This list is not necessarily the 'full' load of quests available but are the ones I have come across and the info I have recorded for them, hope this helps.
Quest Name - NPC who issues it - Location & coords of quest giver - basics on what you need to do - the reward.
# A Mystics Journey - Ortlem the Mystic - Ter Mur - City - 162o51'S 37o58'W - Obtain 100 Demon Bone, 100 Dragons Blood - Knowledge - Crystal Ball of, (skill tutor)
# All that Glitters - Thepem the Apprentice - Ter Mur - City - 162o51'S 38o31'W - Obtain 5 Congealed Slug Acid, 1 pile of inspected gold ingots - 1 Elixir of Gold Conversion NOTE: Follow on quests
# Tasty Treats - Thepem the Apprentice - Ter Mur - City - 162o51'S 38o31'W - - Tasty Treats NOTE: Follow on quests
# ? - Zosilem the Alchemist - Ter Mur - City - 162o51'S 38o31'W - -
NOTE: Follow on quests
# Into the Void - Agralem the Bladeweaver - Ter Mur - City - 158o17'S 36o29'W - Kill 10 Void Demons - Abyss Reaver (Demon Slayer, throwing, 25 DI +9 throwing)
# Secrets of the Soulforge - Beninort the Artificer - Ter Mur - City - 158o49'S 36o37'W - Obtain 50 Magical Residue - 110 Imbuing Powerscroll
# Knowledge of the Soulforge - Aurvidlem the Artificer - Ter Mur - City - 158o49'S 36o37'W - Obtain 50 Enchanted Essence - 115 Imbuing Powerscroll
# Mastering the Soulforge - Ansikart the Artificer - Ter Mur - City - 158o49'S 36o37'W - Obtain 50 Relic Fragments - 120 Imbuing Powerscroll
# Shearing Knowledge (quest chain) pt 1 - Laifem the Mage - Ter Mur - City - 156o0'S 36o25'W - Pt 1 Obtain 10 Britannian Wool (shear sheep) -
# Shearing Knowledge (quest chain) pt 2 - Dermott the Weaver - Ter Mur - City - 64.57N 106.52E - Pt 2 deliver letter to Vesper Tailor (in town) -
# Shearing Knowledge (quest chain) pt 3 - Laifem the Mage - Ter Mur - City - 156o0'S 36o25'W - Pt 3 deliver book, mastering the art of weaving to Laifem - Access NPC Carpet Inventory
# Rumors Abound - Egwexem the Noble - Ter Mur - City -gates - 165.45 S 33.28 W - Deliver a Writ to Naxatilor -
# The Arisen - Naxatilor the Seer - Ter Mur - SE - 156.47 N 21.56 W - Kill 10 either: gargoyle shades or undead gargs or putrid gargs - Necklace of Diligence (intel bonus 5, mr 1) Mantra = Unorus
# The Slith Wars - Percolem the Hunter - Ter Mur - City - 158.28 S 42.32 W - Slay 20 Sliths - Imbuing Ingredients "Dustys Adventurer's Backpack", Hubert's Hair Raising Adventure (book, collectors edition) NOTE: Follow on quests
# Raporlicious - Percolem the Hunter - Ter Mur - City - 158.28 S 42.32 W - Kill 20 raptors - Dusty Advernturers pack NOTE: Follow on quests
# Boura Boura - Percolem the Hunter - Ter Mur - City - 158.28 S 42.32 W - 20 ruddy 15 lowland - Dusty Advernturers pack NOTE: Follow on quests
# A Broken Vase - Axem the Curator - Ter Mur - City - 157.30 S 46.20 W - Obtain 10 Ancient Pottery Fragments - Meager Museum Bag - 3200 gold, "Book of family", 1 rare gem, 6 normal gems
# Perfect Timing - Sutek the Mage - Great Stygian Abyss - 91.13 N 29.23 W - Obtain Completed Clockwork Assembly : Dbl click assembly, dbl click items to add to it, once finished toggle quest item and hand in. - Mechanical Life Manual
# Puzzle Room - - - - - stalagmites, tapestries, chain legs, plucked chicken, flowstones etc
# Curiosities - Gretchen - Underworld - 43.35 N 15 36 W - collect 3 bone 3 fertile dirt - exploding tar potion
# Missing - Elder Dugan - Underworld - 43.35 N 15 36 W - collect 4 ariel haven writs of membership - Candlewood Torch
# Done in the name of Tinkering - Fiddling Tobin the Tinkerer - Underworld - 43.35 N 15 36 W - collect 5 floor trap components - floor trap kits
# Thieves be afoot - chain Pt1 - Quartermaster Flint - Underworld - 43.35 N 15 36 W - collect 4 barley barrels - flints pungent brew
# Bibliophile - Quartermaster Flint - Underworld - 43.35 N 15 36 W - obtain flints logbook - a keg of flints brew
# Scraping the Bottom - Xenrr - Underworld - 54.14 N 21.30 W - catch 1 mud puppy in the underground river - Xenrr's fishing pole
# Untangling the web - Vernix - Underworld - 57.02 N 21.22 W - kill 12 acid creatures fill jars in SA - Acid Popper
# Green with envy - chain - Vernix - Underworld - 57.02 N 21.22 W - kill Navrey Night Eyes get eye - large bag of trreasure
# Bad Company - Jaacar - Underworld - 51.09 N 8.30 W - kill 10 green goblins - Recipe for Rotworm Stew
# A Tangled Web - Jaacar - Underworld - 51.09 N 8.30 W - kill 12 bloodcreatures (bloodworms, blood elementals) - A bag of treasure
# Something Fishy - barreraak - Underworld - 56.25 N 9.33 W - catch a red herring in underworld river - Barreraak's old beat up ring