Well if you're interested in joining one of our fine roleplaying guilds, you can find more information about them at the following spots.
For the United Pirates (Those Scoundrels!) led by Hawkeye Pike, you'll want to visit his site (that also holds the travelogues) at
http://www.aschulze.net/ultima/pirates/ (If you want the travelogues, remove the word 'pirates' from that link). The United Pirates town of Red Skull Bay is located on the beach SW of the Honor Shrine in Trammel.
PGoH is recruiting currently, as long as you have an ICQ number or AIM screenname to be able to recieve messages about events and the like (programs that work with it like Miranda or Trillian are fine too); We're an RP guild who are active with EM events, RP events that we run and that others run, as well as regular Peerless hunts, activities, and other types of things. We're most active during the evenings and if you'd like to know more contact me at ICQ# 431702770, or Emperor Thom at 270755567, or Empress Piper at 205053278. We're located in game North of Trinsic Across the bay, just West of the Fens of the Dead (Trammel). (
http://www.thehonorempire.org/forums...p?showforum=46 )
The following guilds mostly use shared forums at (
http://catskills-rp-portal.proboards.com/ )
There's V^A (Village of Aegis) headed by Aedon Durreah, located just SE of the Yew moongate, Trammel...
And their neighbors, H-S (House of Silverwood), led by Beleg Megil, just to the East of Aegis.
There's also |R| (House of Redemption), led by Va'lis Razele, and I believe they are in the process of relocating to outside of the Royal City in Ter Mur.
To round out the collection, there are a few other guilds whom I don't know their exact locations offhand. (
http://house-redemption.proboards.com )
RoH (Rangers of the Heart) led by Alyssia Kanath and Faris Solic, and they run the Que's Tavern outside of Skara Brae
Sol (Soldats) led by Clive Dauthi [based in Tokuno, I think]
S^S (Solantavo Syndicate) led by Azrael and Zendra, with the city of Istas based in Malas (
http://solantavo.crimson.net/forums )
Rose (Freehold of Roses) led by Sage/Phaen Grey, which is also based in Malas (
http://freeholdofroses.proboards.com )
Good luck on finding what fits you best, and welcome back!