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PvP Event


Eyes of Origin

*grumbles* thats just two days from now and its a holiday weekend =/

Eyes of Origin

*frowns* tamers shouldnt be in PvP tournies. What's the point? "All Kill" and let the pet do the fighting for them?

Eyes of Origin

Honestly, the only thing that makes sense in tournies, are mage duels. Dexxers will go on forever with pots when fighting each other.
It should be no pots, no apples, no petals, at the very least and definately, no tamers.
If I remember correctly from a tourney on Origin about a year ago, pets dont do so well in a house anyway. Which holds up the tourney as well.


I know the EM means well... but they should have got some advice from some actual real life pvpers. No rules...These are my predictions:

Tamer archer will probably win, mortal all kill, mortal all kill....Followed by tamer mage, If no tamers are allowed...then bokuto disarm spammer in close quaters, if no bokuto guy then archer.

But then again maybe a parry wrestle mage will get creative and throw DP and para fields.
Bottom line... tamers are a BUST!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I say hybrid mage templates and hybrid dexxer templates will be interesting to watch.. Tamers are poo poo.:pancakes:

Rand Al

who can stand in a house against a 4/6 chiv parry wrestle tamer with a super dragon id like to see this one! disarm spam all kill yar....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
who can stand in a house against a 4/6 chiv parry wrestle tamer with a super dragon id like to see this one! disarm spam all kill yar....
Wow.. Yeah.. That's by far the gimpest templates regarding tamers..

Eyes of Origin

I'll show up tomorrow night and take SS's to post on the boards and do a write up ... definately wont be fighting, so might as well do something


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lilimu announced today that there has been a change.
There will be no pets and no charms.

=] Have at it, boys.
I'm actually sad to miss this one.

More follow up from the pacific.uoem.com site...
UPDATED: November 29th, 2009: At 5:00PM PST, meet at the Event Moderator’s PvP Hall for a grand tournament. Registration will begin promptly at 5:00 and end at 5:15, and there will be no late entries. You can find access to the PvP Hall by using the teleporter at the West Britain Counselor's Hall, in Felucca. There will also be a gate to the location accessible at the Jhelom Moongate, in Felucca. The tournament will be conducted in a tier fashion (winners progressing to the next tier) and will pit registered entrants against one another in duels. There are no rules, other than that you must adhere to the nature of a duel, are to abide by game mechanics, can only enter once, and must be polite to your fellow participants. Ensure that all items are insured or blessed, because the Event Moderators will not be responsible for any lost items, under any circumstance (even game failure). Participants and spectators who show a gross lack of respect for their fellow players and combatants will find themselves removed from the house. Winners will have their names on display at the PvP Arena. Remember… arrive on time!

Additional Notes: Being the nature of a duel, there are to be no tamed or charmed creatures in the duelling tournament, and there are to be no mounts either. All participants must enter the arena solo, on foot, and can not bring in help from outside to assist them (no bracelets of binding or pet summoning balls).

Eyes of Origin

I have a bushido parry mage, but still not entering lol I think I'm gonna hang back and see how it goes and take screenshots since we dont have an active shard reporter and my application is still processing =/


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Heard someone ruined this event. Way to go guys.
You complain about no PVP events and then you go and ruin it. Way to go.

Rand Al

Heard someone ruined this event. Way to go guys.
You complain about no PVP events and then you go and ruin it. Way to go.
Yes they did! The first trash that did it was fme/son deathmage on his tamer pvmftw didnt think you were a tool like this dm but now i know. All the fme - chad didn't see chad on the list of trash that ganked during the turny next on the list is fl who probably retaliated from fme earlier. Way to go fl and fme/son. Still i admit it was funny to see people going wtf is going on ahhhh!!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes they did! The first trash that did it was fme/son deathmage on his tamer pvmftw didnt think you were a tool like this dm but now i know. All the fme - chad didn't see chad on the list of trash that ganked during the turny next on the list is fl who probably retaliated from fme earlier. Way to go fl and fme/son. Still i admit it was funny to see people going wtf is going on ahhhh!!!
Yeah , I went AFK real quick to grab a bite.. Came back to complete chaos...
For the time being , there was some really really good fights...
This whole tourny could of finished with no chaotic events happening if the EMs had the power to make every person outside the fighting ground immortal so nobody could attack each other... I really hope the EMs plan another event and don't get discouraged because of what happened...

Really though.. That is the ONLY way to keep peace is by having the non-fighters be immortal and only the players fighting to be mortal.... Anybody agree??? If so we , we should REALLY REALLY suggest this idea to the DEVS and promote more PvP Tournys..

Rand Al

Yeah , I went AFK real quick to grab a bite.. Came back to complete chaos...
For the time being , there was some really really good fights...
This whole tourny could of finished with no chaotic events happening if the EMs had the power to make every person outside the fighting ground immortal so nobody could attack each other... I really hope the EMs plan another event and don't get discouraged because of what happened...

Really though.. That is the ONLY way to keep peace is by having the non-fighters be immortal and only the players fighting to be mortal.... Anybody agree??? If so we , we should REALLY REALLY suggest this idea to the DEVS and promote more PvP Tournys..
it is easy everyone that violates ban them and there whole guild out of the house they were doing the event in tell the event is over that will put some pear pressure on the stupid guildys in each guild. You know who they are everyone has them...


