I would like to discuss what needs to be done to make factions PVP occur more often. At the moment there is very little faction fighting (at least on Atlantic) in regards to factions. There is quite a bit at Yew gate or at Champion Spawns. But there are no base raids, no sigil defense, little fighting in towns unless you chase someone from Yew moongate to Empath Abby.
Our guild had a rather fun skirmish inside Trinsic the other day against some enemy faction players. It was like old times for a bit running all over the city. I remember back when factions was new that you could go to a city and perhaps find someone to fight. That just does not happen anymore.
The faction artifacts were a great draw in getting players to join. But it wasn't enough to make them start fighting.
/deep breath
One more time.. wtf not.
I'm not a huge fan of big changes,, small tweaks go a long ass way, especially in MMOs. If you want my opinion, which I know Link always does, you need some moderate changes here because they ****ed the factions up.
1. Faction point system needs to be a modified version of its old self.
2. Faction sigils need to be on different timers and each town needs to have some sort of vendor specialty.
3. Faction items need to be more expensive silver wise.
1. Faction Point System
The faction point system was actually pretty damn good back in the day. The problems back in the day were the point decay was too fast at lower levels and the rank system was seriously ****ed. (Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed being rank 10 bugged for 5 years) But to many people were stuck in the negatives. The point sytem itself worked just fine getting 10% from killing someone and losing 10% when you died. The point competitions not only on your shard but across all shards were pretty fun. Someone people didn't care for points and didn't have to pay attention to the stats but for others,, it just makes things more fun when you keep track of the score. The obvious difference between the scoring now and then is the ridiculous modifiers. X2 for killing opposing chaos/order faction and x3 for killing opposing chaos/order faction in faction towns. While I can respect the attempt at making the point system more fun I cannot respect the fact that they didn't test the point system. Plenty of people warned that it was exploitable the minute the patch came out,, and even before when they told us in the patch notes before the patch came out. It was an idea that didn't even look good on paper to someone who has been in the factions for decent amount of time. The devs obviously not only didn't participate in the factions but they probably didn't even have any friends who did either.. if they did.. shame on their friends for ****ty feedback. BUT FEAR NOT. Cardell will tell you how to un-**** yourselves and straighten the factions out.
- Turn point system back to old way (10% kill loss), remove the POINT bonuses for killing in towns but leave the silver bonuses how they are.
-Fix the rank system so inactive players are not included in the rank calculations.
-If characters have under max stats and max skills they cannot lose nor recieve points in the factions. They will go into stat and if they had Points and soulstone off their skills (dropping their skill total). They lose their rank and points.
Whats this going to do?
Returning the point system to its old form will make points meaningful again. Meaningful score keeping with low scores (compared to now Current leaders have like 347823748923789473894723987489237497294398 points). No bonuses helps prevent farming points.
Fixing ranks will fix the ranks.. it will be nice to have non-broken ranks for once.. This goes hand in hand with the point system because it determines how many rank 10s, 9s 8s, etc their are.
Making it so no characters can gain nor lose points while under the cap will prevent people from farming **** characters on dumby accounts. Turning the points back to the way they were will also help this because they will not be getting expontially growing numbers by alternating killing dumby characters in towns (x3 bonus)
2. Faction Sigs/Towns on different timers and move vendors.. (This is my favorite).
For those of you who do not know, when you own a town you can place vendors.. These vendors sell resources for very cheap. Some can be very very very very profitable. I used to turn 10 mil a day per shard selling regs before LRC came out. Now that LRC is in and regs and pretty much out, what else is there? Boards, Bottles, and Iron ore? I think their needs to be some more vendors. For one, Mystic and Necro reg vendors? Also, maybe colored ore vendors?, Althought NO WHERE NEAR the amount you can buy the amount of iron ore. Further more all towns should be specialized in a kind of vendor. You would still be able to get all the vendors in each town,, but for the sake of buying and reselling some of towns should sell the resources cheaper and some should sell more of a resource than the other.
For instance.
Trinny - Boards - More Resources to Sell
Yew - Boards
Glow - Regs - More Resources to Sell
Mag - Regs
Minoc - Ore - More Resources to Sell
Brit - Ore
Skara - Bottles - More Resources to Sell
Vesper - Bottles
Now.. Sigil timers. The reset and corruption are fine but I was thinking. The sigils are collected and held,, corrupted, owned for 3 days and then repeat. Some people complain about the sigs always being corrupted over night or corrupted when ever they go to steal them. Well this makes it hard for people to jump into factions and start fighting over the sigs. I think it would be very beneficial to the factions activity if the sigils corrupting process was changed a bit. I think there should be 3 statuses for holding the sigils in your base.
1) Holding
2) Corrupting
3) Focused Corrupting
Now. Holding the sigil in your base does nothing, it just sits in your base until someone gets in and takes it out. Corrupting holds the sigil where it is being corrupted at a slow pace and focused corrupting is where the sigil is being corrupted at the normal pace (10 hours).
Now the catch is, there should be a limit to how many sigils can be focused corrupting and how many can be corrupting. Lets say 2 can be focus corrupted and 4 can be corrupting, meaning you have to hold the other 2 sigils until 2 of the sigils are corrupted and then start to corrupt them. This will make it ALL the sigils cannot be corrupted simoltaneously, meaning more, raiding and fighting.
To make things even more complicated (thats how I do) each town sigil should be on a different timer depending on whether it is owned by another faction, what kind of resource it sell, whether or not it is the main city for that resource, whether the city has a faction base in it...etc
So! I.E.
Skara and Vesper sell bottles, but skara has more resources to sell so it would be 10 hours to corrupt and vesper would be 7 or 8 hours.
What this would do for the sigil timers and towns would mean the sigils would be more active because to you can only corrupt 6 at a time (2 at the normal rate) and each town can varies in length required for sigil corruptiong. It throws in a lot more stradegy and if a smaller faction manages to get a decent size crew on, they could try and corrupt a shorter corrupting town, that may not get them much profit, but will allow them to place vendors.
3. Faction Items need to be more expensive.
I think thats pretty straight forward.
Tier 1 items - 5k Silver - 5k Gold
Tier 2 items - 10k Silver - 10k Gold
Tier 3 items - 15k Silver - 15k Gold
Tier 4 items - 20k Silver - 20k Gold
Tier 5 items - 25k Silver -25k Gold
Why? It will make more people get out and farm silver.. plain and simple. There are only so many places you can farm sivler, running into other people farming silver is great opportunity for fights and a nice change up from fighting in towns or at gates. Controlling spawns could be just as fun as controlling towns.