Speaking of Imbuing .... we were speaking of imbuing weren't we
Here's why I'm bringing it up .... I'd like to try my hand at putting
together a custom setup ... imbued armor and jewelry. I have all of the items below just as you do (except for the crafted ones) but what I'd like to do is see if I can put together my own. That way I can focus ONLY on mods that are most important and I don't have to "take along ones that aren't"
I was gonna for sure use the Crimson Cincture, Conjurer's Trinket, and Cloak of Power since these are "specials" that can't really be replaced with anything imbued. After that I was gonna see what I could make versus "use as is below"
Could you help me out a little ... here's the list of what is on the "non-crafted"
Armor/Jewelry" that you use ... can you tell me of these mods what ones are most important and which is least.
Could you also tell me the specifics of your crafted stuff and once again what most and least important.
I've always loved playing my Archer ... been my favorite ... but your whole scheme of things looks like it will bring it up to a new level .... Thanks for any help
Connor Grahams Armor and Jewelry
Mace And Shield Reading Glasses
Hit Lower Defense 30%
Strength Bonus 10
Dexterity Bonus 5
Physical Resist 25%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Crimson Cincture
Dexterity Bonus 5
Hit Point Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Conjurer`s Trinket
Undead Slayer
Strength Bonus 1
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Damage Increase 20%
Rune Beetle Carapace
Mana Increase 10
Mana Regeneration 3
Lower Mana Cost 15%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 14%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 14%
Lower Requirements 100%
Mage Armor
Ring Of The Vile
Dexterity Bonus 8
Stamina Regeneration 6
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Poison Resist 20%
Intelligence Bonus 8
Luck 125
Damage Increase 25%
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 10
Cloak Of Power
Strength Bonus 2
Dexterity Bonus 2
Intelligence Bonus 2
Strength Requirement 10
Crafted Gorget, arms, and Legs with
Mana Regeneration
Stamina Increase
Mana Increase
Bracelet with
Resist +12
20 Stat Points
Damage Increase
Totals (not counting crafted gorget, arms or legs and/or bracelet)
Damage Increase 45%
Dexterity Bonus 20 (up to 8 points on each piece of jewelry)
Hit Chance Increase 25 (up to 15 points on each piece of jewelry)
Hit Lower Defense 30%
Hit Point Increase 10 (up to 5 points on each piece of armor)
Hit Point Regeneration 4 (up to 2 points on each piece of armor)
Intelligence Bonus 10 (up to 8 points on each piece of jewelry)
Lower Mana Cost 15% (up to 8 points on each piece of armor and jewelry)
Mana Increase 10 (up to 8 points on each piece of armor)
Mana Regeneration 3 (up to 8 points on each piece of jewelry)
Strength Bonus 13 (up to 8 points on each piece of jewelry)
Undead Slayer