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What a strange long trip it has been


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was sitting in class today not really paying attention when I started thinking about UO and all of the history that goes along with it. Though I rarely play these days and have an inactive account, its just interesting to think about how much time and such I (and we) all have spent on this game. Rivals, friends, enemies, guilds, and trammies.

I started playing UO when I was 14 or so I believe. So as sad as it is to say, UO and I grew up together. (bahaha) Think about the 2d faces that have come and gone. Think about the guilds that have died.

Anyways. My point is simple. Thanks for the memories. Many of you I dont really know anymore as most of my UO friends have left. But those of you who are left that read these forums, I hope all is well ^^

yep. thats it. love love love

oh yeah. and it was not to random that i thought about this all..i wrote mini story inspired by UO pacific historic events for a class earlier last week and got it back. i got an A. so thank you all for that.

nerd rant over.

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this is the oldschool ESF and/or tram moonglow banksitters thread everyone else can gtfo


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anubis , it was always a blast fighting you on the field buddy. Specially in the prime ESF days , those were some good matches.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was sitting in class today not really paying attention when I started thinking about UO and all of the history that goes along with it. Though I rarely play these days and have an inactive account, its just interesting to think about how much time and such I (and we) all have spent on this game. Rivals, friends, enemies, guilds, and trammies.

I started playing UO when I was 14 or so I believe. So as sad as it is to say, UO and I grew up together. (bahaha) Think about the 2d faces that have come and gone. Think about the guilds that have died.

Anyways. My point is simple. Thanks for the memories. Many of you I dont really know anymore as most of my UO friends have left. But those of you who are left that read these forums, I hope all is well ^^

yep. thats it. love love love

oh yeah. and it was not to random that i thought about this all..i wrote mini story inspired by UO pacific historic events for a class earlier last week and got it back. i got an A. so thank you all for that.

nerd rant over.
istoli you will be back! we will all miss you man.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
that wasnt me saying goodbye..ill be back. i always come back.

but this was just me remembering the good days ^^

and fyi. tram glow bank sitting was hardcore.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
that wasnt me saying goodbye..ill be back. i always come back.

but this was just me remembering the good days ^^

and fyi. tram glow bank sitting was hardcore.
" tram glow bank sitting was hardcore. "

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. I laughed irl hahah Thanks.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It was pretty hardcore back in the chaos/order days even then if you were in factions, You used to be able to fight in the tram ruleset if in factions or chaos/order or both. Pacifics most Hardcore PvPers would fly a Chaos/order flag while in factions, plus it was common for pvp guilds to be at war also. Today obviously its not like that, but I give it up to Supr/THC and M/T for going to war with each other they prove they are the 2 most hardcore PvP guilds on pacific since AOS, not only are they rivals but have the cahonies to war each other which really has not been done by rival guilds since the launch of AOS. :thumbup::party::eyes::thumbup:

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're right, I can't remember anyone having a guild war in the past 3 or 4 years other than the RP ones

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I joined P^H for like 2 weeks just to get some awesome pvp a few years ago it was pretty fun.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Unholy Speed! I think that was his name at least...
That was the GM, Purple Horde was the guild. THAT is a legendary guild.

I never talked with any of them really. But I remember watching them just dominate other guilds.


I had an axer in P^H, just for fun... Speed was a cool dude. Never had a problem with him... although he did catch alot of flack for being a semi-newb zergish guild compared to smaller more organzied pvp groups.

Sup Anubis!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Back in the early days, I rocked a blessed vanq long spear (still have it somewhere in one of my houses), straw hat, Blessed blacks, Newbie doublet & longpants, Regs. All ya needed for a Good all round PvP character.


Back in the early days, I rocked a blessed vanq long spear (still have it somewhere in one of my houses), straw hat, Blessed blacks, Newbie doublet & longpants, Regs. All ya needed for a Good all round PvP character.

lol vanqs were nothing, runic vanqs were insane


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lmao yeah remember that one guy with the val runic blessed axe...panzon or panzor or somthin like that


Panzon had a blessed val double axe, i once witnessed him kill an OPP member in literally one chop. Blue Fire, who ran with me in W@R had a blessed val long spear. It was raw pwnages.


I'll go with Panzer... It was the name of a really big tank they (ze germans) used back in WW1 and 2.


Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Runic hammers are a product of post UO:R UO and therefore do not belong in this awesome oldschool thread!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Vanquishing pitchfork, 2000 gold. gm studded leather suit, 10000 gold.9 AC savage mask,10000.
Stealth fencer pwnage without needing bushy,chiv,ninja and crap.....

For good time item based stuff you have runics.
For everything else theres old skool.

Rand Al

the naked katana man and wrestle mage in a robe that is oldschool

Rand Al

In beta they did not have the arm last wep or arm wep macro for a while so people running mages with a wep skill had to drag the wep making them hard to pvp with but the old fashion katana welding healing dexer worked grate pick up any katana and go at it. Very cheep for people starting out! Katana from a smith 85gp and a death robe free and we all had plenty of those!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In beta they did not have the arm last wep or arm wep macro for a while so people running mages with a wep skill had to drag the wep making them hard to pvp with but the old fashion katana welding healing dexer worked grate pick up any katana and go at it. Very cheep for people starting out! Katana from a smith 85gp and a death robe free and we all had plenty of those!
Yeah , didn't play Beta...
