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SEVERAL questions regarding PVP

  • Thread starter thanks_lord_mo
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My account has been deactivated for 2 years and I decided to reactivate it today. My characters are Drucilla on origin and Garretjax on Pacific, tailorman on a shard that i forget. Used to be a member of FL. I am an experienced PVP'er but have not done it in about 2 years. I am looking for an active PvP guild with peeps who will help me get back into the swing of things. Which guilds are the most active guilds? Looking for a fight? I need a group that communicates using teamspeak/vent. PM if you can help or just post on the board.


PS: I have decided to build a nox mage. In the process of building the suit. Would like to join a group of experienced mages who will have patience while I learn. Have played most other templates with lots of success. First time I will play a mage. I have all the skills that are neccesary, just don't have the suit yet. Need experienced mage(s) to help me become the best mage I can be.


Hey there Garret. Long time no see.:thumbup:

I forgot which cliche within FL you hung around with so I can't directly point you toward what guild they are currently in. But in general:

A good chunk of the post world tour FL formed M/T.

Old FL members of world tour time and before have reformed FL and a faction related guild. Wargasm, Arycke, Tiffahaus etc.

SUPR/THC has one or two FL guys.

I'm not sure where Word/New York are currently. The were M/T at some point... then jumped to SUPR/THC. Not sure what guild they are with now. I don't believe it is FL.

Sadly, a majority of "PvP" is composed of Yew gate fighting and Pet vs Player or machine gun magically timed explode pot throwing:thumbdown:

If you are looking for a specific person/people, you might try going to uo.com and looking at the guilds there.


PVP on Pacific is basically faction based. Here's the breakdown.

Minax: Supr/THC, they run decent numbers although they used to be larger a couple months ago.

Shadowlords: The "rebuilt" FL basically rules this faction, no other threat in this faction. Again, they run good numbers but most members are below average :\ (no offence, just speaking facts) Without the numbers, not much of a threat.

Council of Mages: You have the zerg guild |M|/|T| running good numbers pretty often. Again, without the numbers, not much of a threat. FME is the other guild, they don't run big numbers but have some pretty good players, mostly mages!

True Britannians: GOO! is the larger based guild in this faction. Decent players but 90% of them run tamer gimp temps :\ Other than that they are pretty decent. TB also has WL, my guild, we barely have numbers, usually have a crew of 3-4, if we're lucky 5-6 but can do some damage with lower numbers. CD/CDA also is in TB, mostly dismount stealth archers, rarely see them on but I've heard rumors of them making a come back.

Hope this helps!

Again, no hard feelings, just breaking it down! :thumbup:


Again, no hard feelings, just breaking it down! :thumbup:
Nice one... I just covered the ones that might take a non-exceptional player ;)

From what I've heard, FME and goo only "recruit" the "l33t" players. *shrug*

Not sure if the three I named would recruit either but given 2 out of 3 are mostly FL from OP's time, there is a good chance of him getting in.


Nice one... I just covered the ones that might take a non-exceptional player ;)

From what I've heard, FME and goo only "recruit" the "l33t" players. *shrug*

Not sure if the three I named would recruit either but given 2 out of 3 are mostly FL from OP's time, there is a good chance of him getting in.
I agree, I'd say FL will accept you in second. Anyone with a heart beat can be in that guild. Your next best chance would probably be |T|/THC...but that's a toss up...

We accept newer players and like to help. If you need some assistance on getting back into the PVP lifestyle, send me a PM, otherwise, good luck! :]

Hopefully we'll see you on the field soon!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
PVP on Pacific is basically faction based. Here's the breakdown.

Minax: Supr/THC, they run decent numbers although they used to be larger a couple months ago.

Shadowlords: The "rebuilt" FL basically rules this faction, no other threat in this faction. Again, they run good numbers but most members are below average :\ (no offence, just speaking facts) Without the numbers, not much of a threat.

Council of Mages: You have the zerg guild |M|/|T| running good numbers pretty often. Again, without the numbers, not much of a threat. FME is the other guild, they don't run big numbers but have some pretty good players, mostly mages!

True Britannians: GOO! is the larger based guild in this faction. Decent players but 90% of them run tamer gimp temps :\ Other than that they are pretty decent. TB also has WL, my guild, we barely have numbers, usually have a crew of 3-4, if we're lucky 5-6 but can do some damage with lower numbers. CD/CDA also is in TB, mostly dismount stealth archers, rarely see them on but I've heard rumors of them making a come back.

Hope this helps!

Again, no hard feelings, just breaking it down! :thumbup:
Yup , that sums up Pacific PvP 100%

Rand Al

90% of goo have tamer temps? hmm 3 or so run tamer temps most of the time. We have more than 4 members! Aires runs a dexer/mage, ky runs everything (he has allot of uo time), set runs a dexer/mage, lambo runs a tamerdexer/mage, mix runs a tamerdexer/mage, will runs a archertamer, Pug runs a archer, huss runs a mage, calisto runs a mage, ny runs a mage/dexer Heck just look at http://my.uo.com/cgi-bin/guilds.pl?g=0da239596611c0df:2


So THATS where all these points keep coming from.. I was gonna say,
'man i keep dumping and dumping points off, but every night, i still seem to have around 500-700'..

We SUPR, have been trying to get rid of points for min..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So THATS where all these points keep coming from.. I was gonna say,
'man i keep dumping and dumping points off, but every night, i still seem to have around 500-700'..