There are some areas of the game where you can't cast spells,

What if the Waiting areas or the audience stands were squelched like those areas?
That might help the events.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are some areas of the game where you can't cast spells,

What if the Waiting areas or the audience stands were squelched like those areas?
That might help the events.
Someone also said it would be good if Devs could make people immortal. I think just making it impossible to move (actions, running and walking would be fine) in general is a good idea. But I dunno if it's possible.


Those aren't bad ideas. Maybe if the spectator stands had individual squares that only one person could fit in.

Kinda like the stalls concept. You go in but you can't touch the person next to you.

Then the EM would transport you into the arena when it is your time.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Those aren't bad ideas. Maybe if the spectator stands had individual squares that only one person could fit in.

Kinda like the stalls concept. You go in but you can't touch the person next to you.

Then the EM would transport you into the arena when it is your time.
Yes , I am really really serious about this. I want to promote the idea to the DEVs so we can do more PvP events.. I am really dissapointed that chaos broke out during the tournament.. It was so great while it lasted. If anybody knows how to grip the attention of DEVs or make suggestions that will be examined please let me know. I really want to have a lot more PvP based events... Who's with me?!?!?!?!??!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes , I am really really serious about this. I want to promote the idea to the DEVs so we can do more PvP events.. I am really dissapointed that chaos broke out during the tournament.. It was so great while it lasted. If anybody knows how to grip the attention of DEVs or make suggestions that will be examined please let me know. I really want to have a lot more PvP based events... Who's with me?!?!?!?!??!
They have emails, too.
I suggest writing them or directing them to this thread since people have put in some suggestions here.

EM Cyno Razik: [email protected]

EM Lillimu: [email protected]

Eyes of Origin

Here's a thought and I'm being as nice as possible in saying this, grow up and behave? Kidding! ok, not really, but its a lot to ask of some people :p

The EM's need to change the house a little bit for one. It's small, no one can move on the walk ways. Not only is that frustrating, but doesnt make sense.
Secondly, they've made it to where no spells can be cast at the Hall in Brit, why cant they make it that way on all levels of the PvP Hall, minus the 1st floor?
Also, they need to find a way to take participants out of the ring without making them leave the house and letting them get ganked by players outside the house.
Teleport them right to the second or third level, but kicking them out of the house is well, dumb. :(


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's a thought and I'm being as nice as possible in saying this, grow up and behave? Kidding! ok, not really, but its a lot to ask of some people :p

The EM's need to change the house a little bit for one. It's small, no one can move on the walk ways. Not only is that frustrating, but doesnt make sense.
Secondly, they've made it to where no spells can be cast at the Hall in Brit, why cant they make it that way on all levels of the PvP Hall, minus the 1st floor?
Also, they need to find a way to take participants out of the ring without making them leave the house and letting them get ganked by players outside the house.
Teleport them right to the second or third level, but kicking them out of the house is well, dumb. :(
Why not kick them out if they're breaking the rules?

Eyes of Origin

They did kick a few people out last night for stirring up problems.
Not sure if those people were allowed back in or not.
When they get kicked from the house, it needs to last the duration of the event. If they were participating in the Tourney, then they need to be disqualified and banned from the house till the next event. =/

When I was playing Origin we had the same problems there for awhile. I was actually rez killed during the first EM held tourney, just like Fost was last night. My guild at the time went after the guild responsible and it just turned into 30-40 minutes of chaos. =/
Anyway, EM Faine and EM Laurana were able to come up with a few things to fix the major issues. I did suggest that EM Lillimu and EM Cyno Rezik speak with EM Faine and see if they can maybe steal a few ideas from her on how to fix the problems.

I'm pretty sure the next one will be better. :)


If they made the upper levels no-spell zone, then mages would be defenseless against melee types. Plus pots and stuff still work in those areas. If you ask me, they should make it so that no one can attack anyone. But I dunno if a power like that exists. They should give the EMs better control powers :/

I think having an arena for the battle and maybe walled cages for the participants is the best way to keep them safe/keep the tournament going. But as for us who don't wanna fight, we'll always be able to muster our own ruckus somehow or another. If someone wants to ruin an event they'll find a way. And in a pvp tourny people can be sore losers :/

So two things. House change... and ppl need to either watch as ghosts or grow up.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they made the upper levels no-spell zone, then mages would be defenseless against melee types. Plus pots and stuff still work in those areas. If you ask me, they should make it so that no one can attack anyone. But I dunno if a power like that exists. They should give the EMs better control powers :/

I think having an arena for the battle and maybe walled cages for the participants is the best way to keep them safe/keep the tournament going. But as for us who don't wanna fight, we'll always be able to muster our own ruckus somehow or another. If someone wants to ruin an event they'll find a way. And in a pvp tourny people can be sore losers :/

So two things. House change... and ppl need to either watch as ghosts or grow up.
Yeah , no matter what... Idiots have to ruin good things. I shed a tear for every PvP event that is ruined. :mad: