Sampire Info Collection and Personal Suggestions
I make this post for share in 1 place the info about the sampire equipment.
The base weapon type for a sampire depends on your skills.
Basically you have to choose the weapon based on what you are going to hunt:
Here is a list of the main 3 types of weapon and the name of the most used
- A weapon with feint (leafblade/daisho) for high damages critter. Feint usually halves the damage of any monster (even spell damage and firebreath)
- A weapon with whirlwind (radiant sword). Very usefull in places like doom and champion spawns. Whirlwind damage all the critters around you.
- A weapon with a big damage (ornate axe)
Remember this: the base speed of a weapon tells you how much harder you can hit: Slow Weapon -> High Damage - Fast Weapon -> Low Damage
The properties that you need could be a lot, but usually you have to make a chooice. Here is the more important ones:
Leech properties:
Every leech properties transform part of the damage in life/mana/stamina.
If you have a weapon with a low damage, you need an high leech (vampiric embrace is only 20% life leech and sometimes is not enough!) and vice versa, you can have low (or none is some cases) if your weapon can deal high damages.
- Mana Leech: t
he weapon restores up to 40% of the displayed percentage of the damage dealt as Mana. You MUST have this in any case. If you lack of mana means that you have a low mana leech.
- Stamina Leech: the weapon restores 100% of the damage dealt as Stamina. You can avoid this property if you plan to use total refresh potions or divine fury, in the other cases you must have it.
- Life Leech:
The weapon restores up to 30% of the displayed percentage of the damage dealt as Hit Points. Use this if your weapon has medium low-damage.
NOTE: The lower is the damage and higher should be this mod. If you plan to use heavy weapon (like ornate axe) you can replace this with Hit Lower Attack
Other weapon properties:
Here is the list of the other nice properties that you can have into your weapon:
- Hit Lower Defense: lower the enemy defense chance by 25% for 8 seconds. NPCs has no defense chance so they go to -25% and could be a nice advantage. (I suggest to have it or you could be in trouble againist high end bosses)
- Hit Lower Attack: lower the enemy hit chance by 25% for 10 seconds. NPCs has no hit chance so they go to -25% and will hit you less.
NOTE: very usefull if you can fit it.
- Swing Speed Increase: increase your swing speed BUT if you put it in the weapon every leech properties will be scaled. Use this in the weapon ONLY if you can survive with a scaled leech. For example the leafblade at 30% SSI has the cap to 50% on leech rate instead of 68.
- Defense Chance Increase: you need this higher as you can. 65% is the perfect amount for use Divine Fury. (35-40 still enough for survive if you have 120 in combat skill)
- Hit Chance Increase: many tells: "if you have lightning strike you don't need it", but I say: "if you wish to use the specials of your weapon you need this higher as you can". So if you plan to use the weapon special moves you absolutely need it or you miss a lot againist the high level critters.
- Lower Mana Cost: is very usefull, this low the mana cost of your special moves too. So if you plan to use special moves you need to reach 30-40% or they will cost too much mana.
- Mana Regeneration: optional property, is usefull only when you die for cast vampiric embrace.
NOTE: Mage Armor DO NOT affect mana regeneration. So you can use non meddable parts and this property still working.
Non-meddable armor piece block meditation passive and active regeneration but NOT the Mana Regeneration which come from items.
- Hit Point Increase: nice addition if you could have it. The more hp you have better is, if you use the feint special move you could keep it low without consequences. (130 hp are the best thing if you dont plan to use feint, else 110 are enough)
- Hit Point Regeneration: nice, but useless. You need to leech lot of life and you cant still and wait the life growing.
- Intelligence Bonus/Mana Increase: very usefull if you plan to use the special moves. The more is mana and more specials you can use. You absolutely need some if you are playing a human character. (30 mana points is a must have!)
- Resistances: be sure to have 70 in: physical, fire, energy. You can keep a bit lower cold and poison resistances, but you need to stay near 60.
Swing Speed Increase and Stamina balancement:
everyone sais that you need 180 stamina for a high swing speed, but is not always true...
We all must remember that in battle is very rare to keep the stamina at 180 (if you had 10000 potions on your pack, you can drink 1 every second and keep it). So you have to calculate the "spring" effect and check your speed at cap and for example, 60 less than the cap. Usually there are 3 usefull checkpoints in the stamina before reach really bad speeds, and every weapon has its own based on the base speed and SSI.
There are also some checkpoints on swing speed increase and between each checkpoint you earn nothing. So you have to make some test. Each checkpoint lower by 1 level the speed (for example if with 0 SSI you have the 1.25 at 180 stamina with 5% you have the 1.25 at 150 stamina)
here is the weapon speed table (by Athene):
Usually if you raise SSI you cant keep an high stamina level (because actually is physically impossible to have both in your equipment unless you start to sacrifice other properties).