We SUPR, have been trying to get rid of points for min..
Wait... Huh?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
PVP on Pacific is basically faction based. Here's the breakdown.

Minax: Supr/THC, they run decent numbers although they used to be larger a couple months ago.

Shadowlords: The "rebuilt" FL basically rules this faction, no other threat in this faction. Again, they run good numbers but most members are below average :\ (no offence, just speaking facts) Without the numbers, not much of a threat.

Council of Mages: You have the zerg guild |M|/|T| running good numbers pretty often. Again, without the numbers, not much of a threat. FME is the other guild, they don't run big numbers but have some pretty good players, mostly mages!

True Britannians: GOO! is the larger based guild in this faction. Decent players but 90% of them run tamer gimp temps :\ Other than that they are pretty decent. TB also has WL, my guild, we barely have numbers, usually have a crew of 3-4, if we're lucky 5-6 but can do some damage with lower numbers. CD/CDA also is in TB, mostly dismount stealth archers, rarely see them on but I've heard rumors of them making a come back.

Hope this helps!

Again, no hard feelings, just breaking it down! :thumbup:

90% tamers lol you= funny

rand broke it down for you.
and go back to sl so we can have free points again.


Wait... Huh?
we've been trying to get rid of all the points in MIN by dumping them onto mule characters, then deleting that character.. We'd like to get it back to about 14 points to wear ranked items, but GOO and FME keep screwing up my plan..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
we've been trying to get rid of all the points in MIN by dumping them onto mule characters, then deleting that character.. We'd like to get it back to about 14 points to wear ranked items, but GOO and FME keep screwing up my plan..
Ahh , I see what you're saying.. Do you know how many points you need currently to have rank 10??


Thats a shame that it is so high now.

You force out the amount of fighters that are already fighting and prohibit newer ones from coming into faction/pvp.

Less guys to fight all in the name of vanity.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just be inactive, I have been inactive for so long I lost all my points I had while in Supr, And am too lazy to try to gain them back. Though it does kinda discourage me from loggin in being I have to rework 90% of my suits to where they were hence why Im too lazy to try to gain them back lol.


Its pretty lame...
We came up with a good way to dissolve points:
two people just giving each other points...
You give 5, they receive 4, and a point is dissolved..

Me and andy got rid of several thousand last night,
that way. Takes a while but you can set a loop.
but it didn't change the fact that we still need 120
pts to wear rank 10. . . weak, pink.. You and Orion and
our heavily 'pointed' archers are really screwing my
plans up...


the problem is gemma is your faction has x3 the numbers of any other faction on pacific...

150 points is really nothing i think everyone of my guys will give u 300 points if u kill them.. same with fme,

its now how many points people have, its how many people have 10 rank... so if your faction has 100 people and 95 of them are tank 10 then your going to need to get more points to achive that rank, however i cannot se you needing more than 100 points to get rank 10 in minax,


lolol the funny thing is your in high school too

calling me a kid is kinda hypocritical...

considering you AND kal are in highschool

You know what else is funny Set? That I'm NOT in highschool! lol WTF are you talking about? I've been out of school for 3 almost 4 years now....shut your mouth cause you have no clue what you're talking about! LOL wow don't you look ****ing stupid!!! :thumbsup:

:mf_prop: = Set

Eyes of Origin

Not wanting to "upset" anyone with this, but be glad we only need the points we need!
On LA you need over 4500 points for rank 10 and that shard is freakin dead! (compared to pacific) There are other shards that need more, so I consider us lucky.

I dont remember exactly how the points system works, but I know when I came to Pacific, we only needed 5 points to make rank 10 in TB. Now 23 points is the bare minimum at the moment. (I know thats not a lot, just saying thats the change its had lately and now there are more people in TB as well)

I "think" it is based off how many people in your faction are carrying rank 10.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not wanting to "upset" anyone with this, but be glad we only need the points we need!
On LA you need over 4500 points for rank 10 and that shard is freakin dead! (compared to pacific) There are other shards that need more, so I consider us lucky.

I dont remember exactly how the points system works, but I know when I came to Pacific, we only needed 5 points to make rank 10 in TB. Now 23 points is the bare minimum at the moment. (I know thats not a lot, just saying thats the change its had lately and now there are more people in TB as well)

I "think" it is based off how many people in your faction are carrying rank 10.
Yeah..... the point system is extremely broken.

Eyes of Origin

Unfortunately, we dont know which part is broken =/ For all we know maybe needing 4500 points is the way its suppose to be and needing only 100 is the broken part... or it could be completely vice versa.
One day maybe, when factions get some much needed love and gets revamped the points system will get fixed too.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unfortunately, we dont know which part is broken =/ For all we know maybe needing 4500 points is the way its suppose to be and needing only 100 is the broken part... or it could be completely vice versa.
One day maybe, when factions get some much needed love and gets revamped the points system will get fixed too.
Yeah... </3


the problem is gemma is your faction has x3 the numbers of any other faction on pacific...

150 points is really nothing i think everyone of my guys will give u 300 points if u kill them.. same with fme,

its now how many points people have, its how many people have 10 rank... so if your faction has 100 people and 95 of them are tank 10 then your going to need to get more points to achive that rank, however i cannot se you needing more than 100 points to get rank 10 in minax,
nah, takes like 125 pts or something like that for rank 10 now. .