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COP cannot find any good PvPers to fight. We have gone unchallenged for so many years.
We have resorted to waring people to fight. If you hate COP time is now to show us your skills.

Sent invites to war:

WAKA - UNKNOW - W@KA ACCEPTED (NOt sure if it is the same?)
LOL - ACCEPTED (Just Willie Lowman so far I think)

If you guild is not listed just post here I will add you to the "MEGA WAR". Or send us a challenge.

Good luck your gonna need it!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ahh, so zog did accept? Must send my apologies to zog, didn't think they would do it :)

Coincidentally I noticed SCAM and ZOG working together on occasion.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think some members of ZOG also have characters in SCAM....

Waka is tossing around idea. Need to check with members of guild to make sure they would be open for it.


And the point of warring Cop would be? Oh so we could go kill April showers afk at Luna Bank? I sure hope the GM of Waka is smart enough to not put the guild into this kinda situation.


And the point of warring Cop would be? Oh so we could go kill April showers afk at Luna Bank? I sure hope the GM of Waka is smart enough to not put the guild into this kind of situation.
I think Waka is already Warring ZOG. The point of warring COP? Well if you have played for a while remember the old days where you could fight anywhere? Don’t you get bored fighting at Yew only? Or Spawns?

Think of it this way you can go down and find a COP farming resources in Tram and kill them? If you hate us that much show us. If you war you can fight anywhere and no Stat Loss. Many people cry saying they don’t want to join factions well this way you can fight and not have Stat Loss. Makes the game more interesting. I may be shopping in Luna and “bam” I get attacked. I may be farming resources in the new D's and the gank is on. Makes my life more interesting, as well as everyone else’s.

So to all COP haters War us you will get a chance to fight us anywhere not just Yew Gate.


I think some members of ZOG also have characters in SCAM....

Waka is tossing around idea. Need to check with members of guild to make sure they would be open for it.

Well send us an invite when you know, we are accepting all Wars.


Why would us Waka war you? So we can fighting tames? If we want to fight dragons, or other random tamables we'd go to destard etc... We get enough of the pvp vrs pvmp.

Get real, we fight you all the time at yew, against your red tamers, what now you want to fight us with your blue tamers in Luna?

I'm Waka, and I do not see the point in warring COP. We already fight, we warred ZOG for the reason to fight them anywhere.

I'm also Ex COP, I know first hand how the guild is ran, pets, and sheer #'s. Run away from 1v1s.

I'm not for it, its not because Im scared, its because I do enough PVM fighting you guys at the gate. Lolerscates.


Personally I'd be pissed if I was down gathering resources in SA and 5 Cop came and ganked me. We warred Zog... And? So basically I stay away from Luna and New Haven...


It wouldnt be an issue for me if they actually wanted to man up without pets. I love PvP, but people that use pets in PvP dont love a challenge, so why war? :p


I think its a cry for attention, Thrax has been doing it for all these years and look how popular he is.


Haha, yeah.. He does have a few followers that buys into his crapola... I like thrax, he does give laughs.


You act like waka doesn’t have tamers I saw Waka in Luna with a beetle and mare fighting ZOG.

The fact is Waka will not war COP because it would eliminate guard zones which we all know they need.

SCAM won’t because the War keeps a tally on how many deaths occurs. SCAM does not want to know how many times COP kills them so they can keep running their mouths saying they are the best well if you war it will keep SCORE prove it.

SCAM or Waka would not want to know how many times they die. This is the reason.

But this thread is for people who want to WAR not complain about fighting tac. Please use the PvP Thread.


You act like waka doesn’t have tamers I saw Waka in Luna with a beetle and mare fighting ZOG.

The fact is Waka will not war COP because it would eliminate guard zones which we all know they need.

SCAM won’t because the War keeps a tally on how many deaths occurs. SCAM does not want to know how many times COP kills them so they can keep running their mouths saying they are the best well if you war it will keep SCORE prove it.

SCAM or Waka would not want to know how many times they die. This is the reason.

But this thread is for people who want to WAR not complain about fighting tac. Please use the PvP Thread.

My oh my how dillusional people r these days... The reason Waka (I'm GM) hasn't accepted is purely cause there's no reason to as of yet... We really don't have the members playing right now to fight anywhere and everywhere... When we get more than 6 on during primetime hours then u'll have ur war and I promise u, that it won't be as easy for u guys as u make it sound here...

