lol someone doesn't like Christianity.Seriously, get out.
Sorry, no sky wizards for me.lol someone doesn't like Christianity.
while ive adopted much of the beliefs. I too always enjoyed referring to god as the giant wizard in the sky who sent his lvl 99 white mage son to absolve man of their sins. sometimes i switch it up to lvl 99 cleric.Sorry, no sky wizards for me.lol someone doesn't like Christianity.
Interesting you should term it like that... my live WAS damned... but God didn't damn it.You need to get a goddamned life.
Forgive them the lies they put forth in thy name, O Lord, especially badly made crappy youtube montage propaganda videos, for they are misled TV babies, not used to having to think for themselves.
Praise be to Allah, death to Infidels!Yeah we've certainly brought the world to a good condition by refusing God and demanding to think for ourselves.... yup who needs a pesky God to tell us how to live?
LOL you just confirmed what I said, Aran!Praise be to Allah, death to Infidels!
No, like I said, no sky wizards for me. (You know, since Muslims and Christians are controlled by the same sky wizard.)Hey, are you really a muslim? If so I got some info for ya.![]()
You do realize that Muslims just as strongly (and some stronger) believe in their beliefs as you do yours. How can you make such a judgment that you are right and they are not? Same with any other religion including ancient Greek and Roman Gods.Actually, no.... Muslims follow a different god than the true God of the Bible.![]()
Actually, Satan is not mentioned in the beginning of the Bible in Genesis. You must be referring to the Serpent. Satan is introduced first in Job as sort of an employee of God, whom God lets cause harm to Job in order to test him. I didn't say anything about Jesus here. (This book itself, the book of Job, I wonder if its not older than all the rest of the Bible. The Old Babylonian Sumerian imagery is amazing. Leviathan? Is that not Tiamat? Behemoth, what is that... surely not a dinosaur?!!) Anyways, just note in the Gospel the careful phrasing, in the beginning at least, that makes sure not to equate Satan as the same as devils.Satan is mentioned in pretty much all four Gospels, as well as the very beginning of the Bible in Genesis, who was the tempter of Adam and Eve.
Jesus cannot be an angelic procecutor, for Jesus himself is not in nature an angel, which is a created being. Jesus is quite literally God Himself, which is made evident in Philippians 2:5-11 and John 1:1-5, 14. And in other places Jesus declares himself equal with God, and even at some points declares himself quite literally to be God. No angel is equal to God, but only a servant. In this way we are equal to the angels in that we are both fellow-servants to the Almighty.
Judaism, Islam, Christianity, all the same one God. Just different traditions and ways of worshiping. In fact Islam and Catholicism are quite similar.Actually, no.... Muslims follow a different god than the true God of the Bible.![]()
So who created "god"?Imaginarey huh? Something from nothing? Hmm... *scratches head*![]()
To the people of Biblical times, Gods and other supernatural entities/intelligences were everywhere, manifestly evident. Questioning their origin was a matter of wonder, as we today might question the origin of the Sun and the Moon, but not of supreme necessity. What was important was keeping them happy so your city, home, and tribe didn't get exterminated by war, famine or plague.So who created "god"?
(Other than man)
Luke - Very obviously talking about the Temple destroyed. This prophecy fulfilled proved him a prophet. Interesting verse: "Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, 21nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you."The rapture is not a blasphemous ideology at all... it is supported in Luke 17, Matthew 24 and Mark 13:32-37.
So the Romans being now become masters of the walls, they both placed their ensigns upon the towers, and made joyful acclamations for the victory they had gained, as having found the end of this war much lighter than its beginning; for when they had gotten upon the last wall, without any bloodshed, they could hardly believe what they found to be true; but seeing nobody to oppose them, they stood in doubt what such an unusual solitude could mean. But when they went in numbers into the lanes of the city with their swords drawn, they slew those whom they overtook without and set fire to the houses whither the Jews were fled, and burnt every soul in them, and laid waste a great many of the rest; and when they were come to the houses to plunder them, they found in them entire families of dead men, and the upper rooms full of dead corpses, that is, of such as died by the famine; they then stood in a horror at this sight, and went out without touching any thing. But although they had this commiseration for such as were destroyed in that manner, yet had they not the same for those that were still alive, but they ran every one through whom they met with, and obstructed the very lanes with their dead bodies, and made the whole city run down with blood, to such a degree indeed that the fire of many of the houses was quenched with these men's blood. And truly so it happened, that though the slayers left off at the evening, yet did the fire greatly prevail in the night; and as all was burning, came that eighth day of the month Gorpieus [Elul] upon Jerusalem, a city that had been liable to so many miseries during this siege, that, had it always enjoyed as much happiness from its first foundation, it would certainly have been the envy of the world. Nor did it on any other account so much deserve these sore misfortunes, as by producing such a generation of men as were the occasions of this its overthrow.