The best way to have SSI is to have it outside the weapon, in this manner you can keep high leech level with high speed.
Human/elf characters could reach high level in SSI (outside the weapon) only with these items:
- Turquoise ring: 5%
- Jade Ambarad [Replica]: 5%
- Ranger Cloak of Augmentation: 5%
- Daimyo Helm: 10%
- Animated Legs of the Insane Tinker: 10%
- Full Assassin Armor Set: 20%
- [SPELL] Divine Fury: 10%
The best you can do is reach 55% with divine fury, the rest must go in the weapon.
Damage Increase
This is a very important part. The damage is the base of your survival skills and you need as much as you can.
First let's see the melee/range damage ABC:
The damage increase is split in 2:
- Passive (unlimited): this is given by Tactics, Anatomy, Strength and Lumberjacking (if you use an axe).
- Active (CAP 300%): this one is given by slayers, killer attribute, damage increase of your equipment and spells and honor.
The Damage Increase in your equipment is capped at 100%
Slayer Damage = +200%
Super Slayer Damage = +100%
Enemy of One = +50%
Divine Fury = +10%
Here is some suggestion about the damage:
- If you wish to raise a skill to 120 and your chooice is between tactics or anatomy, choose TACTICS. Because grant you a better damage increase than anatomy.
- If you are using a lesser slayer and you have 100% damage increase in your suit, you can avoid to use enemy of one.
- Honor: if you honor your target each shot give you a (bushido / 10) % of damage increase (capped at 100%) and 1000 luck bonus if you kill creature while you've "Achieved Perfection". If you miss a hit, you lose damage increase (only the one earned with honor) and luck too.
In addition of all that bonus, honor give you the chance to recover 100% of life, mana and stamina.
Slayers are a very good thing to use, but be careful!
If you have an opposite slayer you will get 50% extra damage from monsters.
The worst case is wielding an opposite slayer with enemy of one on another creature. In this case you take 150% extra damage from the monsters! Like as they have the slayer againist you.
Some of the new Stygian Abyss mini-champion will trick you if you don't pay attention:
For example: every lava spawn has a Fire Demon and Lava Elemental. This combo is insane because if you wear the elemental slayer, the Fire Demon Breath hit you with a 120 damage (at 70 fire resistance). If you wear the demon slayer the lava elemental will hit you with a 30 damage spells.
Then how do I choose a weapon?
All depends on you game style, but here is how I choose a weapon:
- I like weapons with armor ignore (just because if you have low hp, you can hit with this special and heal yourself).
- I like one-handed weapons (using potions is a great advantage)
Here is the weapon list with Armor Ignore:
(I have highlighted the ones with medium speed and nice damage.)
Long Sword, Bladed Staff, Stone War Sword,
Hammer Pick, War Axe, Disc Mace, Kryss, Spear, Shortblade, Broadsword, Katana,
Except for the leafblade, the other ones do not have feint; so if you need this special, just switch the weapon when needed
The feint weapon has not to be slayer or else, just put Hit Lower Attack if you want, but switch it fast (EC client is the best for this kind of macros)
While you are switching, DO NOT STAY UNARMED! sometimes happen the macros run too fast and fail to equip the weapons. In this case if you don't pay attention, you are dead.
There are many nice shields around that can help you to fix the equipment. My advice is STAY AWAY FROM THEM!
If you use a shield with bushido you lower your parry chance from 35-40% to 5% and evey high level critters will take you down in few shots.
If you really want to use a shield you have to remove bushido and renounce to all its bonus (Honor, Evade, Lightning Strike - that is an almost free ignore armor)
Armor pieces and strength requirement
If you plan to go around without resisting spells, pay attention at your armor strength requirement!
Monsters like dread horn can lower your strenght enough to drop your armor (especially the chest), and you will fall if your resistances fall (obviously againist boss not mongbats!)
The best solution is raise your strength. Strength gave you the chance to keep your armor while cursed, increase your damage (more life leeched) and give you more weight available in your backpack (very important if you plant to bring with you lots of potions or bandages)
Wodland Armor
This kind of armor imbued and enhanced with heartwood could give much benefits (like damage increase 10 or Hit chance 5). But be careful! When you repair it, you have enough chance to fail and burn 1 total durability each fail. Once I failed to repair it 10 times, so remember when you buy this kind of item: is nice and good, but has shorter life than leather and metal armor pieces.