TMI, not to talk **** here but u can't even kill me on Trinity with an archer... that's not good brother... as I don't have the DCI needed to survive... yet somehow u have had 2 1v1's with me on Tabasco now and yet to kill me... but remember I'm not talking **** here... Merely pointing out that reguardless of what u or any SCAM think Waka is no pushover guild... We're not the Waka of old yet... But we will get close to it soon as people start playing together enough...


My oh my how dillusional people r these days... The reason Waka (I'm GM) hasn't accepted is purely cause there's no reason to as of yet... We really don't have the members playing right now to fight anywhere and everywhere... When we get more than 6 on during primetime hours then u'll have ur war and I promise u, that it won't be as easy for u guys as u make it sound here...

TMI, not to talk **** here but u can't even kill me on Trinity with an archer... that's not good brother... as I don't have the DCI needed to survive... yet somehow u have had 2 1v1's with me on Tabasco now and yet to kill me... but remember I'm not talking **** here... Merely pointing out that reguardless of what u or any SCAM think Waka is no pushover guild... We're not the Waka of old yet... But we will get close to it soon as people start playing together enough...
I'm not here to sling dust. Your boy came in here talking SMACK. Weather you War or dont it's up to you. I would be happy just to see Waka join FActions. No you are not in full force but the people who still play can at least come to Yew Gate Red or Orange. Not stay in the gate guard wacking people.

Anyhow Trin the offer is there take it or leave it. Just tell your boy to timber down. ZOG only have about 5 member I am sure waka has at least that many and they arent making excuses.

This isn't the pvp thread.



i for one would like to say ty to trin for working on this new waka .

i donno why . cuz im cop but hey .

and rollinthetweed nice to see you on stratics and messin abt de game
BTW bro my tamer is still on europa


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not here to sling dust. Your boy came in here talking SMACK. Weather you War or dont it's up to you. I would be happy just to see Waka join FActions. No you are not in full force but the people who still play can at least come to Yew Gate Red or Orange. Not stay in the gate guard wacking people.

Anyhow Trin the offer is there take it or leave it. Just tell your boy to timber down. ZOG only have about 5 member I am sure waka has at least that many and they arent making excuses.

This isn't the pvp thread.


Well TMI as stated by others everyone is sick of tamers in PvP. These tamer templates are more overpowered than any balance issues we have ever had in the past. 2 pets , breath & combo and whatever the char can dish out.

Now if you are serious about guild wars you will probably have to set up an alternate guild making it tamer free. If you did that, everyone would probably accept a war invitation.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well TMI as stated by others everyone is sick of tamers in PvP. These tamer templates are more overpowered than any balance issues we have ever had in the past. 2 pets , breath & combo and whatever the char can dish out.

Now if you are serious about guild wars you will probably have to set up an alternate guild making it tamer free. If you did that, everyone would probably accept a war invitation.

I actually ahve to say. From my perspective, Waka has been using pets the most. Sad, but true. COP is actually feilding dexers and mages. Actually without the tamers and thousand stealtehrs, has made for some interesting figthing/watching.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I actually ahve to say. From my perspective, Waka has been using pets the most. Sad, but true. COP is actually feilding dexers and mages. Actually without the tamers and thousand stealtehrs, has made for some interesting figthing/watching.

*Raises a homemade Zog flag*
* Hums Zog Anthem*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I actually ahve to say. From my perspective, Waka has been using pets the most. Sad, but true. COP is actually feilding dexers and mages. Actually without the tamers and thousand stealtehrs, has made for some interesting figthing/watching.
Yes, those waka bluebies has a lot of tamers (usually about half of them on the field are dismount archer tamers). Which is funny rolling tweed is bashing COP for tamers.

YES COP needs all their pets and many stealthers to compete regardless having a lot more active members. But when they are in Luna they are on dexers (well Ruff has been trying to get a dreadhorse on his bluebie dismount all kill zero skill tamer so he can PvP better) but other than that Waka is the biggest tamer guild in the War *FACT*

Also Jesse has no internet for a few days now and he didnt assign a warlord prior to this zerggie war that TMI started. We are trying to get him on so he can accept the war.

Oh yea BTW, do not spend 20mill on a gray-ish nightmare. :D


As it stands still only ZOG and a guild LOL which is only 1 person is warring COP. Kind of sad that two Small guild war us and no one else.

Lefty there is a way around the Pet issue but I am not going to tell you how. You can figure it out on your own. But to use that as a reason not to war is just a copout.

Oh yea BTW, do not spend 20mill on a gray-ish nightmare. :D
Bousting about SCAMing people? If your friend wants to possible lose his account let him do it. I will repeat to what I told someone last night. 20 Mil of fake money is not worth me losing MY account.

