I urge everyone to tread carefully in this. I was viewing this as a personal attacks upon
Vladimere and Dudley on the first post
BUT the discussion that came after I think is valid.
Also keep in mind we have had different kinds of auction houses over the
years. Some for profit yes, other entertainment, some that used all the gold
to fund events and contests, others to supply guild funds and a few other kinds.
From this moment forth you may not purposefully hurt the feelings of the
EMs, attack them personally for events they do and also you cannot
compare them to other shard EMs in an attempt to make them look bad.
(Lets remember I think its something like 2 events a month is all they have to do?)
Don't quote me.
As for auction houses you may go into discussion over the EM event being
done with KFC but you may not attack them etc etc.
I would also like to direct people to the
Don't go to it and just attack. Bring a well thought out idea or even complaint
that is done in a respectful manner. Also Dudley always checks the bulletin
board outside the Hall before the beginning of each meeting. So post
something there like "I would like to address The Ems on _________"
Oh and I forgot. Invite the EMs to events. Thats why they show up most of the time. They
are invited by people. They are also going to work with people that want to do an event.
So for those saying their events stink or whatever then get something written up and
present it to them for approval.