Additional Gameplay Tactics:
Everywhere is wrote to honor the opponent and strike hard till end. I wish to throw some extra informations:
Always remember the Swing Speed/Stamina spring effect:
- If you are facing a big boss and you have clumsy in your buff, remove it immediately (with an enchanted apple or remove curse or cleansingwind)
- If your stamina bring the swing speed lower than 1.5/1.75 drink a refresh potion or cast divine fury. You must keep a fast swing speed.
Losing strength could make you some trouble:
- Ensure you are not holding too much weigth. Keep always a bag of sending, it could be very usefull if you go overweight.
- Ensure you have the armor weared and not in the pack! Sometimes the curses can remove your armor, so use the enchanted apple to remove the curse and keep the dress agent ready.
Feeblemind is not a problem! If you have this in your buff, you can ignore it, usually you lose 2 to 4-5 mana points and remove this buff will cost you more than what you earn.
Blood Oath il your weak point. Keep always an eye into the buff/debuff bar, if you see the "red hand" of blood oath run away as fast as you can and eat an apple for remove this curse.
Resisting spells shall only reduce the damage that you take back, so remember to run away if you have blood oath. If you hit the enemy with this curse and you are dead.
True Fear is another big problem of this template. This unfair ability of some new bosses will freeze you, and you cant move until the effect is done. Even if you were damaged you cannot move. My solution for this problem is to have some invisibility potions with you. Just drink one when you are frozen and with a bit of luck you could avoid the death (if receive damage before to be invisible usually you can consider yourself dead).
Keep your karma higher as much as you can. More karma you have and higher is the chivalry spells duration.
You are the real enemy. When you are near death is common to think: "Hey now I hit the enemy with a 150 damage and I'm safe". The result of this thought is: "OoOOoOoO".
When you have low HP cast evasion and heal yourself. Use potions, spells or everthing you want, but move away and raise your hps!
Boss-Specific Advices:
Dread Horn: easy but keep an eye on your backpack, if you are cursed your armor could be in there. The hard thing here is to take the keys. Irk and its brothers can hit you so hard and if you are againist 2 or more of them you are dead. Do not use physical damage againist chagelings, make sure to have a valorite weapon (or a weapon with elmental damage).
Shimmering Effusion: this is a very dangerous enemy. As every mages in the game, he can cast 3 spells at once, but its spells hit you with no less than 50-60 damage each. When you are againist it the only way to be safe is using feint and never miss.
NOTE: he can summon the corporeal brume, and this guy will return the physical damage back. So be careful!
Chief Paroxysmus: make sure someone else goes for the keys, slime will destroy your weapon. The boss itself is not hard at all, just feint and hit hard, if you are in a party a healer could be usefull for removing the poison. If you are alone just remember to cast enemy of one when the plague beasts are dead.
Monstrous Interred Grizzle: a dangerous boss. Not because hit you hard, but because put you in a bath of acid and you are naked in few minutes. If you can avoid acid, the other problem is the scream that give you -60% in swing speed. If you can, avoid this boss.
Travesty: a suicide. He will become you, so imagine to fight againist yourself with 35k hit points and with all the skills (even the one that you have at 10) raised to 120.
He has Vampiric embrace, can cast revenant, wither, enemy of one, consacrate weapon and (if you are using the conjurer's trinket) he has an undead slayer for doing double damage againist you. If this is not enough, he spam mirror image and deflect your attacks away.
Lady Melisande: you will get some trouble from satirs (once discorded you become a piece of cake), and hers puke that slow your swing speed. If you could manage this, she's not so hard.
Medusa: when you solo her, remember o take with you 3-4 gorgon lenses and to remove the stoned monsters (when free).
Remove every undead slayer (the conjurer's trinket is one) or she double the damage againist you. For the rest I suggest only to use momentum strike when you are free from the stone for kill your evil twin immediatly before he start to attack you.
Stygian Dragon: his base damage is huge! The base hit can do 60-90, then he spam the wing strike (area damage of 80-90) and he use a fire strike that dismount you and damage with about 90-95. The best tactic here is to keep it with feint and run if you miss it. Usually he can do wing strike + fire strike as combo and if he is not feinted you are dead.
Slasher of Veil: hard. This guy is hard to take down in solo. His base damage is not huge, but he can hit you lot of times and with spells. His curses requires more than 1 apple to be removed and spam true fear and fire walls everywhere. For this one, the best tactic is hit hard as you can and evade when your life is less than 3/4 (because you dont know when he use the true fear and evade could save your life when you are frozen). The Invisibility potion here is useless, because he will reveal you or you still in a firewall (90% of the times you are on a fire wall)
My software UO Template Editor could help you a lot while you are building your template, so my last suggestion is to use it rolleyes:
Here is my template (you need UO Template Editor for open it)
I hope this post could be usefull
![Smile :) :)]()