But again this is not the forum to be posting this.

We are trying to get him on so he can accept the war.
KM is not on right now but we sent the invite already if you declined and resent to us KM will be on later to accept. Then I will change status above.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since we're on the topic of the wars here. It seem Thrax got booted from his guild?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Confirmed or not?
Well I saw him at Luna, unguilded, there being a different GM, and some "not very happy" words about whether or not the who is now the GM was just screwing with him or #$%^ed him over. He got re-initiated, then the two fought (thrax and the new GM), then I left.

Later on he appeared unguilded again and the new guy still the GM.

I know he was unguilded because he wasn't orange while the others were.

Edit: the guy who is the GM, or "fuher" was rocky if I remember correctly.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Confirmed or not?

Back to war Ultima no action has been taken. Your still in the cue waiting to accept.

All you have to do is accept.

Still waiting...
I need to see a screenie of those in full-screen as per requested by Ruffles [COP]. Otherwise I am not seeing anything.

Please I am still waiting for some real PvP screenies of yours pvping with on screen kill shot with task bars just like how Ruffles wanted it. And yes we will be accepting the war as soon as our guild leader can get on. This gives Pain more time to prepare a duplicate template of ruff noobrider on a bluebie char so he can pvp. He still needs sometimes for his pets to bound right? Waka, the tamer guild of UO is in full force tho.


Your envy is noted, logged and will not be forgotten, War Ultima.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We needa bring this war felluca side...I am anxsious to get in the action on my red dexer. Be nice too actually play on a char I enjoy playing. Ill also be at the gate as well on him. Hopefully get last few ingreds I need for his jewelry tonight and get those made.

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Just a reminder.

This is not the PvP thread, last warning then people will start getting special notices from me.


This is my last post. I don't need come-backs WarUltima. Much to simple.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
TMI, About Third Legion, A good portion of us are either throwing on Zog or Waka tags on. Its all for fun and so far I like the skirmishes without tamers. It almost has that O/C feel to it.


TMI, About Third Legion, A good portion of us are either throwing on Zog or Waka tags on. Its all for fun and so far I like the skirmishes without tamers. It almost has that O/C feel to it.
Ok cool. Scam just warred us! Logging on!


So when I logged on yesterday the score was 3 COP and 6 SCAM we had some very small scuffles throughout the day it went to 9 COP and 7 SCAM last time I logged on. After we killed them a couple of time SCAM was not seen the rest of the night. Going to be interesting over the days to see how SCAM plays them seem not to want to lose points at all by the way there fighting style is.

On another note:
Thrax is about 47 and COP is at 120. Willie Lowman is at 2 and COP @ 3.
Haven’t logged on today but never the less going to be interesting to see what happens.

I will keep people posted as things heat up.


Just a side note, about three days ago there was a Coup d'etat in the Zog guild on Sonoma and I am no longer absolute dictator :-( The early score of keeping the zog about even score with our enemies dispite our numbers was because of my leadership.. the failure of the current leadership and our lack of kills can be blamed on our new racist guild leader who has set his title " The Fuhrer of Zog"... Due to the fact that he booted alot of members and set everyone to Ronin status means we cannot recruit the Zog comrades waiting to join the fight and what not. The only reason I am staying in this guild that I created is because of the simple fact that I love war and now that we finally got a war going on Sonoma after all these years I cannot just walk away from that because it is mucho fun.

I do believe however and I never say this, that "Rocky" the current GM of ZOG on Sonoma will lead this guild into the ground and force a surrender on us. My hands are clean! Zog has never lost a war when I was in power!

on a side note, Canadian women are fffffreeaaakkkkz, that is all! I am in Canada all weekend, so if you see me out there fighting im on a crapy connection and playing with my work laptop

-Thrax to the Max


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a side note, about three days ago there was a Coup d'etat in the Zog guild on Sonoma and I am no longer absolute dictator :-( The early score of keeping the zog about even score with our enemies dispite our numbers was because of my leadership.. the failure of the current leadership and our lack of kills can be blamed on our new racist guild leader who has set his title " The Fuhrer of Zog"... Due to the fact that he booted alot of members and set everyone to Ronin status means we cannot recruit the Zog comrades waiting to join the fight and what not. The only reason I am staying in this guild that I created is because of the simple fact that I love war and now that we finally got a war going on Sonoma after all these years I cannot just walk away from that because it is mucho fun.

I do believe however and I never say this, that "Rocky" the current GM of ZOG on Sonoma will lead this guild into the ground and force a surrender on us. My hands are clean! Zog has never lost a war when I was in power!

on a side note, Canadian women are fffffreeaaakkkkz, that is all! I am in Canada all weekend, so if you see me out there fighting im on a crapy connection and playing with my work laptop

-Thrax to the Max
That kind of sucks. Unless you're the GM it just isn't ZOG.


welcome to the true north strong and free .

try not to freeze (tho t-shirt weather ends at -10c)

thrax if the canadian woman seems to get drunk before you , your gettin takin advantage of .


Just a side note, about three days ago there was a Coup d'etat in the Zog guild on Sonoma and I am no longer absolute dictator :-( The early score of keeping the zog about even score with our enemies dispite our numbers was because of my leadership.. the failure of the current leadership and our lack of kills can be blamed on our new racist guild leader who has set his title " The Fuhrer of Zog"... Due to the fact that he booted alot of members and set everyone to Ronin status means we cannot recruit the Zog comrades waiting to join the fight and what not. The only reason I am staying in this guild that I created is because of the simple fact that I love war and now that we finally got a war going on Sonoma after all these years I cannot just walk away from that because it is mucho fun.

I do believe however and I never say this, that "Rocky" the current GM of ZOG on Sonoma will lead this guild into the ground and force a surrender on us. My hands are clean! Zog has never lost a war when I was in power!

on a side note, Canadian women are fffffreeaaakkkkz, that is all! I am in Canada all weekend, so if you see me out there fighting im on a crapy connection and playing with my work laptop

-Thrax to the Max
Am I to believe the oldest and longest member of ZOG has formed a cu and took your guild?

I find it hard to believe but still glad we at war!


Your right about those North western Canadian women ;-) almost as great as them Norway women...

as for Rocky being the oldest Zog member... he is by far one of the youngest of "true Zogs". There are still Zogs around as old as me in some form or another. Fact I even just recently talked with a ZOG who fought in the year long war against Golgotha and its allies (including B^G...for u hutner)

He just finally figured out a way to end my rule after years of oppression. :-O lol 5 years too late I say, but I am glad somebody finally did it in ZOG. I only hope he will be a more brutal leader than me...so far he has not let me down. Sadly he has kept me in the guild..perhaps is first mistake... >;-)


New guild added to the War MMD which is "Your WhooHoo" so now COP is activity fighting 4 guild. Lots of fun guys. Keep them coming.

Still waiting for KC Waka & R6.

Thanks for all the fun fights.


Zogs at war with 7 but one of them is a guild with just you in it on your hack char.

If I recall the last ZOG cop war (and all ur allies fighting us) you got beat almost every time we saw you..granted u had the server line 90% of the time. This war however is ZOG vs the gimp hackers. I am having fun though, all that matters.

I'll prob get perma ban for this post but I'm just saying what everyone is thinking.


Zogs at war with 7 but one of them is a guild with just you in it on your hack char.

If I recall the last ZOG cop war (and all ur allies fighting us) you got beat almost every time we saw you..granted u had the server line 90% of the time. This war however is ZOG vs the gimp hackers. I am having fun though, all that matters.

I'll prob get perma ban for this post but I'm just saying what everyone is thinking.
Its about the fun and it has been a lot of fun. Still is. Fighting is a lot different now with War. But it is fun. Your Whoo Hoo was going bonkers tonight out numbered and still got some points a lot of fun Whoo Hoo.


;) you know i can take on about 3 or 4 of you at a time but 6 to 7+ last night was just plain rediculous... still funny that i got a few of you in the process of me dying on foot lol...


Oh and ZOG has still yet to accept my war invite... so has waka :)

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
W@KA is Mercutio as far as I know. He made guild last nite. That actual Waka stone is not going too be warring atm. Trin is out of town,no warlords and I think peeps are still working on getting chars finished. School and work cut into UO time....

Nice too see you back playing again Kyle.


good to be back ;) making the transition from SL to TB right now so mage is down for now... been doing alot of the SA stuff hehehe... u should join up with merc.. havn't gotten to kill you in a while ;)


im sorry im having fun with this war thing and everything but its starting to get really pathetic cop.... come on you really need 5 people plus me dismounted to even stand a chance? y even bother? lol seriously... had a perfectly good 2v1 with both you guys running from me and you had to call in 2 more? i just don't get it somone explain it to me please

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
good to be back ;) making the transition from SL to TB right now so mage is down for now... been doing alot of the SA stuff hehehe... u should join up with merc.. havn't gotten to kill you in a while ;)
LOL...GL with the killing me part. If you on ICQ before I crash tonight...should find somewhere and spar a bit. That way I can face plant you!
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