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Platinum Dragon?



I was running around Felucca and I happened to stumble upon a random Platinum Dragon out of the blue. Anyone know if they are spawning again? Or was it just a oddity? I had killed it, didn't have much on it besides some assorted peerless ingredients. Anyone have a clue what the deal is? thanks!


I`m not sure whats up with those. I was taking the grand tour on SP and came across a HUGE pile of Platinum Dragons. I`m not big enough to do jack to em but stare atm so I marked the spot on UOC and thought I`d check LS sometime later.

On LS I ran out to the spot I marked on SP in Tram and nothing there,just randon spawn hinds and whatnot. So I thought to myself...."self!"... maybe they just on the Fel ruleset since I did see em on SP. After runnin all the way there again in Fel......nothing there. The ones I have seen are only available on Siege apparently.

Where at in Fel did ya see yours?


I`m not sure whats up with those. I was taking the grand tour on SP and came across a HUGE pile of Platinum Dragons. I`m not big enough to do jack to em but stare atm so I marked the spot on UOC and thought I`d check LS sometime later.

On LS I ran out to the spot I marked on SP in Tram and nothing there,just randon spawn hinds and whatnot. So I thought to myself...."self!"... maybe they just on the Fel ruleset since I did see em on SP. After runnin all the way there again in Fel......nothing there. The ones I have seen are only available on Siege apparently.

Where at in Fel did ya see yours?
Thats very weird I had seen mine all the way south of Destard in Fel. It was the just standing around in the swamps.