stewie but everyone who knows me is fully aware that I am a stand up fellow irl and inuo :)


This thread has outlived its usefulness and is spiraling down the drain in a hurry.
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