Quite simply because, while the people of other religions sincerely believe... even just as sincerely as Christians... that their way is right... you can be sincere about something and be sincerely wrong. Not intending to seem like overreacting, Hitler is a good example. I am not saying that these people are evil like Hitler, but Hitler sincerely believed that what he was doing was right, but obviously, he was sincerely wrong.You do realize that Muslims just as strongly (and some stronger) believe in their beliefs as you do yours. How can you make such a judgment that you are right and they are not? Same with any other religion including ancient Greek and Roman Gods.
Muslims say the Old Testament is the literal word of God. Like the Jews, they disagree that the Prophet Paul was the literal word of God. I have to agree with what I have read so far. He offers SERMONS, with his own personal opinions. He is inspired, but not directly speaking GOD'S WORD as is in the Old Testament.Quite simply because, while the people of other religions sincerely believe... even just as sincerely as Christians... that their way is right... you can be sincere about something and be sincerely wrong. Not intending to seem like overreacting, Hitler is a good example. I am not saying that these people are evil like Hitler, but Hitler sincerely believed that what he was doing was right, but obviously, he was sincerely wrong.
Take on top of that, that literally no other religious texts in all of human history can say the things that the Bible says, and then back them up with solid evidence and logic like the Bible can. The Christian Bible, which is God's Word, stands above all these other texts with the perfect track record of being 100% correct in everything that has been examined within its pages. All others fall short in this area.
So with a track record that surpasses all others, the Bible stands alone as the most believable text in existance today.
Yes, Paul does use his personal opinions, but he lets the reader know when it's just opinion. Most places he only repeats what was already said by Jesus and others before him.Muslims say the Old Testament is the literal word of God. Like the Jews, they disagree that the Prophet Paul was the literal word of God. I have to agree with what I have read so far. He offers SERMONS, with his own personal opinions. He is inspired, but not directly speaking GOD'S WORD as is in the Old Testament.
Can you explain what you mean by 100% correct please? In what way is it correct? I am sorry to say that Adam and Eve never existed as in the story of Genesis. Nor was there a Noah's Ark nor did Moses move oceans. If you meant 100% correct in a different way or referring to the new testament then let me know.Quite simply because, while the people of other religions sincerely believe... even just as sincerely as Christians... that their way is right... you can be sincere about something and be sincerely wrong. Not intending to seem like overreacting, Hitler is a good example. I am not saying that these people are evil like Hitler, but Hitler sincerely believed that what he was doing was right, but obviously, he was sincerely wrong.
Take on top of that, that literally no other religious texts in all of human history can say the things that the Bible says, and then back them up with solid evidence and logic like the Bible can. The Christian Bible, which is God's Word, stands above all these other texts with the perfect track record of being 100% correct in everything that has been examined within its pages. All others fall short in this area.
So with a track record that surpasses all others, the Bible stands alone as the most believable text in existance today.
Just because Jesus cooked a fish on a Sabbath didn't imply he wanted to abolish Judaism. I say Paul goes to extremes, being very liberal with the context of the OT verses he uses and taking minor incidents of the Gospels to found a Greek-style theological system. There was no metaphysics until the book of John. There were no Sermons until Paul. Something new is here, or a reinterpretation of the old.Yes, Paul does use his personal opinions, but he lets the reader know when it's just opinion. Most places he only repeats what was already said by Jesus and others before him.
Firstly, to say something never happened or never existed, you would need to have evidence to the contrary.Can you explain what you mean by 100% correct please? In what way is it correct? I am sorry to say that Adam and Eve never existed as in the story of Genesis. Nor was there a Noah's Ark nor did Moses move oceans. If you meant 100% correct in a different way or referring to the new testament then let me know.