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[Discussion] Rares Festival in Jan. on GL

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Crazed Zealot
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Well, since we've establlished the next festival should be in Jan. I suggest we have it on Jan. 8, 9, and 10th (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday respectively). So the 2 organizers for the event now is the time to tell us what you have planned in mind. The location of the event. Vendor sign up list. etc.... And Xsharding rides.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Well, I'll be there, of course and perfectly willing to take items from Catskills if anyone has anything. Might as well sign up for a vendor if this is the appropriate place to ask for one!

Really looking forward to the event, they keep getting better and better.....

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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I'll probably attend depending on how much interest this gets and what is being sold. Not sure I'm willing to spend near 40m for a transfer unless there is something that really catches my fancy. Gl is a great shard, but I'm feeling uneasy about how much traffic and sales we will actually see.


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Regarding transfers, at some point I'll need to bring stuff home to Great Lakes from Europa and Chesapeake (and maybe Origin), and I'm willing to carry items for other attendees from those shards to Great Lakes.

I'm not sure of the timing yet, but I'll try to coordinate it with the Rares Festival. Please post here or send me a PM if you want me to contact you before I transfer from any of those shards to Great Lakes


Crazed Zealot
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This post has been up for almost a week and I have yet hear anything from the GL planning team. While the Pacific planning committee has been deligently contacting me about festival the one after this one. If the GL team doesn't post something here to get things started soon I will ask the Pacfiic planning team to move up the festival and take this one's place.

If you want to lobby for this event then you should show the efforts. People are willing to spend upwards of 40 mil in transfer tokens from all over to come to this event. Thus far, it has been a success one after another thanks to DVI and Tomas in the past.

Seriously folks, if you want this done right, then you'll have to start showing us some planning or ideas or anything.



Seasoned Veteran
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This post has been up for almost a week and I have yet hear anything from the GL planning team. While the Pacific planning committee has been deligently contacting me about festival the one after this one. If the GL team doesn't post something here to get things started soon I will ask the Pacfiic planning team to move up the festival and take this one's place.

It had been less than four days at the time you posted this, not almost a week.

Also, irux posted in this thread that he would be out of town on Thanksgiving weekend--i.e., about now.

Maybe the organizers weren't expecting demands for information 6 weeks in advance of the event's dates. Did the organizers even agree to these specific dates, or were the dates chosen without their input? Were the organizers told in advance when they had to announce their plans? What specific details do you think we need at this time? irux did post some preliminary info at the top of this thread.

I know that you were in favor of having it on Pacific when the discussion first started (according to a post in the first link above), but I think it's too early to decide to move it. (And yes, I'm biased because my main shard is Great Lakes, but I would still think it's too early to move it even if that weren't the case.)

Going forward, so that the whole community is aware of how the Festivals should be produced and so that both unfair surprises to the organizers and disappointments to the attendees can be avoided, I think we need established, posted guidelines for:

1. How often there should be a Rares Festival.
2. How the shard is determined.
3. What the organizer's qualifications should be.
4. How the organizer is determined.
5. How the exact dates are determined.
6. What the organizer's duties are.
7. When the organizer needs to release details about the next Festival, and what those details should be.

Thoughts, from anyone?

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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As much as I would prefer Pacific over Great Lakes if I had to choose one. I'd also suggest giving the Great Lakes staff more time to respond before giving it to Pacific. It is the week of Thanksgiving and one or all of them may be out of town. The Festival might have to be pushed back 3-4 weeks no matter which shard takes it as it is the start of the holiday season.

Have we heard anything from the Pacific team either? Are they ready to go should Great Lakes not respond by -fill in the blank-? Has anyone tried privately contacting the GL staff volunteers to see if they aren't online or simply not interested?


Seasoned Veteran
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Has anyone tried privately contacting the GL staff volunteers to see if they aren't online or simply not interested?
I did send both irux and Of The Ring a PM, with a Stratics "Read Receipt" request, shortly after Manticore's post. The Read Receipt status is still "unconfirmed" as of right now. So they haven't read the PM's via Stratics, at least.

I think there's an option to have Stratics forward automatically any PM's by regular e-mail, so I suppose it's possible that they saw my PM that way and just ignored it, although I don't really think that is the case.

irux did post that he would be out of town for Thanksgiving, so I expect that's the reason for his silence. I don't know anything about Of The Ring's availability.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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It is thanksgiving. They have till January to come up with a plan as was decided in the original thread. There are no specific dates decided at the moment. It is really up to the host to decide that.

Also, the primary host is IRUX as he is the one who showed interest etc.


Crazed Zealot
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ok may be I am getting old and my memory is not serving me too well. At first I wanted the Festival during Thanksgiving. Then it got voted and pushed back till after the holidays. To me that sounded like the 2nd weekend in Janurary, i.e. after Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. And thanks for reminding me that Irux did say he will be out until after Thanksgiving so my statment was premature.

Now that's settled. Let's wait until Irux responds to this post and tell us when the dates will be. I personally don't want it in Feb because thats just seem so far away and the best way to do these events is tie it to a post shard wide event. For example, if we do it in Feb then do we wait until after valentine's day because usually EMs will do events for that holiday. Then if we do wait until after Valentines day that would have made it over 5 months since our last festival and I think that's too long. I think every 3-4 months we should have one because the EMs are very active now and one of the biggest items to be bought/sold/traded is the EM event items.

Yes, Pacific has been contacting me. They have an entire team dedicated to this with multiple subcommittees - auction team, vendor/house team, rare items questionnaire team, events team etc... Very organized.


Slightly Crazed
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Yes, Pacific has been contacting me. They have an entire team dedicated to this with multiple subcommittees - auction team, vendor/house team, rare items questionnaire team, events team etc... Very organized.
And because YOU haven't heard anything from GL they are "disorganized"? Sorry, both your posts sound like a whiner who didn't get his way. It's the holidays, give people time. Sorry if this wasn't your intent, but it's how it read to me.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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He made no such claim. There is no need to bicker. He is simply concerned and there is nothing wrong with that. Don't get too excited.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Wow. I think Manticore is just trying to get the ball rolling. I haven't seen anything that deserves a thrashing like a few are dishing out. No single person here is "presiding chair" of rares festivals, although with the list of "suggestions" and length of a post above it sure seems like someones self-nominated themselves. This is suppose to be a fun event that brings us together, not become like a pvp thread flame war. Plus: it's not all on those two GL folk's shoulders. I'd be happy to help in anyway they'd want me to. I can even hold a house there if need be....

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Stratics Legend
Wow. I think Manticore is just trying to get the ball rolling. I haven't seen anything that deserves a thrashing like a few are dishing out. No single person here is "presiding chair" of rares festivals, although with the list of "suggestions" and length of a post above it sure seems like someones self-nominated themselves. This is suppose to be a fun event that brings us together, not become like a pvp thread flame war. Plus: it's not all on those two GL folk's shoulders. I'd be happy to help in anyway they'd want me to. I can even hold a house there if need be....
I wasn't trying to thrash him. I just was suggesting more time to allow the GL team to respond due to the holidays.

My apologies if I came across as being mean-spirited. It wasn't my intention.


Seasoned Veteran
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No single person here is "presiding chair" of rares festivals, although with the list of "suggestions" and length of a post above it sure seems like someones self-nominated themselves.
I haven't self-nominated myself for anything. I saw something that seemed unfair, I pointed out why I thought it was unfair, and I proposed steps to avoid similar problems in the future. I'm surprised that you object to that.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Thread is locked. Some of you are getting waaayyyy to worked up over nothing. Must be the holidays.
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